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Bismarck: Three Wars, One Germany

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1 Bismarck: Three Wars, One Germany
Mr. Meester AP European History

2 Early German Unity After 1815, the Confederation of the Rhine was replaced with the German Confederation. Prussia gained territory in Saxony and along the Rhine. The new government was well-organized and efficient, with a strong economy. The population contained some minorities, but the vast majority of people were of Germanic origin.

3 Economic Unification German unification started economically.
1831, the Junkers (aristocratic landowners) convinced the king to abolish tariffs. 1832 several German states established a customs union called the Zollverein. Abolished tariffs in all territories. The Zollverein benefited members by making prices lower and more uniform. It provided the German states with a large variety of products at lower prices,

4 Otto von Bismarck Bismarck was a Junker.
His loyalty was to Prussia; he was not a nationalist, and hated liberalism. 1862, William IV made Bismarck prime minister of the cabinet. Bismarck believed it was the destiny of the Prussian people to unify the German states.

5 More Money, More Army Bismarck was a realpolitik
Bismarck was virtually the ruler of Prussia Had the cooperation & trust of the king Had support of the top generals: Melmuth von Moltke & Albrecht von Roon. They agreed that it was necessary to reorganize & strengthen the Prussian army. First more money would be needed.

6 Parliament Resists The Prussian parliament refused to raise taxes for a military expansion Bismarck dismissed the Parliament Collected taxes without their authorization. His plan was to stop any criticism with military victories. Bismarck proceeded to make the Prussian army a great war machine. Breechloading rifles Army became it the most efficient in Europe. Military plans to combat any future invasions.

7 The Problem of Austria Bismarck had to overcome Austria to increase the power and size of Prussia. Austria has a position of authority in the German Confederation Austria greatly influenced the southern German states. Bismarck went at these objectives carefully. Instead of attacking Austria directly, he chose a roundabout way

8 The Danish War The duchies of Schleswig and Holstein lie between Denmark and Prussia. Most of the inhabitants were German 1863, Denmark tried to annex these duchies. Both Prussia and Austria protested. Denmark continued and war was declared. Denmark had hoped for aid from France and Britain In three months, Denmark was defeated. Prussia administered Schleswig Austria administered Holstein.

9 Bismarck Prepares Bismarck was now ready to drive Austria out of the German Confederation. Persuaded Napoleon III to remain neutral if war developed between Prussia and Austria. Form an alliance with the new nation of Italy. In return for fighting, Italy would receive the Austria territory of Venetia. By various complicated moves, Bismarck provoked war with Austria in 1866

10 Austro-Prussian War Austria was supported by Bavaria, Saxony, and Hanover. The efficiency of the Prussian army amazed the world. Use of railroads and the telegraph Prussian initiative led to victory over Austria in only seven weeks. Sometimes called The Seven Weeks War

11 Treaty of Prague The war ended with the Treaty of Prague (1866)
Austria approved the dissolution of the German Confederation and surrendered its rule of Holstein to Prussia. The Italians gained Venetia Many Prussians wanted Bismarck to crush Austria.

12 Bismarck Knows Best However, Bismarck was a shrewd diplomat.
Wanted Austria out of the Confederation, not as a permanent enemy. Wanted the southern German states to join Prussia willingly. In the north, Prussia gained Hanover, Hess-Cassel, and Nassau along with the free city of Frankfurt.

13 The North German Confederation
In 1867, the North German Confederation was formed. Each state had self-government The king of Prussia was hereditary president of the Confederation Prussia dominated the legislature of the Confederation It had a superior army and industry It had greatest number of representatives

14 The Holdouts Only Bavaria, Baden, and Wurttemberg and Hesse-Darmstadt remained outside the Confederation. If they could be persuaded to join Prussia, German unity would be complete. Catholic and Austrian influence was strong. It would take some great outside danger to persuade the states to join willingly.

15 Franco-Prussian War Bismarck now felt that a war with France would be just what was needed. Bismarck used diplomacy to provoke a war. Ems Dispatch was the tool necessary to lure France into a war with Prussia. Bismarck edited a conversation between the king & French Ambassador. France declared war on Prussia in 1870.

16 The War Ends The Southern States joined Prussia willingly
Within a few months the French were totally defeated. France was not treated as leniently as was Austria. Occupied by German forces. Lost Alsace and part of Lorraine. Had to pay a huge indemnity.

17 The Birth of the Second Reich
1871, at Versailles, the formation of a new German Empire was declared. Its new capital was Berlin William I was proclaimed German emperor Bismarck was named “Chancellor” of the new German Empire. Because of his policy of “blood and iron” he was called the “Iron Chancellor.” A two house legislature was established Bundesrat (upper house) Reichstag (lower house)

18 German Unification

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