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Name Job title Research Councils UK

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1 Name Job title Research Councils UK
RCUK – Excellence with Impact Name Job title Research Councils UK

2 Excellence with impact
RCUK is committed to excellence with impact. This means continuing to invest in the best research, people and infrastructure; whilst aiming to enhance the impact of that funding on society.

3 Excellence with Impact
Our vision is for excellence with impact; the UK to be as renowned for the impact of its research as it is for its excellence This means continuing to invest in the best research, people and infrastructure; whilst aiming to enhance the impact of that funding on society.

4 Excellence with Impact
RCUK describe impact as …. The demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy by: Fostering global economic performance, and specifically the economic competitiveness of the UK Increasing the effectiveness of public services and policy Enhancing quality of life, health and creative output RCUK impact description

5 Accountability Quality Maximising benefits Reputation
Why does impact matter? Accountability Quality Maximising benefits Reputation Research Councils investments have always had a huge impact on society and the economy, and this aspect of our role is part of our royal charters. We believe impact matters because… spending public money means demonstrating the benefits of that investment to society = Accountability research can be improved by engagement with a broad range of potential beneficiaries = Quality shortening the time to benefits, and increasing the impact we know our investments have = Maximising benefits enhance UK attractiveness for research and innovation investment = Reputation

6 Joint Statement with HEFCE & UUK
“We are committed to working together to continue embedding throughout the research base a culture in which excellent research departments consistently engage with business, the public sector and civil society organisations, and are committed to carrying new ideas through to beneficial outcomes, across the full range of their academic activity.” Quote taken from the joint statement issued 2011. Research Councils recognise the importance of being aligned with other key stakeholders and in 2011, Research Councils UK (RCUK), the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and Universities UK (UUK) issued a joint statement on impact that recognises the range of benefits that come from excellent research and states a commitment to continue working together to build on that excellence. RCUK, HEFCE and UUK have for a long time worked in partnership to support and promote the excellent research and individuals in UK universities. This statement confirms that partnership and sets out clearly how this will be maintained and developed in the future. Specifically the three signatories say: “We are committed to working together to continue embedding throughout the research base a culture in which excellent research departments consistently engage with business, the public sector and civil society organisations, and are committed to carrying new ideas through to beneficial outcomes, across the full range of their academic activity.”

7 RCUK Statement of Expectations
The Research Councils give their funding recipients considerable flexibility and autonomy in the delivery of their research, postgraduate training and knowledge transfer activities. In return, there are certain expectations in which they expect those in receipt of funding to demonstrate. These are set out under RCUK Statement of Expectations - The Research Councils give their funding recipients considerable flexibility and autonomy in the delivery of their research, postgraduate training and knowledge transfer activities. This flexibility and autonomy encompasses project definition, management, collaboration, participation, promotion and the dissemination of research outputs; this approach enables excellence with impact. In return, there are certain expectations in which they expect those in receipt of funding to demonstrate. These are set out under RCUK Statement of Expectations.

8 RCUK Impact Strategy: 3 Aims
Engaging Key Stakeholders: advance the rate of innovation from our investments by developing forward-looking relationships that identify and address the needs of users of research Maximising Research Impacts: increase impact from our investments by improving support mechanisms, as well as through evaluation, sharing best practice and communicating the benefits of our continued support of research, training and the provision of facilities. Delivering Highly Skilled People: drive innovation in knowledge exchange through enhancement of knowledge exchange skills in the research base and encourage movement of highly skilled people between the research base and user communities at all career stages. Engaging key stakeholders - business, government and the 3rd sector Working strategically with academic communities, user communities and other key stakeholders such as public bodies, to lead the KTEI agenda. Lead on ‘Excellence with Impact’ to encourage Universities to Recognise and reward activities that will generate impact from the very best research and researchers Develop and sustain focussed relationships with key stakeholders to increase strategic alignment to enable increased KE and the application of research Build on the success to make a distinct contribution RCUK are exploring the possibility of developing cross council strategic relationships strategic relationships with Government Departments – this will be piloted with departments such as MoD, Home Office and DCLG. The purpose of the strategic relationships will be to explore areas of mutual interest/priority, emerging and new research topics and opportunities for collaboration. Maximising research impact - KE mechanisms and support of impact related work Finding ways to better understand and demonstrate impact, and using this to improve support mechanisms and remove barriers in order to maximise the impact of all RC investments. Fully integrate Pathways to Impact into the grants process Methodologies to identify, capture and measure impact Delivering highly skilled people - people exchange/KE skills Covers both the training of doctoral students and others who will leave academia and take their skills into the rest of the economy; and ensuring that researchers have the entrepreneurial skills required to maximise their impact whilst in academia. Develop and optimise mechanisms to encourage people exchange between sectors Improve our understanding of the career pathways of researchers and research training equips them to impact and our quality of life

9 Questions? Thank you

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