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One size fits all? Not every one learns the same way – we are all individual and what works for one might not for another!!

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Presentation on theme: "One size fits all? Not every one learns the same way – we are all individual and what works for one might not for another!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 One size fits all? Not every one learns the same way – we are all individual and what works for one might not for another!!

2 Top tips for learning success!!
Know your learning style and use your strengths. Concentrate on what you are asked to do. Participate in lessons – think of questions to ask, join in discussions and listen carefully to what is being said! Develop your memory – use mind maps and mnemonics! Get organised to stay in control of your workload. Break large tasks in to smaller more manageable chunks. Learn how to summarise text into key points. Plan and structure your work, coursework or revision. Set yourself realistic targets and set yourself goals. Get plenty of sleep and eat a balanced diet!!

3 It’s not just reading!!! Study skills enable you to become more confident and independent and to solve learning problems. These are transferable skills for any subject and for the future as well. In other words – they are important!!!

4 So if it’s not reading what is it then?
Brainstorm ideas with your groups – what do you think study skills are?

5 Study skills involve … Learning how to become an
effective learner and to manage your own learning. Reminder …… The effective learner Is positive Takes responsibility for their learning Can use support from teachers Will try to improve their learning and achievement

6 Life is like a . Why? How can you make better use of your time?
It is important to have the right balance. If you are on MSN, Facebook, Xbox or watching TV for too long and not working enough this will have a negative impact on school, revision or even in your working life as an adult. Reflection time! Do you get things done when they need to be done? How and why or why not? How can you make better use of your time?

7 A Revision Timetable Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun AM Maths Science
Geog Hist French Work PM Social REAL Tech Early Eve English Late Eve

8 Top tips for Organising, managing time and planning effectively…
OMP!!! Have a proper place to work and concentrate. Keep the balance between work, rest and play! Avoid distractions when working – mobiles, MSN, Facebook etc! Let your friends know when you are studying so they don’t distract you. Allocate set times for studying and stick to it. Break down the work into steps or chunks – a bit at a time. Make a coursework or revision timetable – plan when you are going to study each subject. Set yourself goals within specific time frames e.g. I am going to revise the pro life/pro choice issue over the next 30 mins I can then watch Jeremy Kyle for 10 mins then I will answer an exam question and mark it. I can then check Facebook. Get plenty of sleep and eat a balanced diet!

9 More than just a mind map!!!
Mind mapping is a useful tool that we use in class. Mind maps can be used for so many subjects and so many tasks e.g. you could use a mind map for revision on Lord of the Flies.

10 So what else is there? Africa North America Antartica South America
Acronyms - a useful way of remembering important information or of condensing key facts about a particular topic. E.g. Ana’s pie – the tectonic plates that float on the earth’s mantle. Africa North America Antartica South America Pacific Indo - Australia Eurasia

11 And there's more! 5 Ws and H – who, what, when, where, why and how?
Story boarding – highlight key words to be revised in your notes. Think about links between the words. Then construct a story either in order or randomly that contains all the information you need. ‘Watching’ the story’s events unfold in your heads can also help you remember the information better.

12 And yet more … Instruction cards – use key words in order to provide step by step instructions for someone who has never come across the subject before. You need to be precise (accurate) and concise (not too many words!) – this will show you how much you know on a subject/topic! Keep the cards in a box or secure with treasury tags. Or you could use the cards to write notes on or facts. You can summarise much bigger pieces of information on the cards and can use them as visual reminders using numbers, different writing styles, drawings, lists. Use highlighters or coloured pens. Ask your family or friends to test you on each card. You can read the information aloud and record it, download it to make your own revision podcast!

13 And yet more … Post its – write out key words, key points. Tell yourself the details that go with they words/points. Stick the post its around your room. You can look at them and do some revision when getting dressed in the morning or getting ready for bed. If you’re allowed put them around the house so you can revise as you move around the house.

14 F or A gainst R eligious evidence C conclusion Be the teacher!!
The idea is that we can’t teach something or explain something unless we really understand it ourselves. You would work with friends everyone takes a topic and revises it well using one of strategies shown here. When you have revised the topic you teach it to the others in the group. Question each other to check understanding – you could finish on a quiz for fun. Revision posters Events timelines Mnemonics F or A gainst R eligious evidence C conclusion Make your own revision podcast. Answer exam questions – practice makes perfect!!

15 Drawing and redrawing diagrams
On scrap paper – repetition Learn/cover/draw/check (3 times) Aorta Pulmonary artery Semi lunar valves Pulmonary vein Tricuspid valve Left atrium Left Ventricle wall Bicuspid valve

16 Remember, remember… … a few key points. OMP!!!
Know your learning style. Use it to help you be an effective learner. I can, I will. Take responsibility for your learning. Use support from teachers. Try to improve your learning and achievement – don’t give up! Study skills are more than just a mind map. Developing the skills now means you have them for life!!! OMP!!!

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