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Briefing on Current Expenditure and their Performance Trends

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1 Briefing on Current Expenditure and their Performance Trends
Presentation to the Standing Committee on Appropriation: Water & Environmental Affairs Briefing on Current Expenditure and their Performance Trends Presentation by Ms. Nthabiseng Fundakubi Acting Chief Financial Officer 22 March 2011 1

2 Expenditure outcome for the third quarter ended 31 December 2010
Programme Adjusted Budget 2010/11 R’000 Actual Exp % spent Available budget Administration 58 Water Management 54 National Water Resource Infrastructure Programme 77 Regional Management 57 Water Sector Regulations 82 470 34 Total 62 2

3 Expenditure outcome for the third quarter ended 31 December 2010
Economic classification Programme Original budget 2010/11 R’000 Actual Exp % spent Available budget Compensation of Employees 63 Goods and Services 52 Interest and Rent on land - 705 (705) Financial Transaction In Assets and Liabilities 92 (92) Transfers and Subsidies 89 Payments for Capital Assets 37 544 3 Total 62 Reason for under spending Unfilled vacant posts throughout the department contributed to under – expenditure, it is anticipated approximately R70 million will not be spend in this current financial year Late submission of invoices in respect of services already rendered such as Fleet management Services (Phakisa) and IT Services (Arivia.) Projects such as backlogs in sanitation at schools and clinics and Regional Bulk Infrastructure are still at the construction phase, the expenditure is anticipated to increase in the following months of the last quarter of this financial year. Direct transfers to municipalities in respect of Water Services Operating Subsidy could not be transferred to municipalities as result of non-compliance with DORA, these funds are anticipated to be transferred in following months. A close of business in construction industries during December 2009 holidays had an impact towards the infrastructure expenditure trends as it has been halted during that period. The infrastructure branch indicated that the entire infrastructure budget will be spend before the end of the year. 3

4 Expenditure outcome water services operating subsidy and regional bulk infrastructure as at 31 December 2010 EARMARKED PROJECTS Adjusted Budget 2010/11 R’000 Actual Exp % spent Available budget Regional Bulk 46 Water Service Operating Subsidy 86 4

5 Reasons for under spending as at 31 December 2010
Unfilled vacant posts as well as challenges of the unavailability of suitable candidates, especially engineers who must meet OSD criteria Outstanding invoices in respect of Diner’s Club, Phakisa World and Auto Page for goods and services already rendered as a result of disputes Incorrect submission of payment certificate which prolong the payment period in respect of Accelerated Community Infrastructure Project. Delays by municipalities in appointing implementing agents in respect of the refurbishment of waste water treatments plants Delays by municipalities in submitting incorrect payment certificate as result, documents had to be returned to various municipalities Protracted delays in finalizing transfer of staff to various municipalities 5

6 Reasons for under spending as at 31 December 2010
The Climate Survey Programme which was put on hold . The approval is now granted and part of expenditure is expected to be disbursed in the last quarter of the financial year. Delays in approval of the Training and Development plans Late redistribution of the Masibambane budget allocation. Delays in appointing mechanical and electrical contractors by municipalities. 6

7 Reasons for slow expenditure and possible under expenditure
Long procurement and design process of projects by municipalities Contract administration problems in municipalities Non performing contractors Slow processing of payments by DWA Limited institutional capacity to project manage Delays caused by suppliers Delays in EIA and abstraction permits WSA reluctant to continue / commit due to partial funding or tenders are much high than estimates 7 7

8 Reasons for under expenditure Projects encountering challenges
Limpopo Giyani Bulk Water Drought Relief (R 54 million) Region and Mopani District Municipality differ in the technical options of the project. Slow process to finalise the implementation of the project and Management intervention was needed. Budget reallocated to other Olifantspoort WTW and Mogolakwena BWS Mametja Sekororo Bulk Water Supply (R 7 million) The design of the project has been completed but no further action was taken by the Mopani District Municipality for the implementation and Management action was needed. R 7 million has been reallocated. Moutse Bulk Water Supply (R 20 million) During the second half of the financial year the Minister requested that R20 million be allocated to the Moutse Project. The approval process took a long time and it is anticipated that only R 13 million will be spent 8

9 Projects encountering challenges
Mpumalanga Acornhoek Bulk Water Supply (R 37 million) Municipality did not have the capacity to implement the project and requested the Department to implement the project which took a long time to be approved. There is also a legal action between the department and the previous suppliers. It is expected that the contractor will be on site middle February R 12 million of the budget has been reallocated and later during the year the remaining R10 million has been reallocated to the Bloemendal Project Bloemendal Bulk Water Supply (R 10 million) On 30 October 2010 the various stakeholders signed the agreement for the implementation of the project. Due to escalation cost the parties had to agree to the co-funding portion. All agreements are now in place and R 10 million will now be spent 9

10 Projects encountering challenges
North West Madibeng Water Treatment Works (R 20 million) The Madibeng Local Municipality is under administration and requested the department to implement the project. The designs developed by the consulting engineer was of poor quality. Magalies Water has been appointed to implement the emergency work and the development of the designs. R 8 million has been reallocated Free State Sterkfontein Bulk Water Supply (R million) Although the project was progressing well the past few years, during this year some problems were encountered with the contractors but this problem has now been resolved. The tender process for the supply of steel pipes took longer than expected and R 8 million has been reallocated to the Eastern Cape 10

11 Expenditure outcomes as at 18 March 2011
Programme Adjusted Budget 2010/11 R’000 Actual Exp % spent Available budget Administration 87 Water Management 71 National Water Resource Infrastructure Programme 100 2 379 Regional Management 88 Water Sector Regulations 49 Total 89 11

12 Expenditure outcome as at 18 March 2011
Economic classification Programme Original budget 2010/11 R’000 Actual Exp % spent Available budget Compensation of Employees 83 Goods and Services 70 Interest and Rent on land - 2 191 (2 191) Financial Transaction In Assets and Liabilities 91 (91) Transfers and Subsidies 103 (92 353) Payments for Capital Assets 99 12 959 Total 89 Reason for under spending Unfilled vacant posts throughout the department contributed to under – expenditure, it is anticipated approximately R70 million will not be spend in this current financial year Late submission of invoices in respect of services already rendered such as Fleet management Services (Phakisa) and IT Services (Arivia.) Projects such as backlogs in sanitation at schools and clinics and Regional Bulk Infrastructure are still at the construction phase, the expenditure is anticipated to increase in the following months of the last quarter of this financial year. Direct transfers to municipalities in respect of Water Services Operating Subsidy could not be transferred to municipalities as result of non-compliance with DORA, these funds are anticipated to be transferred in following months. A close of business in construction industries during December 2009 holidays had an impact towards the infrastructure expenditure trends as it has been halted during that period. The infrastructure branch indicated that the entire infrastructure budget will be spend before the end of the year. 12

13 Expenditure outcome water services operating subsidy and regional bulk infrastructure as at 18 March 2011 EARMARKED PROJECTS Adjusted Budget 2010/11 R’000 Actual Exp % spent Available budget Regional Bulk 90 89 371 Water Service Operating Subsidy 105 (45 640) 13

14 Expenditure outcome as at 18 March 2011
ADMINISTRATION ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Original budget 2010/11 R’000 Actual Exp % spent Available budget Compensation of Employees 75 80 071 Goods and Services 98 8 676 Interest and Rent on land - 47 (47) Financial Transaction In Assets and Liabilities 91 (91) Transfers and Subsidies 11 902 5 085 43 6 817 Payments for Capital Assets 39 994 18 974 21 020 Total 87 Reason for under spending Unfilled vacant posts throughout the department contributed to under – expenditure, it is anticipated approximately R70 million will not be spend in this current financial year Late submission of invoices in respect of services already rendered such as Fleet management Services (Phakisa) and IT Services (Arivia.) Projects such as backlogs in sanitation at schools and clinics and Regional Bulk Infrastructure are still at the construction phase, the expenditure is anticipated to increase in the following months of the last quarter of this financial year. Direct transfers to municipalities in respect of Water Services Operating Subsidy could not be transferred to municipalities as result of non-compliance with DORA, these funds are anticipated to be transferred in following months. A close of business in construction industries during December 2009 holidays had an impact towards the infrastructure expenditure trends as it has been halted during that period. The infrastructure branch indicated that the entire infrastructure budget will be spend before the end of the year. 14

15 Expenditure outcome as at 18 March 2011
WATER MANAGEMENT ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Original budget 2010/11 R’000 Actual Exp % spent Available budget Compensation of Employees 95 6 611 Goods and Services 57 Interest and Rent on land - 19 (19) Financial Transaction In Assets and Liabilities Transfers and Subsidies 750 1 089 (45) (339) Payments for Capital Assets 9 119 8 058 88 1 061 Total 71 Reason for under spending Unfilled vacant posts throughout the department contributed to under – expenditure, it is anticipated approximately R70 million will not be spend in this current financial year Late submission of invoices in respect of services already rendered such as Fleet management Services (Phakisa) and IT Services (Arivia.) Projects such as backlogs in sanitation at schools and clinics and Regional Bulk Infrastructure are still at the construction phase, the expenditure is anticipated to increase in the following months of the last quarter of this financial year. Direct transfers to municipalities in respect of Water Services Operating Subsidy could not be transferred to municipalities as result of non-compliance with DORA, these funds are anticipated to be transferred in following months. A close of business in construction industries during December 2009 holidays had an impact towards the infrastructure expenditure trends as it has been halted during that period. The infrastructure branch indicated that the entire infrastructure budget will be spend before the end of the year. 15

16 Expenditure outcome as at 18 March 2011
NATIONAL WATER RESOURCE INFRASTRUCTURE ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Original budget 2010/11 R’000 Actual Exp % spent Available budget Compensation of Employees Goods and Services Interest and Rent on land Financial Transaction In Assets and Liabilities Transfers and Subsidies 100 2 381 Payments for Capital Assets Total Reason for under spending Unfilled vacant posts throughout the department contributed to under – expenditure, it is anticipated approximately R70 million will not be spend in this current financial year Late submission of invoices in respect of services already rendered such as Fleet management Services (Phakisa) and IT Services (Arivia.) Projects such as backlogs in sanitation at schools and clinics and Regional Bulk Infrastructure are still at the construction phase, the expenditure is anticipated to increase in the following months of the last quarter of this financial year. Direct transfers to municipalities in respect of Water Services Operating Subsidy could not be transferred to municipalities as result of non-compliance with DORA, these funds are anticipated to be transferred in following months. A close of business in construction industries during December 2009 holidays had an impact towards the infrastructure expenditure trends as it has been halted during that period. The infrastructure branch indicated that the entire infrastructure budget will be spend before the end of the year. 16

17 Expenditure outcome as at 18 March 2011
REGIONAL MANAGEMENT ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Original budget 2010/11 R’000 Actual Exp % spent Available budget Compensation of Employees 85 93 991 Goods and Services 66 Interest and Rent on land - 2 125 (2 125) Financial Transaction In Assets and Liabilities Transfers and Subsidies 113 ( ) Payments for Capital Assets 101 (10 574) Total 88 Reason for under spending Unfilled vacant posts throughout the department contributed to under – expenditure, it is anticipated approximately R70 million will not be spend in this current financial year Late submission of invoices in respect of services already rendered such as Fleet management Services (Phakisa) and IT Services (Arivia.) Projects such as backlogs in sanitation at schools and clinics and Regional Bulk Infrastructure are still at the construction phase, the expenditure is anticipated to increase in the following months of the last quarter of this financial year. Direct transfers to municipalities in respect of Water Services Operating Subsidy could not be transferred to municipalities as result of non-compliance with DORA, these funds are anticipated to be transferred in following months. A close of business in construction industries during December 2009 holidays had an impact towards the infrastructure expenditure trends as it has been halted during that period. The infrastructure branch indicated that the entire infrastructure budget will be spend before the end of the year. 17

18 Expenditure outcome as at 18 March 2011
WATER SECTOR REGULATIONS ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Original budget 2010/11 R’000 Actual Exp % spent Available budget Compensation of Employees 61 528 49 559 81 11 969 Goods and Services 54 824 44 69 763 Interest and Rent on land - Financial Transaction In Assets and Liabilities Transfers and Subsidies 51 684 12 280 24 39 404 Payments for Capital Assets 2 283 831 36 Total 49 Reason for under spending Unfilled vacant posts throughout the department contributed to under – expenditure, it is anticipated approximately R70 million will not be spend in this current financial year Late submission of invoices in respect of services already rendered such as Fleet management Services (Phakisa) and IT Services (Arivia.) Projects such as backlogs in sanitation at schools and clinics and Regional Bulk Infrastructure are still at the construction phase, the expenditure is anticipated to increase in the following months of the last quarter of this financial year. Direct transfers to municipalities in respect of Water Services Operating Subsidy could not be transferred to municipalities as result of non-compliance with DORA, these funds are anticipated to be transferred in following months. A close of business in construction industries during December 2009 holidays had an impact towards the infrastructure expenditure trends as it has been halted during that period. The infrastructure branch indicated that the entire infrastructure budget will be spend before the end of the year. 18

19 Reasons for under spending as at 18 March 2011
Unfilled vacant posts still a challenge however the department embarked on the recruitment drive project Outstanding invoices from the big accounts; Diner’s Club, Phakisa World, Arivia, AGSA, travel agencies. 19

20 Reasons for under spending as at 18 March 2011
The validation and verification process currently being conducted by a service provider is on a slow pace and is affecting the Enforcement Unit in terms of spending because they are currently waiting for the process to be finalised after which they can take further steps against unlawful water users. Delays in approving of the service providers 20


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