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Chapter 20 Review The Great Depression and the New Deal

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1 Chapter 20 Review The Great Depression and the New Deal

2 What is a stock? A share of ownership of a corporation

3 The US stock market crash of 1929 is know as what?
Black Tuesday

4 Who was president when the crash of 1929 happened?
Herbert Hoover

5 About how long did the Great Depression last?
About years

6 What was it about the roaring economy in the late 1920’s that made some people nervous about the economic future? The fact that so many people lived in poverty

7 The global economic downturn which started with the stock market crash of 1929 is known as what?
The Great Depression

8 Who was the NC Governor in 1929?
O Max Gardner

9 In North Carolina, the Live at Home program was designed to promote what?
Farmers growing food instead of cash crops like cotton and tobacco

10 Who is the only three term president in the history of the US?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

11 What is a Bull Market? A strongly increasing trend in the stock market

12 What was Franklin Roosevelt’s wife’s name?
Eleanor Roosevelt

13 During Roosevelt’s first presidential term, he called for a special session of congress that lasted several months and saw sweeping legislation. What did that time become known as? The hundred days

14 Roosevelt’s governmental programs to help alleviate the effects of the Great Depression were collectively known as what? The New Deal

15 A new law which provided all workers a governmental retirement program was called what?
Social Security Act

16 Relief, recovery, reform
What were the “three Rs” of Roosevelt’s first hundred days legislative focus? Relief, recovery, reform

17 What was NC Senator Josiah Bailey’s primary concern about New Deal Reforms?
That the government would be too involved in people’s lives. He thought it was the first step towards socialism

18 President Hoover believed the federal government should spend money to help the victims of the Great Depression but did not think the government should do what? Give people money directly

19 What was the CCC? Civilian Conservation Corps

20 Works Progress Administration
What was the WPA? Works Progress Administration

21 What was the original name of the Hoover Dam??
Boulder Dam

22 On what river is the Hoover Dam located?
The Colorado River

23 At the height of the Great Depression in the mid 1930’s about what percent of the working population of the US was unemployed? About 25%

24 What major world event brought an end to the Great Depression?
World War II

25 Franklin Roosevelt spoke to the citizens of the US during the Great Depression through weekly radio addresses known as what? Fireside chats

26 In his first inaugural address, Franklin Roosevelt famously said (about the Great Depression), “The only thing we have to fear, is ______________? Fear itself

27 O Max Gardner was able to secure passage of what NC law which allowed the state to help support the credit of counties and towns? Local Government Act

28 The Agricultural Adjustment Act in NC did what?
Required farmers to grow fewer of some crops

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