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The Great Depression in British Farming

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Depression in British Farming"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Depression in British Farming

2 There were 7 reasons for the Great Depression, mostly to do with foreign competition :
Cheap lamb was imported into Britain from Australia and New Zealand.

3 Cheap beef was imported into Britain from Argentina and the U.S.A.

4 Cheap wheat was being imported into Britain from the U. S. A
Cheap wheat was being imported into Britain from the U.S.A. and Canada.

5 Food could now be canned and canned food was being imported into Britain from all over the world.

6 New refrigeration technology meant that food could be imported on refrigerated ships, which kept it fresh.

7 Railways and steamships could bring food to Britain quickly.

8 Also there were problems at home:
Bad weather led to a series of poor harvests in the 1870s.

9 All of this meant….. That British farmers could not compete with all of the cheap imports. They had to lower their prices and therefore made less profit.

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