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EDUC 4714 Practicum I February 14, 2017.

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1 EDUC 4714 Practicum I February 14, 2017

2 Winter Practicum Report placement changes right away (e.g., teacher, grade, address) Follow the Overall Expectations outlined for Feb. 20-Mar. 24 Final Report written by AT due on March 24th

3 Practicum Handbook Photo identification – If lost, purchase a new one at Print Plus. Contact your associate teacher – What’s going on in the classroom? Active Observation (p. 9) – Engage, assist, be involved! Practicum Binder (p. 7-8) – Have it with you & keep it organized. Lesson Planning (p. 10) – Full lesson planning is required. Other School Related Responsibilities (p. 10) – Extra-curricular activities, PD days, staff meetings, duty schedule Absence from practicum (p. 6) Snow days (p. 7)

4 Your Faculty Advisor Respond to your FA’s s/phone calls in a timely manner Visits will begin the week of February 27th FAs will expect to see your Practicum Binder & Lesson Plans FA will observe at least one lesson – Plan a lesson that highlights your skills FA will spend time with you afterwards to debrief– arrange for a quiet place to meet Work together to complete your Practicum Goal Setting Form (p. 22, Handbook) Contact your FA immediately if you begin to experience difficulty

5 Practicum Goal Setting
Practicum Goal Setting form – on website and in Practicum Handbook Reflect upon your practicum experience Identify two specific goals for future growth How will you achieve this goal? How will you measure your goal? FA will provide feedback Form must include original signatures – Submit copy at next Practicum Session (keep original)

6 Why Goal Setting?

7 They keep you moving forward!

8 They make the insurmountable  possible!

9 They help you believe in yourself!

10 They hold you accountable when things don’t go as planned!

11 Goals tell you what you truly want!

12 Good Goals versus Bad Goals

13 Ask yourself…

14 Try this… Describe the goal: “planning and implementation of lessons”
Is it S.M.A.R.T.? Why or why not?

15 How about this? Describe the goal: “improve my ability to instruct through targeted questioning techniques” Is it S.M.A.R.T.? Why or why not?

16 How about this? Describe the goal: “improve my timing during the instructional part of the lesson within one week” Is it S.M.A.R.T.? Why or why not?

17 CAUTION! S.M.A.R.T. is great for setting goals, but what about the steps required to reach those goals?

18 And…how will you know if you have attained your goal?

19 Teacher Candidates at Risk
Does Not Meet Expectations (p. 16) Removal from a Placement (p. 16) Determination of Final Grade (p. 17)

20 Practicum II Year Two Schedule – on Blackboard Primary/Junior
Junior/Intermediate Intermediate/Senior Practicum Registration – next class

21 Next Time Friday, April 1st at 9:00 a.m. in B200
Hand in completed Practicum Goal Setting form Debrief with the Associate Dean about your practicum experience Practicum Registration for Practicum II Community Leadership Experience

22 Questions?

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