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EASIN European Alien Species Information Network GBIF

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1 EASIN European Alien Species Information Network GBIF
Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability GBIF 8th European Nodes Meeting EASIN European Alien Species Information Network

2 EASIN in a nutshell Developed by JRC as a mechanism interconnecting existing databases enabling easy access to data and information on alien species (AS) in Europe. Information on > 14,000 AS on: taxonomy, environment, gateways and pathways of introduction, impact and spatial data. All information is publicly available through a widget framework, providing easy to use and flexible tools for searching and mapping. EASIN is a network that promotes cooperation between different information systems and aims at a strong and effective implementation of the European policies.

3 Support to European policies
COM (2011) 244 an EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 MSFD Descriptor 2: Non-indigenous species REGULATION (EU) No 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species (IAS) EASIN will be the core of the information support system to be established by the Commission as foreseen under Article 25 of Regulation 1143/2014

4 EASIN Governance

5 Valid names EASIN Catalogue alignment based on CBD
Data Providers Spatial data EASIN web services EASIN Catalogue Valid names Original names Synonyms Taxonomy Environment Impact Native range Pathways alignment based on CBD Integrating, reviewing and standardizing existing information from 43 databases on aliens. It is based on an inventory of all species and subspecies reported to be alien in (part of) Europe by one or more of 43 online information systems (global and regional information systems and country-level databases) Alien species names were extracted for all European countries, considering Europe in a broad sense (as mentioned in i.e. including the 27 EU Member States, the 5 Candidate countries and 17 other European countries. Includes the full coverage of the four seas surrounding Europe. All names of species listed as ‘alien’, ‘cryptogenic’, ‘introduced’, ‘casual alien’ or ‘invasive’ were extracted. Species listed as ‘potential aliens’ (watch lists), ‘reintroduced’, ‘excluded’ or ‘extinct’ were excluded.

6 appointment of external experts
EASIN Catalogue: Validation + species-specific information appointment of external experts revision completed EASIN updated Marine species Freshwater species Terrestrial mammals Nematodes Terrestrial arthropods Fungi Terrestrial Mollusca Birds Amphibians and Reptiles Plants Bacteria/Viruses High impact: revision completed Low impact: second round revision completed but not yet on-line Completed

7 Editorial Board continuous update quality assurance
participatory approach

8 Network of online interoperable web services
EASIN: Compilation, Harmonization, Processing Data Provider 1 Data Provider K Data Provider 5 Data Provider 3 Data Provider 2 Data Provider 4 Provision of spatial data Provision of services & tools Links to more detailed information EASIN aggregate data from all linked data providers and offer tools and web services to the providers and other interested hosts. All information provided by EASIN’s services will be linked to the source data, where the user should seek more detailed and disaggregated information. Katsanevakis et al Building the European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN): a novel approach for the exploration of distributed alien species data. BioInvasions Records 1: 235–245

9 EASIN Data Partners (spatial information)
CURRENT ONGOING INTEGRATION Swedish LifeWatch - Croatian Agency for the Environment and Nature - Cyprus Invasive Alien Species Database The EASIN current data partners The EASIN data partners with ongoing discussion ONGOING DISCUSSION ESENIAS - VLIZ - EPPO - AQUANIS - EEIKO - NOBANIS - MAMIAS - GRIIS - DG MARE Arctic Alien species – ECDC - EFSA

10 EASIN data processing EASIN catalogue EASIN Datawarehouse Data partner
ETL EASIN EASIN Datawarehouse Data partner The EASIN Data Broker system retrieves species occurrences and related information from different types of data sources and store them in a normalized database structure

11 PROCESS ETL EASIN GBIF Data GBIF provides web services/APIs for accessing information as species occurrences. EASIN calls the GBIF webservices for retrieving the occurrences for each species in the Catalogue in specific countries (EU28 + neighboring). Example: Normalized structure = a structure that prevents redundancy of the data

12 PROCESS ETL EASIN GBIF Data EASIN recently extracted GBIF records for all species in the EASIN in EASIN catalogue following up from recent updates of GBIF platform From now, we aim to extract changes to records but this is currently difficult For deleted records reliability of date Normalized structure = a structure that prevents redundancy of the data

13 GBIF Data A limited number of records (50) can be extracted each time
PROCESS ETL EASIN GBIF Data A limited number of records (50) can be extracted each time The process is long when the extractions regards several thousand records Could GBIF help speed up this process? Normalized structure = a structure that prevents redundancy of the data

14 EASIN retrofeedback Can provide feedback on basis of outcomes of the internal data quality checking procedures EASIN Editorial Board recently pointed out some erroneous GBIF records of Codium tylorii and Iniistius pavo Could provide all changes to EASIN catalogue

15 EASIN Thank you! EASIN TEAM Ana Cristina Cardoso Eugenio Gervasini
Fabio D’Amico Ivan Deriu Kostas Tsiamis Anna Maria Addamo EXTERNAL COLLABORATORS /About/team/Scientists

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