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Presentation on theme: "MID-TERM CONSULTATION THIRD SESSION PROPOSED THEMES"— Presentation transcript:


2 RCG Third Session Singapore, 5-6 December 2017

3 RCG country-specific work plans on disaster response preparedness ;
Coordination Architecture in Disaster Response; RCG Logistic Working Group; Lessons Learned from Simulation Exercises; Regional Policy Updates on UN-CMCoord; Humanitarian Technology;

4 Coordination Architecture in Disaster Response
Ensure more predictable and effective disaster response operations; Raise awareness of the coordination platforms activated during disaster response and discuss how to create/strengthen linkages among them; Provide the basis for the possible organisation in 2018 of one exercise to test the full coordination architecture. Round-robin with subject matter experts: JOCCA/OSOCC/RDC UCC MNCC/ HuMOCC (or other civil-military platform) EMTCC Plenary discussions based on the five priority countries working groups (Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, Myanmar and the Philippines).

5 Lessons Learned from Simulation Exercises
Session Objectives 1. Share lessons learned from recent simulation exercises Bangladesh: Disaster Response Exercise and Exchange (DREE, 2017) Indonesia: Tempest Express 30 Myanmar: Lower Mekong Initiative (DREE, 2016) Nepal: Tempest Express 28 Philippines: Balikatan 2017 Singapore: Exercise Coordinated Response (EXCOORES, 2017) 2. Identify key lessons learned that are applicable to RCG Work Plans in each of the five priority countries Humanitarian civil-military coordination National coordination mechanisms and actors Coordination, Allocation and Tasking of Foreign Military Assistance 3. Determine how these lessons can be incorporated into future exercises

6 Scenario-based analysis to look at planning processes and identify what military functions, appropriate relief tasks, and effects may be required by the military to support civilian-led response efforts. This could include a review of the ‘Gap Fit’ analysis from the Global Consultative Group.

7 Gap-fit Analysis Tool by Functions / Tasks and Required Effects

LOG GROUP FUNCTION TASKS EFFECT SCENARIO PROBABILITY IT WILL HAPPEN REMARKS/ Humanitarian Capacity Unique/ not unique Duration AIR SUPPORT ATC AND APRON MANAGEMENT Management and coordination of ATC and apron management (come always together) Coordination with and of humanitarian air flows into affected area through PoE Large earthquake/ tsunami Low No capacity - this task may be recommended by logistics parners but would likely be undertaken through and arrangement with host government. unique (indirect) Time limited task GROUND HANDLING Provision of ground handling and unloading equipment (GPU, High level loaders etc) Provision of material and manpower to load/unload wide body/ narrow body aircraft and on ground support Earthquake/ tsunami/ large floods: depends of airport capacity medium Capacity through commercial contracting not unique AIR SERVICE STRATEGIC AIRLIFT Heavy lift aircraft and cargo management from external destinations to Air PoE Provision of heavy lift cargo aircraft type Il76-C17-An /747for strategic airlift and cargo consolidation. low Significant capacity exists through commercial sources. Possible demand for military aricraft in situations where runaway capability is damages or limited. Task specfic TACTICAL AIRCRAFT Provision of Fixed and rotary wing assets in conformity with Oslo Guidelines to enable distribution of aid to areas with limited access Provision of xxx rotary wing assets of minimum xx capacity (internal/external) type xxx and xxx fixed wing assets type for pax and cargo movements Earthquake/ tsunami/ large floods During the initial surge requirement and until commercial contracts can then take over. time limited and task specific INFORMATION Provision of declassified real time maps and or satellite imagery Provision of area maps Capacity exists in UN system however in the initial stages military capability of real time images may be used WATER DESALINATION / WATER PURIFICATION Provision of fresh water using purification and or desalination capabilities ensuring adequate water availability for beneficiaries and humanitarian workers during the initial stages of a disaster Mega disasters - Large earthquake / Tsunami Strong capacity exists in a number of humanitarian organisations - in a major catastrophic disaster where humanitarian assets are overwhelmed this is possible MEDICAL MEDICAL SERVICES Deployment of field hospital or hospital ship Medical support from first response to surgery provided

9 Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination in Emergencies: Towards a Predictable Model
To provide the context for humanitarian civil-military coordination in Asia; To explore linkages to global and regional guidance and some of the challenges that exist in providing humanitarian assistance and protection to disaster-affected populations; To outline the civil-military coordination mechanisms in the five priority countries and how these are activated during disaster response efforts;

10 Regional Policy Updates on UN-CMCoord
Guide for Military – Asia and the Pacific: Objectives Support improved dialogue and understanding between humanitarian partners and military/police actors at the national and regional level Enhance military/police actors understanding humanitarian action, humanitarian coordination and humanitarian actors in the specific context of Asia and the Pacific Strengthen civil-military partnerships at the regional level

11 Guide for Military: Key Focus Areas
1. Asia and the Pacific- A unique regional context Tools and services for disaster response Role of regional organizations 2. The Humanitarian Landscape in Asia and the Pacific Guiding principles for humanitarian action Humanitarian Program Cycle 3. Humanitarian Security- Regional Mechanisms 4. Humanitarian Civil-Military Coordination in Asia and the Pacific Civil-military regional guidance and publications Civil-military operating environment 5. UN-CMCoord Good Practices Extracts from regional HA/DR exercises

12 Guide for Military: Project Development
Draft copy to be provided at RCG in Singapore Revision following the RCG Develop design and on-line version Finalize and disseminate the ‘Guide for Military’ Primary Authors UNOCHA CFE-DM UNDSS Others (RED-R, IFRC, ICRC)

13 Humanitarian Technology
Importance and utility of technology to improve humanitarian assistance and disaster relief has been regularly highlighted in forums such as the Global Disaster Relief Summit (Sep 2015) and World Humanitarian Summit (May 2016) Plenary discussion on humanitarian technology (HUMTECH) and informatics Invite subject matter experts from civil society, government and the private sector (e.g. technology and social media firms) Exchange of views: discuss current gaps in HADR response that could potentially be addressed by HUMTECH; while technology experts share on innovations that could address these requirements Share experiences about the use of HUMTECH, especially in the field Showcase existing/emerging technologies to improve disaster response



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