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A Specific Request Text: I Tim. 6:9-10, 17-19

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1 A Specific Request Text: I Tim. 6:9-10, 17-19
Is Your Money Good? Text: I Tim. 6:9-10, 17-19 By Nathan L Morrison All Scripture given is from NASB unless otherwise stated For further study, or if questions, please Call: , or visit Based on an article by Steve Klein Prepared by Nathan L Morrison /

2 Intro Money, in all its different forms, is an inanimate object and is neither good nor evil – it is in how it is used! I Tim. 6:9-10 9. But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. I Tim. 6:17-19 17. Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. 18. Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, 19. storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed. Is Your Money Good?

3 Intro Money as a currency only has value as long as it is desired
(such as copper, silver, gold) Money can’t buy everything! (Love, etc.) Money is not good for everything but it does serve a purpose… Is Your Money Good?

4 Money is No Good for Several Things…
Money cannot buy happiness The rich young ruler “went away grieving” although “he was one who owned much property” (Mt. 19:22), or “had great possessions” (NKJ) Be especially cautious about desiring money so that “you may spend it on your pleasures” (Js. 4:3) Selfish or sinful desires (pleasures) no matter the cost can cost one their eternal soul! (Mk. 8:36) Is Your Money Good?

5 Money is No Good for Several Things…
Money cannot buy long life Lk. 12:15, 20-21: At the day of death, it does not matter how rich a person may be! (Ps. 49:5-13: No matter how wealthy one is, we all die!) Ps. 49:7-9 7. No man can by any means redeem his brother Or give to God a ransom for him-- 8. For the redemption of his soul is costly, And he should cease trying forever-- 9. That he should live on eternally, That he should not undergo decay. Eccl. 8:8 8. No man has authority to restrain the wind with the wind, or authority over the day of death; and there is no discharge in the time of war, and evil will not deliver those who practice it. Is Your Money Good?

6 Money is No Good for Several Things…
Money cannot buy God’s gifts Simon tried to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit to be bale to impart it and Peter said, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money!” (NKJ: Acts 8:20). Money doesn’t interest God – the earth and all it contains is His! Ps. 24:1 A Psalm of David 1. The earth is the LORD'S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it. Ps. 89:11 11. The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all it contains, You have founded them. Money can’t buy the gift of God (Rom. 6:23 – it is free in Christ’s blood – Eph. 1:7) because He wants our obedience! Is Your Money Good?

7 Money is No Good for Several Things…
Money cannot buy happiness Money cannot buy long life Money cannot buy God’s gifts God, who selflessly sacrificed His own Son for the sins of the world, is not fond of the selfish use of money and warns repeatedly against the love of money! Is Your Money Good?

8 Money is Good for Several Things…
Money can provide for our needs Paul said the money he earned from working with his hands provided for his “needs,” as well as for the necessities of those who were with him (Acts 20:34) Col. 3:23-24; II Thess. 3:7-10; I Tim. 5:8: Working for money (wages) is necessary in this life to provide the necessities for ourselves and our families! (Luke 10:7; I Tim. 5:18: “The laborer is worthy of his wages”) Acts 20:34 34. "You yourselves know that these hands ministered to my own needs and to the men who were with me. Is Your Money Good?

9 Money is Good for Several Things…
Money can help provide for the needs of others Paul worked so that he could not only provide for himself but also for others (Acts 20:35) and reminded the elders from Ephesus (Acts 20:17) that Jesus once said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” The ability to “contributing to the needs of the saints” requires that one have something to contribute! (Rom. 12:13) God expects a man to work and earn “so that he will have something to share with one who has need” (Eph. 4:28) Love cannot be bought with money but it can be shown – “But whoever has the world's goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him” (I Jn. 3:17) Acts 20:35 35. "In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Is Your Money Good?

10 Money is Good for Several Things…
Money can support the cause of Christ The Philippians repeatedly sent money or its equivalent to help support Paul in his evangelistic work (Phil. 4:15-17). This money (support in whatever form) was a “fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God” (Phil. 4:18). The work of the church is supported by money (Acts 2:44-45) as is benevolence towards saints in need (Acts 4:33-35; I Cor. 16:1-2; II Cor. 8-9), and the work of the church is good work! Phil. 4:15-17 15. You yourselves also know, Philippians, that at the first preaching of the gospel, after I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving but you alone; 16. for even in Thessalonica you sent a gift more than once for my needs. 17. Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account. Is Your Money Good?

11 Money is Good for Several Things…
Money can provide for our needs Money can help provide for the needs of others Money can support the cause of Christ God, who richly blesses us, desires for us to enjoy life and be a blessing to others! Is Your Money Good?

12 Conclusion Money in and of itself is neither good nor evil, but when used properly and for the right reasons, money can accomplish much good! (Acts 4:33-35) While money can be used to accomplish good, it can also be used in selfish and sinful ways and can come between a person and God! (Mt. 13:22; Mk. 4:19; Lk. 8:14; 12:15, 20-21) If the love of money takes root in one’s heart it can become a form of idolatry and can cost one their soul! (I Tim. 6:7-10; Eph. 5:5; Col. 3:5) Is Your Money Good?

13 Conclusion Is your money good?
Are you using what you have been given to accomplish the good that the Giver of all that is Good (Js. 1:17) intends? Let us all learn not to fix our “hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy” (I Tim. 6:17)! Let us “do good” and “be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share,” storing up “the treasure of a good foundation for the future,” so that we “may take hold of that which is life indeed” (I Tim. 6:18 -19)! Is Your Money Good?

14 “What Must I Do To Be Saved?”
Hear The Gospel (Jn. 5:24; Rom. 10:17) Believe In Christ (Jn. 3:16-18; Jn. 8:24) Repent Of Sins (Lk. 13:35; Acts 2:38) Confess Christ (Mt. 10:32; Rom. 10:10) Be Baptized (Mk. 16:16; Acts 22:16) Remain Faithful (Jn. 8:31; Rev. 2:10) For The Erring Child of God: Repent (Acts 8:22), Confess (I Jn. 1:9), Pray (Acts 8:22)

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