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Warm Springs Middle School 7th grade Language Arts and Science

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1 Warm Springs Middle School 7th grade Language Arts and Science
Mr. Rodriguez

2 Classroom Behavior I expect that the students:
come prepared (paper, pencils, pens, notebooks, silent reading book) to participate in class lessons/discussions and pay attention! be organized: student work should be neat and done according to the directions. Do their own work.

3 Grading Policies Absent Work: Students have the number of days absent to make up assignments. It is the students’ responsibility to get his/her make-up work! Please contact me regarding absences. Late work will be accepted but possibly penalized 10% for each day it is late.

4 Reading Homework Students will be required to read for homework
An average of 50 pages per week or about 7 pages per day. This should average to two grade level AR tests per month or one book every 2 weeks. At the end of December they should have 6 books read.

5 Writing Summary of Reading Response to Literature Expository Writing

6 Science Ch 1 Studying life Ch 2 Living Things
Ch 5 Cell Structure and Function Ch 6 Cell Processes Ch 7 The Microscopic World Ch 11 Evolution –Just know it. You don’t have to buy it. Ch 12 Earth History Ch 15 Animals

7 Lab Marble Launcher Brine shrimp Cow Eye Frogs Microscope
Classroom participation is part of lab

8 Contact Me Email is the easiest way to contact me
Webpage my address is posted Call and leave a message (951) x8102

9 Grades Online ABI is an on-line service that allows you to see your child’s grades, performance, and homework assignments at any time. Grades are updated daily/weekly.

10 Please contact me with any questions and/or concerns at any time
Please contact me with any questions and/or concerns at any time. phone: (951) X8102


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