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Andrea Acquaviva, Luca Benini, Bruno Riccò

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1 Software-Controlled Processor Speed Setting for Low-Power Streaming Multimedia
Andrea Acquaviva, Luca Benini, Bruno Riccò D.E.I.S. - Università di Bologna

2 Motivation and Basic Idea
Energy consumption in wearable devices affects: battery size, weight, and time system costs and reliability In μ-processor based architectures the CPU is the greatest contributor to energy Such architecture allows software-driven energy optimization Application-driven CPU speed-setting improves energy efficiency through just-in-time computation even with fixed voltage

3 Outline Background Contribution of the work
Speed-Setting & Energy Optimization Clock frequency & Performance Experimental Results Conclusions

4 Background System Level Power optimization
Application – side (workload – adaptive algorithms) Workload information Fast adaptation Operating system level (task scheduling) System information Slow adaptation Both problems have been investigated in various works included in the bibliography of the paper

5 Background (cont’d) Traditional Power optimization techniques
Variable voltage based Workload-dependent voltage scheduling External hardware Discrete frequency range, Vdd Shutdown based Binary version worse adaptation Time and energy during transitions In contrast with previous work, we state that energy can be saved even with fixed voltage memory latency I/O synchronization

6 Contribution of the work
Effectiveness of clock speed setting in multimedia streaming algorithm Automatic run – time processor frequency setting for energy minimization of MP3 decoding Streaming – multimedia workload characterization for speed-setting policies

7 Variable Frequency Energy as a function of frequency
Energy consumption: T is given by: Hence the energy equation can be written as:

8 Variable Frequency (cont’d)
Real time constraint: Nuseful and TMAX fixed, Nidle = Nidle(f) f > fmax The relation between f and the frame rate is not linear

9 Variable frequency (cont’d)
Reduces costs of memory latency Reduces costs of I/O synchronization Discrete frequency range Adaptation mismatch

10 Multimedia Systems Hardware Software
Wireless network, wired link from a host Wearable system: General purpose P (e.g. SoC) I/O HW units (DMA, IC, buffers…) Some external chips (ex. audio CODEC) Software Data processing algorithm MPEG decoding an audio stream P I/O EXT

11 The MPEG3 decoder An MPEG stream is composed by frames
The decoder produces audio samples by processing block of frames. SW and HW buffering allows synchronization among input rate, output rate and elaboration time Each block must be elaborated in a fixed time, during this time the CPU does not access input or output buffers Output data are sent to the audio CODEC by the DMA

12 System characterization
The effect of speed-setting on performance depends on: Hardware characteristics Workload system characterization: FRAME RATE vs FREQUENCY

13 Decision Algorithm: off – line phase
Characteristics determination: FRA, FRB, FRW Overall normalized characteristics determination: FRAo, FRBo, FRWo. NFR(frame/s) FRB FRmax(br, sr) FRA Bit rate 1 FRW 0.9 0.8 0.7 Sample rate 0.6 0.5 0.4 f 100 200 300

14 Decision Algorithm: on-line phase
audio stream br, sr Look-up FR FRmax f

15 Decision Algorithm: on – line phase (cont’d)
FRMAX sr FRREQ fMIN fAVG fMAX fAVG: worst case (large jitter) fMAX: always guaranteed fMIN : best case AVG energy MAX energy MIN energy

16 Energy Penalty Memory system and interface does not speed up like the processor with increasing clock frequency Increasing f increases Energy Penalty

17 Experimental Results E(mJ) Energy penalty E(mJ) f Energy per frame f
11 Energy penalty 10 E(mJ) 9 11 8 f 100 200 300 10 Energy per frame 9 8 f 100 200 300 fMIN

18 Conclusions and future work
Approach ro automatic run-time setting of optimum processor frequency for energy minimization for streaming MP3 System characterization for speed-setting policies Future: other embedded applications (ex. MPEG Video) Closed loop policies

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