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5. Social Networks 78.

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Presentation on theme: "5. Social Networks 78."— Presentation transcript:

1 5. Social Networks 78

2 Creating Your Social Networks
People Objectives Strategy Technology 79

3 By Integrating Social Media Into Your Business You Can:
Establish a reputation. Build trust. Create an opportunity for you to influence people’s decision. Create an awareness of your brand through appropriate communications about what you do. 80

4 Social Network A social network focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. 80

5 Commoncraft Social Networking Video

6 81

7 Who’s Using It? Largest online business network Web site
More than 175 million users in 200 countries Average age of LinkedIn® member is 41. Users over 45 account for more than 31% of its user base. 82

8 Getting Started The headline needs to attract the eye of the reader
Ask clients to write recommendations Include education, certifications, awards, prior employment, and special skills 83

9 Best Practices Be choosy Make recommendations
Engage in groups and discussions Consider applications 84

10 facebook 87

11 Getting Started 1. Basic Information 2. Profile Picture 3. Education and Work 4. Philosophy 5. Arts and Entertainment 6. Sports 7. Activities and Interests 8. Contact Information WHO: 87

12 90

13 Tempting to fall prey to the “numbers” game
Less is more! WHO: 92

14 Content—What to Share and Not to Share
Avoid blatant commercialism Don’t spam your network Focus on the relationship building WHO: 93

15 Best Practices for Engaging in Conversation
Listen Engage in conversations— Comment, “like things,” poke them, engage in games Establish a reputation Build trust Create an opportunity for you to influence their decision WHO: 94

16 102

17 How It Works Twitter is social network where updates are processed in real time. Twitter asks, “What’s happening?” and users are given 140 characters to respond. WHO: 102

18 Finding People to Follow
Existing friends on Twitter People your friends are following Local people People with common interests People you find funny, interesting, smart, or forward thinking News services or businesses that share information Consider following fellow REALTORS®, your REALTOR® board or association, and NAR WHO:

19 Conversations on Twitter—The Basics
@ mentions: Creates a link to that person’s Twitter profile in your tweet; and Ensures that the person will see the tweet because Twitter notifies that person when he or she is “mentioned.” WHO: 107

20 Conversations on Twitter—The Basics
@ replies: Clicking the “reply” button under a tweet automatically starts your next tweet, addressing whoever sent it. It also will allow you to follow a conversational string. WHO: 109

21 Conversations on Twitter—The Basics
RT (retweet): Sending a RT or retweet is the act of sharing somebody’s tweets with people who follow you. WHO: 110

22 Conversations on Twitter—The Basics
# (hashtag): Hashtags are a way of organizing discussion topics Enjoying the #phillies game #mlb #openingday WHO: 110

23 Twitter Do’s Complete your bio with a link to your blog or Web site Start conversations. Find and connect with local users and/or people Share valuable information. Respond when people send you @ messages or Direct Messages WHO: 111

24 Twitter Don’ts Spam people by sending them messages to follow your links. Use automatic direct messages. Protect your tweets. (Otherwise, how will you meet new people?) Talk only to fellow real estate practitioners. WHO: 111

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