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Introduction to Seismology

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1 Introduction to Seismology
Geology 5640/6640 Introduction to Seismology 27 Feb 2017 Last time: Seismic Source Modeling • The solution to the spherical wave equation: is undefined as r  0… So, we define • Dirac delta function: Heaviside step function: For an earthquake, the f(t) in the source term of the wave equation: is a (tensor) moment rate of energy release: (& moment is M = sA!) Read for Wed 1 Mar: S&W (§2.6) © A.R. Lowry 2017

2 Source Seismology 2011 Christchurch earthquake, M6.3, after a
larger M7.0 eq further west in 2010… 2010 M7.0 2011 M6.3 2 injured NZ $4B Difference is proximity… 185 dead NZ $15B

3 Can use this to get other interesting pieces of information
about the earthquake rupture process…

4 … Including our growing recognition that many large earthquakes
involve complex rupture simultaneously on several faults that may have completely different dip and orientation.* 2010 M7.0 Haiti 2002 M7.9 Denali Crone et al., BSSA, 2004 Hayes et al., Nat. Geosci., 2010 *Lesson for Utah! Ya think future Wasatch rupture won’t cross segment boundaries? Ya got another think comin’.

5 Source Seismology 2016 New Zealand earthquake, Mw 7.9

6 Seismic Wave Energy Partitioning
With Snell’s Law in our tool-belt, we’re ready to consider what happens to seismic amplitudes when an incoming wave arrives at a change in properties (and hence, conversions occur). One obvious thing that has to happen is conservation of energy, i.e., reflected energy + transmitted energy = energy of the incoming wave As you might expect, energy is related to amplitude of the wave. incoming P A q

7 Impedance Contrast: Thus far we’ve focused much of the discussion on concepts related to velocity & travel-time, but seismic waves also have amplitude, A, of the particle displacements: Amplitudes of reflections & refractions are determined by energy partitioning at the boundary. A normally-incident (= 0) P-wave with amplitude Ai produces a reflected P with amplitude: incoming P A q (reflection coefficient) (transmission coefficient) and a refracted P: where Zi = iVi is the impedance in layer i.

8 The energy E in a wave is directly proportional to the
amplitude A, and for this example, sign (i.e. propagation direction) matters. We’ll use the sign of the z-component (positive-down) of propagation. Then we have: Displacement must be continuous at the boundary so: Ai + Arfl = Arfr And: 1 + R = T Note however for the P-wave depicted here, this applies only to the case where i = 0°… (Why?) incoming P A q

9 An SH-wave, it turns out, produces no P or SV conversions
either at a horizontal boundary. So we can consider an example in which S- velocities are 1, 2; densities are 1, 2; and angles of incidence are j1, j2: In this instance, the only non-zero displacement is uy. The wave equation must satisfy: We’ve derived solutions to similar equations, and S&W write a solution for this specific case (p66) as where r = kz/kx is just a ratio of wavenumbers.

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