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Welcome to.

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1 Welcome to

2 Thanks for the great snacks !!

3 Teammates Guests Who has guests at their tables?

4 Have a prayer request? Fill out a prayer request form found on your table. Then… just leave it on the table, or take it to the back table as you exit. All prayer requests will be sent to all TeamMates members unless they are clearly marked “CONFIDENTIAL”

5 Want to “Help” or “Donate?
Turkey Outreach Nov. 19 Nov. 19 Give – Assemble -- Load Early Morning Brigade Section Leaders Hospitality Central Operations Delivery Liaisons Truck Drivers Parking Attendants Runners Packers Want to “Help” or “Donate?

6 Great Service Opportunity! Christmas Village at MBC
December 11-16, 6:30-9:30pm Talk with your new “Supper for Six” group about this opportunity to serve.

7 Announcements

8 Upcoming Lessons Nov 13 – Lee Bennett
“What God Hath Wrought: God’s Will After The Post-election Nov 20 – Jack Lea “Discovering the Best Anecdote to Materialism As Black Friday Looms” Dec 4 – Jack Lea & Lee Bennett “Preparing to Celebrate the Birth That Changed the World Results” Forever: ADVENT

9 End of Opening Slides

10 What Hath God Wrought? Num. 23:23
Teammates November 13, 2016 Lee Bennett

11 When did this quote appear?
In a demonstration witnessed by members of Congress, American inventor Samuel F.B. Morse dispatches a telegraph message from the U.S. Capitol to Alfred Vail at a railroad station in Baltimore, Maryland. The message–“What Hath God Wrought?”–was telegraphed back to the Capitol a moment later by Vail. What hath God wrought? - May 24,

12 A conversation in Gothenburg-1981
So how goes the American experiment?

13 Table talk In light of the results of the election that has seen one party controlling both houses of Congress, as well as the Executive branch, how goes the American experiment? What excites/scares you about this?

14 A brief look at our Christian heritage
By David Barton (27:05 minutes) “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.” -George Washington, First President of these United States

15 Heeding Ben Franklin’s wise counsel
Prayer for President Obama and the “lame duck” Congress (First Lady Michelle and the girls): to use their influence for peace Prayer for President-elect, Donald Trump (Melania) and the transition team headed by VP-elect, Mike Pence (Karen) (I Kings 12) Prayer for the Congress (House & Senate) as they adjust to the “new normal” Pray for our VA governor (Terry McAuliffe), LG Ralph Northam, cabinet, legislature, local govt., school leadership and teachers

16 Wrap up Next Sunday- Chaplain Jack Lea: Preparing our hearts to give thanks to God: antidote to materialism (a medicine or other remedy for counteracting the effects of poison, disease, etc) Chris Tomlin’s “God of this city”

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