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Garman Unification 2011251169 송재호.

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Presentation on theme: "Garman Unification 2011251169 송재호."— Presentation transcript:

1 Garman Unification 송재호


3 Germany before 1871 With Peace of Westphalia, Thirty years' War ends
Several local minor countries Some of local minor countries like Prussia were less damaged

4 Prussia Ruled by Hohenzollern Royal Family

5 Prussia 5th king Friedrich Wilhelm Ⅲ

6 Economic integration customs union in 1818
railroad construction in 1840s the Industrial Revolution

7 German revolution 1848. 3 Bourgeois revolution
unification movement in Austria, Purssia, Southwastern German Friedrich Wilhelm 4th makes a promise to establish constitution

8 National assembly 1848. 5 Kleindeutschtum VS Grossdeutschtum
Austria representative left

9 Between 1850 1860 No more unification movement
But economic growth rate goes high

10 7th king Wilhelm 1 work on building up the military
Liberalists were on the opposite side Appoint Bismarck as prime minister

11 Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck
a blood-and-iron policy Council didn’t agree with him

12 Prussia vs Denmark Christian Ⅸ tries to put Duchy of Scheswig into Denmark Prussia & Austria takes Scheswig and Holstein from Denmark

13 Prussia vs Austria The war between Kleindeutschtum and Grossdeutschtum Prussia aimed at Kleindeutschtum Austria aimed at Grossdeutschtum

14 Prussia vs Austria Bismarck promises to hand over Luxemburg and Belgium to France to make France remain neutral in the war. Brought Italy in to the war

15 Prussia vs Austria Ends in 7 weeks
Advanced mobility based on railroads Better rifle, cannon

16 Treaty of Praha 1866. 8. 23 Rule out Austria from German union
Requires no Recompense or territory

17 Prussia vs France France and Napoleon III doesn’t want German union getting bigger When Prussia and France wants to have war Espana revolution was good opportunity Bismarck uses this chance and France declares war on Prussia

18 Prussia vs France Napoleon III surrenders at Sedan in 1870. 9. 2
Citizens of Paris didn’t accept surrender and establish national government Prussia occupy the Versailles Palace Declare Wilhelm 1 as a emperor of German empire



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