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Asia ISOM 591 April 10, 2000 1.

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1 Asia ISOM 591 April 10, 2000 1

2 The Asian Region 59% of the world’s population
29% of the world economy 25% of the world’s telephones 90% in lower income regions China and India have 2/3s of the Asian region’s population, but only 12% of the wealth and telephone lines growing economy 2

3 East Asia China Hong Kong S.A.R. Japan Mongolia North Korea
South Korea Taiwan

4 South Asia Bangladesh Bhutan India Maldives Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka

5 Central Asia Afghanistan Iran Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan
Turkmenistan Uzbekistan

6 Southeast Asia Brunei Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar
Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam

7 The Asian Region Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
The Giants: China and India The Four Tigers: Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan Emerging: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, Thailand 2

8 Hong Kong World’s eighth largest trading economy
world’s largest container port and busiest cargo airport regional headquarters for hundreds of corporations gateway to China international telecom traffic growing with the growth of the Chinese economy 2

9 Hong Kong established as a British Crown Colony in the 19th century, Hong Kong has now reverted to China “one country, two systems” Chinese Special Administration Region 50 year grace period of transition how will the two very different attitudes toward information delivery, particularly media content, be reconciled? 3

10 Hong Kong OFTA (Office of Telecommunications Authority) is responsible for telecom regulation modeled after the UK’s Often and Australia’s Austel competitive, liberalized telecom industry no foreign ownership restrictions 4

11 Hong Kong Cable and Wireless has a 57.5% ownership in Hong Kong Telecom, with the Chinese International Trust and Investment Company with 12.5% ownership HKTel has sole license for international telecom largest concentration of wireless cell phones and pagers GSM and AMPS cellular standards 5

12 Hong Kong traffic to China accounts for more than 50% of the outbound calls HKT International has a monopoly until 2006 6

gained popularity in 1986, and attracted a subscriber base of 1000. By 1997, users had increased to 1,436,782. One in every six Hong Kong residents is now a mobile phone user. The city holds the world record for the number of mobile phone users per head of population.

14 Republic of Korea (South Korea)
one of the Asian tigers one of the fastest growing economies investments in telecommunications large teledensity large number of cell phones pagers

15 Repubic of Korea government leadership in Information Technology
KTA (Korean Telecommunications Authority) major exporter of telecommunications equipment TDX-10 digital electronic switching system cable subscribers and satellite broadcasting

16 Repubic of Korea: Goals
upgrade to an intelligent network ISDN portable communications network launch their own satellite to become an information society Korean Information Society Development Institute

17 South Korea Korean Telecommunications Authority started as a monopoly
1979 Interim law for Expansion of Telecommunications facilities 1980 Subscribers could buy their own telephones 1982 Data Communications Corporation of Korea DACOM was established by a consortium of the private and public sectors 1990 Structural Reform Act created a duopoly system

18 North Korea a source of information

19 Singapore: The City-State
separated from the Malaysian Federation in 1965 economy heavily dependent on trade telecom needed to diversity the economy moving into finance, manufacturing, and tourism movement toward value-added, knowledge-based and internationalization of local companies a maritime communications center 7

20 Singapore: The City-State
Singapore Telecom has a strategic plan for using telecom to develop the economy island-wide ISDN, fiber optic networks, , Internet access National Computer Board has established computer networks as part of its strategy National Science and Technology Board has funded science and technology parks 8

21 Singapore Liberalisation Regulatory Framework Singapore One
National Telecommunication Network and Services International Telecommunication Network and Services Mobile Communications

22 Taiwan

23 China

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