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Environment-Poverty linkages in West Africa: Household dependence on renewable natural resources in Central Burkina Faso By Mariève Pouliot.

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Presentation on theme: "Environment-Poverty linkages in West Africa: Household dependence on renewable natural resources in Central Burkina Faso By Mariève Pouliot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environment-Poverty linkages in West Africa: Household dependence on renewable natural resources in Central Burkina Faso By Mariève Pouliot

2 Objective “To estimate the contribution of renewable natural resources to rural household income in central Burkina Faso”

3 Study area

4 Study area Semi-arid tropical climate
Mostly open/fragmented dry forests with parklands and savannah in between National park Kaboré-Tambi Strategy of pure conservation (no access rights for population) Forest products harvested illegally 9 villages / 323 households sampled National Park 155,000 ha


6 Basic income statistics
Study Area National average Average income per adjusted adult equivalent (USD) 280 3001 (2003) Share of population below 1,25$/day 86.5% 56.5%2 (2009) Gini 38.8 39.62 (2009) 1 Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie du Burkina Faso, 2003 2 UNDP Human Development Report 2009

7 Mean income shares by source
Red ”X” and numbers show the effect of forest and env incomes on gini coefficient

8 Forest and environmental incomes
B BC C Stat significance of env dependency

9 Forest and environmental products

10 Seasonal variation

11 Conclusions Forest and other environmental income = 26%
Poorer households are significantly more dependent on environment than richer households Fuelwood, shea, fodder and thatching grasses most important products Account for 70% of all forest and other env income Little seasonal variation in environmental income Important source of cash during lean period (gap filling)

12 Acknowledgments

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