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Music Events Management

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1 Music Events Management
Week 3 Assignment 1 Prep

2 What are the benefits of putting on a live event?
More Personal A real occasion stands out People enjoy human interaction and face to face conversations They generate a high level of word of mouth response, which is one of the best forms of marketing.

3 The events management industry
Conference and meeting (£18.8 billion) Exhibitions and trade shows (£9.3 billion) Sporting events (£2.3 billion) Music events (£1.4) Incentive travel (£1.2) Festivals and cultural events (£1.1) Outdoor events (£1 billion) Corporate hospitality (£1 billion) The UK event industry is now worth more than £36.1 billion, according to the 2010 Britain for events report

4 What are the essential skills for a would-be Event Manager?
Passion People Skills Communication skills Problem Solving Attention to detail Time Management Resourcefulness Flexibility Efficiency Endurance

5 Organising an event Be SMART Have a brief Know your audience
Manage your team

6 Key Roles and Responsibilities
The Client is your boss! Event Manager Finance Manager Co-ordinator Creative Director Spatial Designer Print Designer Research

7 Cont.. Lighting Catering Sound Technician Ticket Sales Stage Manager
Marketing / Publicity Manager Costume designer Choreographer Roadies Instrument techs

8 Budget Planning Entertainment Lighting, sound, power Furniture
Security Catering Branding / Logo Marketing Staff Admin Costs

9 Expenses Tracker

10 Other Revenue Opportunities



13 The creative brief (to help make sure your event reaches its objective)

14 Sustainable development and events
Go to websites Explore these sites and briefly outline the types of information available on them which might assist an event manager on producing festivals and events that are more sustainable


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