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Pathways Charter School Parent Orientation

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1 Pathways Charter School Parent Orientation
September 2017

2 SOLANO STAFF Area Coordinator: Jill Dorsey
Office Manager: Alyssa Payne Librarian: Sharon Payne HS English Instructor & IST: Stephen Fowler HS English Instructor & IST: Sarah Amador HS Math Instructor: John Dillow MS English Instructor & IST: Sarah-Ann Hall MS Math Instructor & IST: Susan Hall MS Science Instructor & IST: Cindy Tjeerdema ELL support & IST: Melissa Solomon HS Guidance Counselor: Naomi Yedlosky

3 Agenda Welcome back! Fall Reminders
Student Accountability: What does that mean? Parent Involvement: What does that look like? Assessment at Pathways Charter School Google Classroom: What is it? Student Safety Parent Reflection activity

4 FALL REMINDERS November 21-23rd No site classes (during week before Thanksgiving break) December 25-January 5th Winter Break January 29-February 2nd: No site classes (Interim between semesters) Students still have to complete daily work during this week. January 30th and 31st: 9:30am-12 STEM fair (assigned in November with weekly assignments) January 30th and 31st: 1:30-3:30pm End of course exams (HS Math, Science, and History)

5 Daily Engagement Chart (All students need to schedule at least 6 hours per day to complete daily assignments Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday MS site classes 9am-3pm PM: Parent reviews student planner and checks All daily homework Complete all Language Arts & Math assignments to prepare for classes tomorrow. Complete Science and History assignments Complete Language Arts & Math Daily assignments Complete Science and History daily assignments Review weekly assignments. Make sure all Language Arts, Math, History and Science assignments are completed

6 Student Accountability: School is their job!
Does your child have the necessary tools for success? Time Management Organizational skills Effective Communication Self-advocacy Ability to be Proactive Perseverance Effective Communication Self-advocacy Being ProactiveEffective Communication Being ProactiveSelf-advocacy Being Proactive

7 Perseverance is.. Staying consistent in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

8 Online curriculum: questions to consider
Can they login to the curriculum? Do they know how to navigate? Do they know how to submit assignments? Are they actively engaged or just logged in? Are you frequently checking for understanding?

9 Parent Involvement-What does that look like?
Daily Structure Clear Expectations Daily Instruction Checking for understanding

10 Assessment at Pathways Charter School
Renaissance Learning 3-11th graders Diagnostic Tracks academic progress Reports Smarter Balance Assessment State Mandated testing Online test Proctored in April 3rd-11th graders Language Arts and Math

11 GOOGLE CLASSROOM: What is it?
This is a google app that provides teachers an online platform to communicate with students, post assignments, and allows students can upload assignments and turn them into their instructor. All students are given access to the Google classrooms via invitations sent to their Pathways account. Some class instructors also give a brief discussion of what was done in the classroom and what is due for homework. This is where teachers post assignments and where students will be uploading assignments. Parents that have s on file will be given access to view the Google classroom.

12 Student Safety Emergency Drills are conducted monthly. Throughout the school year we will run (Fire, Earthquake, and a Lockdown drills) Student Behavior Expectations Solano regional site is a closed campus

13 ARRIVAL and DEPARTURES: no more than 10 minutes before/after class
CLOSED CAMPUS: Must stay on campus BE RESPECTFUL: To staff, students and property. EATING: At breaks and lunch. CELL PHONES: Determined by teacher.

14 Bullying and Cyberbullying
Student Safety Bullying and Cyberbullying “Cyber Bullying” is defined as a tormenting, threatening, harassing, or embarrassing another person using the internet or other technologies The psychological and emotional outcomes of cyber bullying are similar to those of traditional bullying. However, traditional bullying often ends at the end of the school day when the student leaves campus whereas cyber bullying continues. Need resources visit Want more facts about cyber bullying visit

15 Student Safety Suicide Prevention (Question- Persuade-Refer)
North Bay Suicide Prevention hotline: QPR institute National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/

16 Suicide Prevention: Things to consider
Suicidal thoughts are not uncommon. Warning signs: verbal, written, or behavioral. Depression, severe anxiety, alcohol or drug use, mental illness, trauma and bullying are some of the main triggers that can lead an individual to feel suicidal. When in doubt, act! Reach out! Don’t wait!

17 For 24/7 crisis services, please call the solano crisis unit: 707-428-1311
For 24 hour suicide prevention, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-TALK (8255)

18 Parent Reflection Activity
Questions to think about: What stood out to you about this information? What ideas did you take away and try? How did it work out? What questions or concerns do you still have?

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