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The Simulation of Traffic Patterns and Optimizing Traffic Lights

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Presentation on theme: "The Simulation of Traffic Patterns and Optimizing Traffic Lights"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Simulation of Traffic Patterns and Optimizing Traffic Lights
by Gregg Tabot

2 What are traffic lights?
What is traffic? The movement of motorized vehicles, unmotorized vehicles and pedestrians on roads. What are traffic lights? A signaling device positioned at a road intersection or pedestrian crossing to indicate when it is safe to drive, ride or walk

3 My Basic Simulation Two road intersection Two laned roads
No turning lanes Motorized vehicles only (no pedestrians)

4 Three Methods of Traffic Lights Optimization
Manual Method Timed Method Frequency Formula Method

5 Manual Method Make sure that the auto_switch? option is Off
Press the East-West Switch button and the traffic lights for the cars moving east or west switch from red to green or vice versa Similar function with the North-South Switch button

6 Manual Method

7 Manual Method Based solely on user input
If the user presses switch, the lights switch

8 Manual Method Advantages Good for situational traffic Disadvantages
Back up the entire system Human error It’s manual!

9 Timed Method Make sure that the auto-switch? option is On
Make sure that the formula? option is Off Set the amount of time a switch stays green by adjusting the light_timer slider (measured in units)

10 Timed Method

11 Timed Method Compares the amount of time a light has been green with the light timer option set If the amount of time a light has been green is greater than or equal to the light timer option the lights switch

12 Timed Method Advantages Not manual Disadvantages
Doesn’t account for busier roads If there’s only one car, it may have to wait a long time

13 Frequency Formula Method
Make sure that the auto-switch? option is On Make sure that the formula? option is On Adjust the max_wait slider (measured in different units)

14 Frequency Formula Method

15 Frequency Formula Method
Compares flowing traffic frequency multiplied by a timer with the stopped traffic frequency multiplied by the quantity of the timer subtracted from maximum wait time. If the first quantity is greater than or equal to the second quantity the light switches.

16 Frequency Formula Method
Advantages Good for situational traffic Takes into account heavily trafficated roads Keeps traffic flowing Disadvantages Could take a while if you were on a less populated road

17 Bugs/Errors/Fixes for Later
Sometimes the program will display an error randomly before beginning Cars do not slow to a stop, they just instantaneously stop There is no wait time in between traffic light switches Car crashes are not yet implemented

18 The End

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