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What Do Different Citizens Think About Campaign Finance?

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1 What Do Different Citizens Think About Campaign Finance?
2017 CCES Conference Jay Goodliffe and David B. Magleby Brigham Young University

2 Do Super PACs lead to corruption?
In [2012/2014/2015/2016], there are no limits on the amount that corporations, unions and U.S. citizens can give to independent groups supporting a candidate for president or congress. These groups are called “Super PACs,” and are not allowed to coordinate directly with the candidate(s) they support. [survey experiment adding information, which has no effect] With this in mind, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Allowing corporations, unions and individuals to give money to Super PACs will lead to corruption. Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

3 Citizens support donation limits
Do you think there should be limits on what individuals, corporations, unions, and other organizations can spend in election campaigns [so that no set of voices dominates] or do you think there should be no limits [to protect freedom of speech]? Yes, there should be limits. No, there should not be limits. Don’t know.

4 Citizens care about who spends money
Due to recent court rulings, groups, commonly known as Super PACs, are allowed to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money in elections. These groups are not allowed to coordinate directly with the candidate(s) they support, but unlike candidates, they have no limits on what individuals, unions or corporations can give them. If most of the money spent for a candidate’s election came from [spending by the candidate’s own campaign committees] [the candidate’s personal funds] [party committees] [Super PACs], would your view of the candidate be… A lot more negative Somewhat more negative Neither negative nor positive Somewhat more positive A lot more positive

5 Donors dislike Super PACs more
Due to recent court rulings, groups, commonly known as Super PACs, are allowed to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money in elections. These groups are not allowed to coordinate directly with the candidate(s) they support, but unlike candidates, they have no limits on what individuals, unions or corporations can give them. If most of the money spent for a candidate’s election came from [spending by the candidate’s own campaign committees] [the candidate’s personal funds] [party committees] [Super PACs], would your view of the candidate be… A lot more negative Somewhat more negative Neither negative nor positive Somewhat more positive A lot more positive

6 Republicans like self-funding more
Due to recent court rulings, groups, commonly known as Super PACs, are allowed to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money in elections. These groups are not allowed to coordinate directly with the candidate(s) they support, but unlike candidates, they have no limits on what individuals, unions or corporations can give them. If most of the money spent for a candidate’s election came from [spending by the candidate’s own campaign committees] [the candidate’s personal funds] [party committees] [Super PACs], would your view of the candidate be… A lot more negative Somewhat more negative Neither negative nor positive Somewhat more positive A lot more positive

7 Super PAC characteristics do not affect citizen views
In 2014, there are no limits on the amount that corporations, unions and U.S. citizens can give to independent groups supporting a candidate for president or congress. These groups are called “Super PACs,” and are not allowed to coordinate directly with the candidate(s) they support. [control] [These organizations are frequently headed by a former senior staff person or former senior campaign aide for the candidate who will benefit from the Super PAC spending.] [These organizations frequently have fundraisers at which the candidate who will benefit from the Super PAC spending speaks.] [These organizations frequently allow individuals, corporation, unions, and other groups to communicate important information about the candidate who will benefit from the Super PAC spending.] With this in mind, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Allowing corporations, unions and individuals to give money to Super PACs will lead to corruption. Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

8 Citizens (do not) consider reasons for/against donation limits
Do you think there should be limits on what individuals, corporations, unions, and other organizations can spend in election campaigns [so that no set of voices dominates] or do you think there should be no limits [to protect freedom of speech]? Yes, there should be limits. No, there should not be limits. Don’t know.

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