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Kingswood – Grosvenor Hall

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1 Kingswood – Grosvenor Hall
Year 6 Residential 2017 Kingswood – Grosvenor Hall Ashford

2 Key aims Resilience Adventure Team building Challenge Risk-taking
Learning a skill

3 Grosvenor Hall Kingswood Centre
Grosvenor Hall, Ashford, TN25 4AJ Tel:

4 Facilities First aid centre Water stations En-suite accommodation
Dining hall with servery and self-serve Hall, playground and field space Outdoor high and low adventurous equipment Indoor climbing wall Sports hall Fencing studio First aid centre Water stations

5 Rooms Rooms of up to 8 Bunk beds En-suite facilities (showers)
Rooms locked during the day Children to shower daily Drying room for wet clothes Children have made requests for room mates - these are at teachers’ discretion Bedding included – children make/strip beds

6 Activities Activity groups of up to 15 Mixed across classes
6 activities during the day One evening activity All run by Kingswood staff with supporting adults Encourage all pupils to participate and push their own limits

7 Activities Indoor climbing Fencing Problem solving Abseiling
High equilibrium Aerial runway Bushcraft shelter

8 What to pack Clothing (please name!) Lightweight waterproof jacket
3 pairs comfortable trousers Several long-sleeved tops Short-sleeved tops (no sleeveless) 2 warm jumpers/fleeces/cardigans Pyjamas Slippers At least 2 pairs of trainers that can get muddy Sun hat Underwear (including emergency pairs!) Several pairs of socks

9 What to pack Other items Small ‘day bag’ Sun cream
Washing gear: – bath towel - soap/shower gel/shampoo - toothbrush and toothpaste - deodorant (roll on only – no aerosols) - flannel/shower cap Hair ties Hairbrush Named water bottle Black sack for dirty/wet clothing Named digital/disposable camera Book/magazine/playing cards/favourite teddy for ‘down time’ Glasses/sunglasses

10 What to pack Spending money Named wallet Up to £5 in change
Collected in upon arrival at school (so have handy) Kept securely locked away during stay Distributed upon visit to shop Souvenirs and drinks/sweets available

11 What not to pack Electronic items including mobile phones/handheld consoles Valuable items/jewellery Hairdryers Jeans Straighteners Aerosols Hair gel Sweets/chocolates/extra ‘treats’ Makeup Talcum powder Note - All property that is brought including cameras/watches are brought at owner’s risk. Kingswood are not able to accept responsibility for loss.

12 Medication Accompanying adults will store medicines for administration
Asthma pumps can be carried on children in their day bags – please make us aware on the medical form and provide us with an extra should you have one Label medicines clearly with child’s name and written instructions including dosage, frequency and timings Hand this in to the office when you bring your child to school on leaving day Ensure you have filled out the permission form with all medical details

13 Arrival at school Arrive normal school time
Suitcases to the pavilion (ensure it is identifiable to your child!) Parents to hand in all medication to the office hatch Pupils to wear own comfortable clothes as activities start same day Bring day bag into school

14 Day Bag On arrival day, pack a small, named rucksack/sports bag with:
– disposable packed lunch - named and filled water bottle sun cream (if necessary) sun hat named digital camera named wallet to be handed in to teachers at the start of the day

15 Arrival at Kingswood Welcome by group leader Bags to bag bay Site tour
Emergency/fire procedures Rooms – make beds First activity

16 Timetable of the day Early breakfast! 2 activities 12.05pm lunch
5.15pm dinner Group activity and evening activity Hot chocolate Lights out!

17 Accompanying adults Miss Higham – group leader Miss Foster Mr Ames
Mr Male Miss Durrant Miss Jobson Miss McCarthy Mr Gurr Adult on ‘duty’ at night

18 Food! Nut-free kitchen Menu on display for children
Breakfast – hot and cold options including self-serve cereal Fruit available to take for the day Lunch – salad bar, wraps, soup, variety of hot options and jacket potatoes Dinner – salad bar, soup, bread rolls, variety of hot options and jacket potatoes Hot chocolate in the evening Cater for all dietary requirements Encourage them to eat

19 Questions?

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