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Systematic Theology III The Doctrine of Last Things

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1 Systematic Theology III The Doctrine of Last Things
The Intermediate State & The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

2 Introduction “The intermediate state may be defined as that period of conscious existence of the individual between physical death and the eschatological bodily resurrection. In a real sense it is a transition stage between one’s historical existence and his ultimate eternal destiny, and this is true for both a believer and an unbeliever” (McCune, p. 313). Bodily resurrection does not happen until the return of Christ.

3 The Intermediate State before the Resurrection of Christ
Sheol/Hades The OT word for the place of the intermediate state is Sheol, used some 65 times in the OT. In the NT the principal word is Hades, used 11 times. Both terms refer to the same place. The Nature of Sheol/Hades It is not death – “While Sheol may refer to death in some passages and in all passages it has an obviously close association with death, it does not seem to be simply another word for death” (McCune, p. 314). It is not the grave – Sheol is also used in parallelism with the grave (e.g., Job 24:19-20), but it is not identical with it. Sheol is the place where the immaterial part of man went at death. It is not the final hell – In Rev 20:14-15, “death yields the bodies and Hades the soul/spirits [of the wicked], and both are thrown into the lake of fire – the second death or Gehenna, the final place of eternal retribution” (McCune, p. 316).

4 The Intermediate State before the Resurrection of Christ
The Nature of Sheol/Hades It is a place controlled by God Himself – See Prov 15:11 and Psa 139:8. Other Characteristics Sheol is a place from which no one can extricate himself (Psa 89:48). There is no work, knowledge, or wisdom there (Eccl 9:10).

5 The Intermediate State before the Resurrection of Christ
The Inhabitants of Sheol/Hades The Wicked (Psa 9:17; 31:17) The Righteous (Gen 37:35; Job 14:13; Isa 38:10; Hos 13:14). Demons – Assuming that the abyss is located in Sheol (Luke 8:31). Certain Fallen Angels – “These fallen angels are confined to a place called Tartarus, which is best seen as a region in Sheol/Hades” (McCune, p. 318). See 2 Pet 2:4.

6 The Intermediate State before the Resurrection of Christ
The Compartments of Sheol/Hades Lowest Sheol – “The wicked at death went to the lowest part of Sheol, the compartment of God’s anger and punishment” (McCune, p. 318). See Deut 32:22; Psa 86:13 Paradise/Abraham’s Bosom – “The righteous went to the section of Sheol/Hades named Paradise and Abraham’s bosom” (McCune, p. 319). See Luke 16:22; 23:43. The Condition of Those in Sheol/Hades Consciousness – “Scripture depicts all who go to Sheol/Hades as being able to recognize, feel, speak, remember, know and hear, among other such abilities” (McCune, p. 319). The wicked are in torment and punishment – “Sheol was the place where God’s anger burned judicially” (McCune, p. 320). The righteous are in rest and comfort – 1 Sam 28:15; Isa 57:1-2.

7 The Intermediate State before the Resurrection of Christ
The Location of Sheol/Hades It appears to be down (Gen 37:35), and in the depths of the earth (Psa 63:9). Deliverance from Sheol/Hades For the wicked there is no escape. The righteous man could be eventually delivered by God (Psa 49:15).

8 The Intermediate State since the Resurrection of Christ
“As a result of the resurrection and ascension of Christ, a reorganization took place in the intermediate state. There was a removal of all the righteous from the upper part of Sheol/Hades, and its gates were barred to entrance by any saved soul thereafter. From this time on paradise is above where Christ is and the spirits of all the saved go to be with Christ at the moment of physical death” (Hoyt, as cited by McCune, pp ).

9 The Intermediate State since the Resurrection of Christ
The Work of Christ in Sheol/Hades Christ descended into hades Christ did not suffer in hell after His crucifixion, but he does seem that He descended to Hades to proclaim His victory over death. Christ confirmed the doom of certain sinners See 1 Pet 3:19. Christ brought good tidings to the righteous See 1 Pet 4:6 and Heb 11:39-40. Christ led the righteous out of hades See Heb 12:23 and Matt 27: The latter must refer to people who had died relatively recently and served as proof that Christ reorganizing the intermediate state.

10 The Intermediate State since the Resurrection of Christ
The Present Situation with Reference to Sheol/Hades The location of paradise “Paradise formerly was the upper compartment of Sheol/Hades where Jesus and the repentant thief on the cross, as well as all pre-cross saints, went at death. Paradise has been transferred from its geophysical location to the localized presence of God in the third heaven” (McCune, p. 324). See 2 Cor 12:4. Hades will never enclose any saint See Matt 16:18 and Rev 1:18. Believers go immediately to be with Christ at death See 2 Cor 5:8 and Phil 1:23. Believers receive an intermediate body at death See McCune for his explanation of this, pp No change for the wicked They still go to Hades at death and await final judgement, the lake of fire.

11 The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

12 Major Views of the Millennium
Amillennialism Postmillennialism Premillennialism

13 Diagram of Amillennialism
Christ’s 2nd Coming All Judgments Church Age = Tribulation + Millennium Eternal State 2nd Resurrection (physical) 1st Resurrection (spiritual)

14 Diagram of Postmillennialism
Christ’s 2nd Coming All Resurrections All Judgments Church Age 1st Res. (spiritual) Golden Age Eternal State Very similar to amillennialism, only more optimistic about the spread and influence of the gospel in the present age. 2nd Res. (physical)

15 Premillennialism Two types: Covenantal (aka Historical) Premil
Posttribulational Rapture Blurs the distinction between Church & Israel Makes its case solely on Rev 20, not the OT. “Dispensationalism forms its eschatology by a literal interpretation of the Old Testament and then fits the New Testament into it. A nondispensational eschatology forms its theology from the explicit teaching of the New Testament. It confesses that it cannot be sure how the Old Testament prophecies are to be fulfilled” (Ladd, The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views, 27). Dispensational Premil Pretribulational Rapture Maintains clear distinction between Church and Israel Makes its case on OT and Rev 20. “The Old Testament prophecies if literally interpreted cannot be regarded as having been fulfilled or capable of fulfillment in this present age” (Allis, Prophecy and the Church, 238).

16 Diagram of Dispensational Premillennialism
Note: Covenantal premillennialism puts the rapture after the tribulation and makes no clear distinction between the Church and Israel. Believer’s judged before bema seat of Christ (2 Cor 5:10). Christ’s 2nd Coming, Sheep & Goats Judgment Rapture 1st Res. 2nd Res. Great White Throne Judgment OT & Trib. Saints Present Church Age Tribulation 7 years Millennium 1000 years Eternal State

17 A General Introduction to the Doctrine of the Second Coming
“In an extremely important sense the coming of Christ can be regarded as the central message of Scripture and the organizing principal of all God’s eternal activity to Himself” (McCune, p. 330). “Everything God does outside of His self-contained tri-unity is self-referential. He does all things to bring praise, honor, glory and worship to Himself…The principle of divine self-glorification consists ultimately of God’s desire to establish a rule of loving sovereignty with creatures in His image and to live with them eternally” (McCune, p. 331). “In a most simplified form the biblical idea of the coming of Christ can be divided into three classifications: (1) The Old Testament – He is coming; (2) The Gospels – He has come; and (3) Acts, the Epistles and Apocalypse – He is coming again” (McCune, p. 331). Several statements from McCune. Epistles address believers in the church age, the time between the two comings of Christ.

18 The Second Coming in the OT
“As to the life and ministry of this coming one, the Old Testament presented what to many were conflicting scenarios. On the one hand, there were numerous prophecies of a great or reigning Messiah… On the other hand, there were a few prophecies of a lowly and suffering messiah…” (McCune, p. 332) “These two strands of seemingly contradictory prophecies presented a hermeneutical problem that was not and, it seems, could not be solved on the basis of the Old Testament alone” (McCune, p. 333). “His first coming ended in rejection and death. At a second coming, He will bring in the messianic kingdom” (McCune, p. 333).

19 Next Time: The Doctrine of Last Things
The Church and the Second Coming of Christ & The Antichrist and the Tribulation

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