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Automated Peritoneal Dialysis Why and How? Advantages and Regimes

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1 Automated Peritoneal Dialysis Why and How? Advantages and Regimes
BALTIC PD SCHOOL Automated Peritoneal Dialysis Why and How? Advantages and Regimes Vladimirs Strazdins, MD University Hospital for Children, Riga, Latvia European Pediatric Dialysis Working Group Riga Latvia

2 What’s The Difference? Quality of Life & Safety
BALTIC PD SCHOOL What’s The Difference? Quality of Life & Safety Drain 15’ Fill 15’ 4-5 times during daytime Connection 15’ Once and nighttime April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

3 What’s The Difference? Efficacy
BALTIC PD SCHOOL What’s The Difference? Efficacy The major difference is in the daily volumes, defined as dialysis dose Inadequate dialysis dose badly affects the outcome1, 2, 3 Traditional CAPD usually means the patient is underdialyzed, since the maximum fill volumes (3 L) are intolerable by most patients, and the number of exchanges is limited 5 is the theoretical maximum Seldom achieved in real life The demand for increased dialysis dose is growing worldwide4, 5 Optimal dose Lower morbidity and mortality Good patient rehabilitation High quality of life Minimum acceptable dose Avoidance of major uremic symptoms Acceptable only as short-term therapy CANUSA PD Study Group. Adequacy of dialysis and nutrition in continuous peritoneal dialysis: Association with clinical outcomes. J Am Soc Nephrol 1996; 7: Blake P, Burkart JM, Churchill DN, et al. Recommended clinical practices for maximizing peritoneal dialysis clearances. Perit Dial Int 1996; 16: Terry M, Villano R, Burkart J, et al. Prospective evaluation of a night exchange system in stable peritoneal dialysis patients. Dialysis & Transplantation 1997; 26:80-9 Perit Dial Int Jun ;27 (Supplement_2):S130-S (P,S,E,B). Advances In The Technology Of Automated, Tidal, And Continuous Flow Peritoneal Dialysis. Roberto Dell'aquila, et al. Rapid Growth in the Use of Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD) in Adult Patients on Peritoneal Dialysis. Daisy Perry, et al. April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

4 Equilibrium point reached!
BALTIC PD SCHOOL APD Demand Growing! dialysis patients worldwide in 20041 11% on PD 30% on APD APD grows by 1-2% each year Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) has seen the biggest growth in PD over the past years.2 This has helped address some of the issues that have forced patients to switch to HD. Automated PD is mainly used by those patients who fail to meet adequacy targets on CAPD, and a smaller percentage receive APD for lifestyle benefits. Guo and Mujais, Kidney International, Vol 64, supp 88 (2003): Patient and technique survival on PD in the US; Evaluation in large incident 2007 Equilibrium point reached! Automated Peritoneal Dialysis: Indications and management, D.Negoi & K.Nolph. Contrib Nephrol Karger, 2006, Vol 150 PD nursing in the United Kingdom — impact of the nurse and U.K. PD trends. Jo Marriott, RN. Peritoneal Dialysis International, Vol. 19, pp April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

5 BALTIC PD SCHOOL History. CAPD Peritoneal dialysis used to be:
CAPD 4 exchanges (bags) x 4 times/day Each bag exchange +/- 30 min = 2 hrs/day = 14 hrs/week (… not much different from CHD) Frequently complicated by peritonitis Less efficient but more ‘even’ than CHD Limited by technique failure Membrane failure of the peritoneum Catheter failure Leaks Infection In the late 1980-s and early 1990-s attempts were made to improve the efficacy of CAPD NXD were introduced by Baxter Cyclers were already available Excellent functionality Too big and clumsy April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

6 Only anuric PD patients with a low-transport membrane included
BALTIC PD SCHOOL History. CAPD + NXD It was generally believed that, to achieve adequacy targets, anuric patients with a low-transport membrane should be treated with CAPD or with CAPD with a night-exchange device. 1, 2 If adequacy targets were not reached, or if the patient could not tolerate the dwell volume necessary to achieve adequacy, it was suggested that the patient should be changed to HD. 3, 4 Cycler+ therapy clearances (Kt/V, CrCl) as relative ratios of the clearances achieved under continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) with a night-exchange device (NXD). 5 Only anuric PD patients with a low-transport membrane included Night exchanges Average increase in (n) Weekly Kt/V Weekly CrCl CAPD / NXD a 2 1,00 Cycler b 5 1,07 0,97 6 1,12 7 1,17 1,02 9 1,24 1,03 a. Exchanges: 3 per day + 2 overnight. b. Exchanges: 2 per day + night cycler therapy at the indicated level. Pagé D. The advantage of an extra nocturnal exchange using a two-bag inexpensive mini cycler. Perit Dial Int 1991; 11:S196. Pagé D. CAPD with a night-exchange device is the only true CAPD. Adv Perit Dial 1998; 14:60–3. Khanna R, Nolph KD. Principles of PD. In: Schrier RW, Henrick WL, Bennett WM, eds. Atlas of Diseases of the Kidney. Vol 5. Amici G. Solute kinetics in automated peritoneal dialysis. Perit Dial Int 1999; 19:115–20. Denis E. Pagé and Vincent Cheung. Role Still Exists for Cycler Therapy in Anuric Patients with a Low-Transport Membrane. April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

Decreasing the dwell time and increasing the number of exchanges delivers a significant improvement in Kt/V in these patients who, up to now, were thought not to be candidates for APD prescription. APD has not significant advantages over CAPD in terms of important clinical outcomes. 1 Though CAPD still accounts for ~50% of all PD patients, automated overnight ‘nocturnal’ peritoneal dialysis (APD) is an increasingly attractive option. Initially used only for patients with particular PD membrane “transport” characteristics, APD is now more a lifestyle choice and is ideal if patients seek … Freedom for work / family / social activities Lower peritonitis rates Better mental health 2, 3 Less hospitalization 4 The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008 Issue 1 Mental health of APD patients was found to be better than that of CAPD patients. Comparison of quality of life of patients on automated and continuous ambulatory PD. De Wit,Merkus MP,Krediet RT, de Charro FT, PDI 2001 May-Jun;21(3):306-12 APD patients were less anxious and depressed than CAPD patients. APD Symposium: APD and the elderly. P.Kadambi, N.Gorban-Brennan, A.S.Kliger, F.O.Finkelstein. Semin Dial, Vol 15, Issue 6, 430, November 2002 Factor Days CrCl (l/wk) >80 14,4 60-80 17,9 <60 27,8 Kt/V >2,1 18,1 1,7-2,1 18,7 <1,7 25,8 4. CANUSA Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group, 1996 April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

8 BALTIC PD SCHOOL Why APD? Summary Reasons: Patient preference 1
Cyclers today are simpler and lighter Personalized dialysis prescriptions More elderly patients (Assisted APD) 2, 3 Remote monitoring with teledialysis Increased clearances 4 A prescription that is compatible with the patient’s preferences and lifestyle is likely to reduce the risk of patient « burnout» and noncompliance. Clinical Practice Guidelines of the Canadian Society of Nephrology for treatments of Patients with CRF. JASN 10: S287-S321, 1999 Use of automated cyclers to treat elderly ESRD patients is effective, well accepted and does not increase the risk of complications or technique failure. J.Povlsen et al, PDI Vol 25, Suppl 3, 2005   Assisted APD may be a feasible and safe option for RRT for frail elderly and physically dependent patients with ESRD. Assisted Automated Peritoneal dialysis (AAPD) for the functionally dependent and elderly patient. J.Povlsen et al, PDI Vol 25, Suppl 3, 2005   Careful management of APD prescription can result in adequate solute and fluid removal in the vast majority of patients even in anuric and large patients. APD: Indications and management: D.Negoi & K.Nolph, Contrib Nephrol, Karger, Basel 2006 Vol 150 April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

9 BALTIC PD SCHOOL Why APD? Survival April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School
Month 24 18 12 6 Proportion Surviving 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 Patient 78% Technique 62% Combined 49% EAPOS: 2-year patient and technique survival are identical to those reported from the NECOSAD study (HD and PD). Brown, et al. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2003;14: 95 80 70 55 40 CrCl (L/wk/1,73 m2) Est. 2-year survival 86 % 82 % 78 % 72 % 65 % CANUSA Peritoneal Dialysis Study Group, 1996 Variable Relative mortality risk P Kt/V  0,1/week  6% 0.03 ClCr  5 L/week  7% April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

10 Current Recommendations. Targets 1
BALTIC PD SCHOOL Current Recommendations. Targets 1 > 90 Latvia (Pediatric) > 3,0 > France (Pediatric) > 4,0 Desirable CrCl 70 L/week 60 L/week 50 L/week Kt/V 2,09 1,90 1,70 Acceptable Borderline Use Caution 1. AdHoc committee on PD Adequacy, PDI 1996 April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

11 Dialysis dose. Problems
BALTIC PD SCHOOL Dialysis dose. Problems Can the patient tolerate larger fill volumes? YES “The more the better” NO Medical barriers Hernia Pain Leakage Loss of appetite Breathing difficulties Increased glucose absorption Mental barriers Healthcare staff “I can’t do this to my patients” Patient “I can never do it” Clearance ökar avsevärt med ökad fyllnadsvolym. Det är dock inte ovanligt att man tvekar för att höja volymen. Hindren kan vara medicinska så väl som mentala... där de mentala ofta överväger. En ökning av fyllnads volymen är vanligtvis det effektivaste sättet att öka dialysdosen. 2,5 liter går ofta bra - om det föreligger några hinder som inte går att överbrygga, så kan APD vara en lösning, alternativt kan man i CAPD välja att till att börja med endast öka fyllnads volymen under natten. April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

12 Classic CCPD (APD) + Long Dwell
BALTIC PD SCHOOL APD Regimes (Finally) Classic CAPD CAPD + Long Dwell Classic CCPD (APD) + Long Dwell Tidal APD + Long Dwell Patient-related differences between “classic” and Tidal Less outflow pain Fewer cycler alarms Better quality of life April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

13 Some pediatric details
BALTIC PD SCHOOL Some pediatric details Catheters Surgically implanted Tenckhoff-type “pig-tails” One cuff preferred Extrusion Two sizes only needed 37 (39) cm and 57 cm fit all ages Dialysis dose and fill volumes The “standard” initial dose (daily volume) stays as proposed by Twardovsky decades ago, at 1,75 L/kg/week Everybody is happy No one bothered to revise Should be BSA-based Fill volumes nowadays are BSA-based Further corrections Done monthly Adequest-based April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

14 More pediatric details A, B, C
BALTIC PD SCHOOL More pediatric details A, B, C Dose 1,75 liters/kg/week Later adjustments, where necessary Volumes Currently recommended fill volumes Initial ml/m2 Gradual increase to ml/m2 Maximum ml/m2 1.600 ml/m2 causes pain 1.800 ml/m2 physically impossible Extrapolation to “standard” adults 70 kg x 1,75 liters = 122,5 liters/week = 17,5 liters/day Impossible even with five (!) 3-liter exchanges Are all CAPD adults underdialyzed? A. Guidelines By An Ad Hoc European Committee On Adequacy Of The Paediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Prescription. Michel Fischbach, Constantinos J. Stefanidis And Alan R. Watson for the EPDWG. Nephrol Dial Transplant (2002) 17: B. Renal Replacement Therapy For Acute Renal Failure In Children: European Guidelines. Vladimirs Strazdins, Alan R. Watson, Ben Harvey for the EPDWG. Pediatr Nephrol (2004) 19:199–207 C. Guidelines By An Ad Hoc European Committee For Elective Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis In Pediatric Patients. Alan R. Watson and Claire Gartland, on behalf of the EPDWG. Perit Dial Int 2001; 21: April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

15 BALTIC PD SCHOOL Remarks Efficacy speculations
High-dose Tidal is similar to CAPD in single-cycle kinetics Due to cycle overlapping, efficacy seem to increase CFPD concept is Tidal-based Shorter cycles provide better small molecule clearances Some bigger molecules are less cleared APD vs CAPD risks Almost none, except few hyponatremia reports in infants Easily cured by bigger fill volumes, making the cycles longer Future technologies Continuous Flow (CFPD or CFAPD) Classic Requires huge amounts of dialysate = too costly Online Requires sophisticated machinery Recycling April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

16 BALTIC PD SCHOOL Conclusions
The crucial PD issue is the dialysis dose (daily volume) delivered Adequacy targets are constantly rising throughout the world CAPD is incapable to ensure the adequacy due to medical and mental barriers This makes the APD the growing and currently already leading PD modality both in USA and EU Prediction: complete CAPD elimination in 5-10 years Two main APD regimes are used: CCPD More discomfort and more frequent cycler alarms Tidal Less discomfort and most alarms are avoided Daytime long dwell nowadays is a standard feature in APD Modern APD ensure acceptable efficacy and survival even in elderly and anuric patients The only limiting factor in CAPD vs. APD “competition” is higher APD cost, related to cycler price1 PD nursing in the United Kingdom — impact of the nurse and U.K. PD trends. Jo Marriott, RN. Peritoneal Dialysis International, Vol. 19, pp April 25, 2008 Baltic PD School

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