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Presentation on theme: "SIGNALING, TURNING AND PARKING"— Presentation transcript:


2 SIGNALING One of the most important and simplest forms of communication. Lets other drivers know your intentions. Not signaling is a very common mistake that everyone makes. Hand signals are an acceptable substitute for lighted signals.

3 TURNING PREPARE FOR THE TURN 1. Check - Check for signs and markings
2. Choose - Choose the correct lane 3. Communicate - Check mirrors and signal 4. Position the Vehicle

4 TURNING Reduce speed before making turn.
Always finish your turn in proper lane Make sure in advance that the turn is safe. Be sure that signals are discontinued after the turn.

5 PARKING In order to park quickly, easily, and safely….. - Good control
- Accurate judgment - Understanding of steering - Continuous practice

6 PARKING Types of Parking: - Right of Left Angle Parking
- Perpendicular Parking - Parallel Parking

7 PARKING Right or Left Angle Parking - Along streets or towns
- In parking lots Stay 5 or 6 feet from parked vehicles; SIGNAL! Proceed until you can see along side of the vehicle to the right of the space. Straighten the wheels.

8 PARKING Perpendicular Parking - Very little room for maneuvering!
1. Stay 7 or 8 feet from parked cars; SIGNAL. 2. Start turning when you can see down right side of vehicle to the right. 3. Straighten wheels and center in your space.

9 PARKING Parallel Parking 1. Approach in the proper lane.
2. Move in front of the space and leave about 3 feet between vehicles. 3. Back up, steering sharply to the right. 4. Back up, steering sharply to the left. 5. With foot on brake, move up to center.

10 PARKING How would you park in other areas? - In a Driveway * Center
* Parking Brake - In a Garage * Similar to Perpendicular * Good Positioning * Ability to Judge Space

11 PARKING Parking on a hill:
- Make sure the vehicle does not roll into traffic - Downhill * Wheels to Right - Uphill - Uphill (no curb) * Wheels to left

12 PARKING DO NOT PARK……… - within intersections.
- on a crosswalk of sidewalk. - within 20 feet of crosswalk at an uncontrolled intersection. - within 30 feet of any flashing beacon, stop sign or traffic signal. - in front of a driveway.

13 PARKING DO NOT PARK……… - on any bridge or in a tunnel.
- on the roadway side of any vehicle parked at the curb or edge of a highway. - beside a curb that is painted yellow or where official signs prohibit parking.

14 LEAVING THE VEHICLE Set parking brake. Shift into park.
Close all windows. Turn key into lock position and remove. Turn steering wheel slightly to lock it. Lock the door. Whenever possible, have passengers exit from curb side of the vehicle.


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