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Faculty Assembly September 25,2017

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1 Faculty Assembly September 25,2017
O-TEAM PILOT UPDATE Faculty Assembly September 25,2017

2 Brief History RAAP (Review of Academic Advising Programs) committee submitted pilot proposal to Interim Provost Roettger and President Stanley in Fall 2-year pilot approved in Spring 2017 Hired Kayle Light-Curtin as Professional Advisor in April , 2017 with a May start date RAAP morphed into O-TEAM (Oswego Team for Effective Advisement and Mentoring)

3 O-TEAM TENETS Each student in the pilot is a member of the O-TEAM along with the professional advisor, faculty mentor, career services coach, librarian, residence hall director and financial aid/student accounts contact. This team is identified and communicated to the students in the pilot during summer 1 professional advisor for all 4 (+) years of college to maintain consistency and build relationships Professional advisor assists students with registration, course selection, connecting with appropriate offices across campus. Serves as “Banner” advisor Faculty are discipline experts and serve as mentors, giving students in depth information about opportunities related to the student’s major


5 Majors in the pilot Art – Graphic Design BA and BFA – Richard Metzgar
Art – Studio Art BA and BFA – Cara Thompson Communication and Social Interaction – Christine Hirsch Creative Writing – Donna Stiener Electrical and Computer Engineering – Mario Bkassiny, Sunguen Kim Physics – Shashi Kanbur Public Justice – Jaclyn Schildkraut Public Relations – Christine Hirsch

6 Implementation Committee
Adrienne McCormick and Julie Pretzat, co-chairs Mehran Nojan, Institutional Research, RAAP co-chair Doug Pippin, Anthropology, RAAP co-chair Jerry Howland, Dean of Students Joey Tse, EOP director Wayne Westervelt, Communications and Marketing Michelle Bandla, Coordinator of First Year Programs Karen Wolford, Psychology Sandra Kyle, Professional advisor SOE Lisa Brancato, Professional advisor Biology

7 Summer 2017 Accomplishments
Training sessions and meetings with faculty mentors, Career Services reps, Library liaisons, Residence Life and Housing, EOP Additional meetings with Health Center, Experiential Learning, International Studies, OLS, DSS, Compass Major maps created for all 8 majors Academic course plans completed in DegreeWorks for all majors Communication Plan for the pilot in place and implemented Assessment instruments for point-of-contact, professional advisor and mentoring sessions created

8 Summer ‘17 Accomplishments continued
Advisement Community shell created in Blackboard Advisement website updated with information about the pilot Resource guide for faculty mentors created Professional Advisor Curtin assisted in course pre-registration for Physics and ECE majors Michelle Bandla, and Associate Deans Knapp and Tomascak presented information about the pilot at Orientation Professional Advisor Curtin followed up with s to all students in pilot after orientation and has been actively engaged with some of the students in making course and major changes

9 Plan SCHEDULE Professional Advisor Curtin met with all pilot students on opening Friday (August 25) PA Curtin will meet with pilot students on an as-needed basis in addition to 2 scheduled meetings each semester Faculty mentors held required “Academic Meet and Greet” session during the beginning of September Career Services will organize and present a required “Career and Co- curricular Opportunities in your major” session in Spring 2018 Faculty mentors will be available on an as-needed basis for in depth major questions Ongoing assessment of pilot program (advisor, mentors, students satisfaction and success) Intern assigned to PA.

10 Adjustments moving forward
Exploring different methods to get students to complete assessments Due to low turn out of students at Academic Meet & Greet – changing dates to be within first week of classes Would allow students to adjust schedule if necessary Students more likely to attend

11 Assessment data as of 9/20/17




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