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The Crowning of King Arthur

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1 The Crowning of King Arthur
Arthurian Legend The Crowning of King Arthur from Le Morte d’Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory

2 What is a Legend? A legend is a story told about extraordinary deeds that has been told and retold for generations among a group of people. Legends are often about a particular person Legends are thought to have a historical basis, but may also contain elements of magic and myth Myths: stories that a particular culture believes to be true, using the supernatural to interpret natural events & to explain the nature of the universe and humanity

3 What is a Romance? A romance is an imaginative story concerned with noble heroes, chivalric codes of honor, passionate love, daring deeds, & supernatural events. In the Middle Ages in Europe, wandering storytellers would retell adventurous tales of knights and other noble heroes. These became known as romances, which, over time, moved from the oral tradition into written versions. Writers of romances tend to idealize their heroes as well as the eras in which the heroes live.

4 Romances cont’d… Romances typically include these motifs: adventure, quests, wicked adversaries, & magic. Motif: an idea, object, place, or statement that appears frequently throughout a piece of writing, which helps contribute to the work’s overall theme Romance hero – a knight of superhuman strength, intelligence, and virtue who follows the code of chivalry.

5 Romances cont’d… Exotic Setting: Romances are set in imaginary kingdoms with great castles, enchanted lakes, and forest populated with giants and monsters. Supernatural elements: sorcerers and magic spells, giants and dragons, mysterious evil forces and foreknowledge of future events---such elements all play a part in romances. Hidden identities: In a romance, others are often unaware of a character’s true identity. The truth is usually revealed at the climax of the tale.

6 Medieval Romance Medieval romances, such as Le Morte d’Arthur, are stories of kings, knights, and ladies, who are motivated by love, religious faith, or simply a desire for adventure. Medieval romances are lighthearted in tone and loose in structure, containing many episodes; characters simply go from one adventure to the next. Usually the main character has a series of adventures while on a quest to accomplish a goal. He must overcome many obstacles on this quest. Le Morte d’Arthur recounts the heroic deeds of noble knights and celebrates the chivalric code of honor.

7 Chivalry is not dead! Chivalry is a code of behavior that medieval knights followed. It is usually associated with ideals of knightly virtues, honor and courtly love. The terms chivalry and chivalrous are used to describe courteous [polite] behavior, especially that of men towards women.

8 Code of Chivalry The chivalric code stressed, among other things, loyalty to the king, courage, personal honor, and defending those who could not defend themselves. The Code: Honor Courage Generosity Modesty Honesty Faith in God Loyalty Civility Compassion

To never do outrage nor murder Always to flee treason To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succor (to go to the aid of one in distress; to help) To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods To never lay down arms To seek after wonders

When called upon, defend the rights of the weak with all one's strength To injure no one Not to attack one another To fight for the safety of one's country To give one's life for one's country To seek nothing before honor Never to break faith for any reason To practice religion most diligently To grant hospitality to anyone, each according to his ability Whether in honor or disgrace, to make a report with the greatest fidelity to truth to those who keep the annals

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