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2017 IT Summit Planning CIO Council Update

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1 2017 IT Summit Planning CIO Council Update
December 19, 2016 Monday 12:30 – 1:30 pm Smith 561

2 Agenda Date and Keynotes Key Dates Planning Workstreams Agenda for the Day Next Steps

3 Date and Keynotes Date: Thursday, June 8, 2017 Keynotes: Michael Sandel (TENTATIVE) Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government, FAS edX “Justice” course the first freely available online Harvard course Karim Lakhani Professor of Business Administration, HBS Co-founder of the Harvard Business School Digital Initiative

4 Key Dates Timing Activity Notes Jan 2 Summit website goes live
Pending Trademark review Jan 17 Call for presentations Message goes to all IT staff and targeted depts. (CS, Berkman, etc.) Need list of faculty to engage Mar 3 Presentation proposal deadline Mar 5 Finalize giveaway item Should be useful, visible Mar 6 – 31 Proposal review period New committee for this year Send delegates if you’d like a rep from your school Apr 3 CIO Council finalizes presentation list Will invite program advisory committee CDE also attends this meeting Apr 17 Summit registration opens Jun 6 Early registration closes Jun 8 7th Annual IT Summit

5 Two Planning Work Streams: Content and Logistics
Responsible for: Outreach to faculty and targeted groups to solicit proposals Reviewing proposals and developing recommendations for breakout sessions Brainstorming/developing other ideas for content (e.g., video, handouts, other assets) Proofreading program Booking venues and breakout spaces Managing A/V for plenary and breakouts Ordering catering/refreshments Distributing promotional materials Developing “giveaway” ideas Finalizing floor plans Finalizing staffing plan for Memorial Hall and breakout locations

6 Content Planning Work Stream: Program Advisory Committee
Membership: Call for Presentations period will be: Jan 17 – Mar 3 Committee will meet approx. 4 times: January: Establish “ideal session list;” tracks, concentrations, faculty to contact, etc. March: Review and develop recommendations for final list of concurrent sessions (anticipate 2 sessions) April: Review recommended list with CIO Council List will be ready for CIO Council approval at April 3 meeting (to be scheduled as joint meeting with CDE) Beth Clark HBS Mark Hagen GSD Praneeth Machettira HMS Susan Worst HDS Anthony Moulen Library

Agenda for the Day JUNE 8, 2017– MEMORIAL HALL/SANDERS THEATRE 8:30-9:30am Registration and Morning Refreshments 9:30-11:00am Morning Plenary Welcome Keynote [CIO COUNCIL CONTENT] 11:25am-3:15pm Breakout Sessions Concurrent Session 1 Lunch and Networking Concurrent Session 2 Concurrent Session 3 3:30-4:30pm Afternoon Plenary Thank You Video Concluding Remarks 4:30-5:30pm Reception

8 Agenda for the Day – CIO Council Content
Past years: Video Panel IT Academy This year: what would we like? Should not interrupt momentum of the morning Should be a centerpiece/theme for the Summit

9 Next Steps Send Maggie names of faculty to contact for concurrent sessions Consider CIO Council’s portion of the morning plenary Send Maggie names for the Program Advisory Committee if you haven’t yet

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