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Solutions – Level II Training Session 5: Shaping Conversations

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1 Solutions – Level II Training Session 5: Shaping Conversations

2 What has inspired you in the last few days?
Ask for a volunteer. Track who does leads this discussion so everyone has a turn. Use this question to set a tone for the group.

3 Facilitate a group discussion:
If you chose videos, what did you watch? What did you learn, relearn or be surprised by? If you read the Tell Me More, what caught your eye? What did you discover in doing the exercise about a difficult client? What session topic did you decide to do? What did you find interesting as you got into this session topic materials? Ask for another volunteer. Ask this person to lead a discussion using these questions to prompt discussion. Encourage them to ask the questions listed. This is the main review of concepts, so be prepared to help with this conversation. Permit 20 minutes for the first two slides and then another 10 minutes for debriefing. Keep your eye on FLF!

4 Goals are to shape conversations so they:
Have a productive flow and focus Lead to greater clarity of values and goals Members invest in their plans to change Great groups (and group sessions) don’t just happen

5 Shaping group conversations – Basic skills
Eliciting discussion Establishing, developing and holding focus Changing focus

6 Shaping group conversations – Advanced skills
Change the Momentum Change the Breadth Change the Depth

7 Shaping group conversations – Advanced skills
Change the Momentum: Accelerating Tools Open questions about change; continuing the paragraph reflections; affirmations; group brainstorming Decelerating Tools Suggesting a slowing down; exploring related, secondary theme; use an exercise – work in small groups; linking reflections; exploring potential obstacles to change and back-up plans When? Accelerating: After initial exploration, focus on the past or failure to link ideas to choices Decelerating: Skipping over difficult subjects, overconfidence Exercise: Pairs or threes (have two counselors or observer and counselor) Talker – Most recent vacation or a memorable one Counselor – work to accelerate and decelerate the conversation Allow go for 5 to 6 minutes Debrief in small groups Debrief as a large group DO NOT SWITCH ROLES

8 Shaping group conversations – Advanced skills
Change the Breadth: Broadening Tools Linking summaries; open questions; use imagery, analogies or metaphors; elicit-provide-elicit Narrowing Tools Targeted open questions; closed questions; selective reflections When? Broadening: too focused on details, limited perspective, mandated referral Narrowing: multifaceted issue, vague talk about issues, principles or values discussion not linked to change Exercise: Pairs or threes (have two counselors or observer and counselor) Talker – Health behavior change would like, but have not yet made or use the vacation question again Counselor – work to accelerate and decelerate the conversation Allow go for 5 minutes Debrief in small groups Debrief as a large group DO NOT SWITCH ROLES

9 Shaping group conversations – Advanced skills
Change the Depth: Deepening Tools Affective reflections; value reflections; affirmations Lightening Tools Closing summary; shifting focus; linking reflections; using humor (appropriately) When? Deepening: ready to share more, too focused on surface, lack emotional attachment, stuck in ambivalence Lightening: closing session or ending group, mood becomes too heavy or intense, conflict emerges

10 Tips What’s the difference between facilitate and control in a Solutions group? How do you manage it when the Take Away or other assignments aren’t done? How do you close sessions well? Here are some additional thoughts for closing sessions well: Leave enough time Use the group to identify take homes Indicate whether things are done or will be picked up next time Ensure sensitive areas have been closed up Provide Take Away tasks

11 Traps One person dominates, including the facilitator
Getting caught in conversation content Not using the images or the outline Adhering tightly to the Session Topic

12 Practicing Skills Session Topic: Volunteer (or draw names) Debrief:
Three to five minutes Open the Session Topic, after checking in Use OARS Debrief: 2 minutes What drew you in as a participant or facilitator? Actionable feedback? What went well? Repeat as time permits

13 Building Motivational Interviewing Skills Practice Activity
Video: Preparation/Global Training/General Treatment Issues/Lessons Learned Building Motivational Interviewing Skills Chapter 6. Managing Resistance, pp 137 – 152 Practice Activity Exercise 6.1, 6.2 or 6.3 Tapes submitted by next time! Posttest…

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