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The ULISSE project: “work-related learning” program of the Computer Science Bachelor degree Silvana Castano Department of Computer Science.

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1 The ULISSE project: “work-related learning” program of the Computer Science Bachelor degree
Silvana Castano Department of Computer Science

2 The ULISSE project ULISSE - “University, Work, and Industry for a strategic development of Education” Launched in the 2015/16 academic year (this year at 2nd edition) as a Joint collaboration of Università degli Studi di Milano and Assolombarda  (Association of the Lombardia industries). ULISSE has been targeted to the Computer Science Bachelor Degree, that is, in a labour market contexts characterized by huge demand for qualified personnel in the ICT sector, driven by the different subjects of the productive sectors based in the metropolitan Milano Area. Silvana Castano Department of Computer Science

3 Goals of the project To enhance professional and technological skills of students through “mixed study-work” learning program To offer a track of excellence to students (about 10 students per edition) To promote a fast and qualified entrance into the labour market since the Bachelor study program To stimulate students to achieve the Bachelor degree within the expected deadlines To innovate the study program of the Bachelor degree (first experience in Italy) by defining a new “work-related learning” model that can be reproduced in other contexts Silvana Castano Department of Computer Science

4 Time spent in University
The ULISSE work-related model at-a-glance Year of studies Time spent in University Time spent in Industry Duration Work modality Remuneration 1st 100% - 2nd 60% 40% 720 hours Project work - University student Fellowship - Company reimbursement 3rd Up to 18 months Advanced-level apprenticeship Advanced-level apprenticeship contract Bachelor Thesis Up to 6 months Silvana Castano Department of Computer Science

5 ULISSE organization: key roles
ULISSE board of professors: responsible for i) definition of academic studies requirements for entering the ULISSE program and ii) evaluation of project works proposed by industries. Approved project works are published for student applications. Each industry interviews applicants and selects the ULISSE candidate to start. University tutor: Computer Science professor responsible for supervising the ULISSE activities progress and for evaluating the industry work activity results for exam accreditation and for study program evolution. One academic tutor for each ULISSE student, both in 2nd and 3rd year. Industry tutor: responsible for supervising, coordinating, and evaluating the progress of the work activities performed by the ULISSE student on the industry side. Periodic interactions/meetings between the academic and industry tutors to discuss/monitor the progress of the ULISSE activities. Silvana Castano Department of Computer Science

6 Work-related learning model
2nd year of studies Students perform a Project Work in the industry (720 hours, about 40% of the 2nd-year, part-time work in the period February-September) Project work activities cover the lab exam module of the 2nd year mandatory courses (3 of 4): - Databases - Software Engineering - Operating Systems - Algorithms Key feature: flexibility to organize the weekly schedule of the student to best match study needs with industry work objectives. Silvana Castano Department of Computer Science

7 Work-related learning model in detail
3rd –year of studies Advanced-level apprenticeship requires to design the study-work program for each student. Project activities and learning/training on-the-job in industry are coordinated with academic courses, with proper selection of elective courses and possible extra-tutoring hours, to help students in acquiring specific competences for their advanced-level apprenticeship professional. Strict coordination between academic tutor and industry tutor, to design the specific study-work program and work-related learning objectives for each student and to periodically monitor activity progress and objective achievement. The topic and the project activities for the Bachelor thesis are identified and performed in the last 6 months of the advanced-level apprenticeship period. With the acquisition of the Bachelor degree the graduated student is employed with a permanent contract. Silvana Castano Department of Computer Science


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