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Revelation Part 4 Lesson 1
Revelation 1-5 God gave Jesus the revelation of things which must soon take place. Jesus gave to angel. Angel gave to John. John gave to churches. Why? So that His servants will know these things. (vs.2) Revelation is a book of prophecy with a blessing promised to those who: read, hear and heed. Blessing: to be envied; when God extends His benefits. It describes a believer in enviable position. Segments: 1:19 Things John saw, things which are and the things which will take place after these…
Revelation 4 and 5 What are the 7 Spirits of God?
Worship before God’s throne in heaven by 4 Living Creatures 1st like: Lion 2nd like: Calf 3rd like: Creature with face like a man 4th like: Flying eagle ALL: have 6 wings, have eyes around and within and ALL worship. Holy, Holy, Holy: Why is that important? 5:7 Blood avenger steps forward to open the Book because He alone is worthy
Revelation 6 1st Seal: White horse, rider has a bow and crown. Goes to conquer 2nd Seal: Red horse, rider takes peace from the earth and given a sword. 3rd Seal: Black horse, rider has scales to weigh. Quart of wheat for denarius, don’t harm oil or wine 4th Seal: Ashen horse, rider named Death, Hades follows. Given authority to kill ¼ of people on earth 5th Seal: Souls slain because of the Word of God and because they maintained their testimony, under the altar crying out for vengeance and judgment, but told to wait; more are to come.
Revelation 6 6th Seal: Great earthquake, sun becomes black and moon becomes like blood; stars fall to the earth. The sky rolls back and every island and mountain are moved out of their places. Men hide in caves and rocks of mountains, wanting to die. Ask to be hidden from the presence of Him who sits on the throne and from the Lamb’s wrath. They think the great day of God’s wrath has come.
Revelation 7 Vs. 1 Why are they holding back the 4 winds?
Vs. 3 God’s servants must be sealed with the seal of the living God. These are the 144,000 from Israel There is a great multitude in heaven, from every nation, out of the Great Tribulation, standing before the throne, washed in the blood of the Lamb. God wipes away every tear from THEIR eyes, those saints in white robes, martyred because they did not take the mark. Vs
Revelation 8 7th Seal: Silence in heaven for ½ hour, 7 angels given 7 trumpets, earthquake, thunder and lightning Trumpets: 1st Trumpet: Hail, fire with blood thrown to earth, 1/3 of earth, trees and ALL green grass burned up 2nd Trumpet: Great burning mountain thrown into the sea, 1/3 of sea becomes blood, 1/3 of sea creatures die and 1/3 of ships destroyed. 3rd Trumpet: Great burning star, Wormwood, fell from heaven on 1/3 of rivers and waters. Waters become bitter and many men die.
Revelation 8 and 9 4th Trumpet: 1/3 sun, moon and stars are struck dark. 1/3 day and night don’t shine 1st WOE = 5th Trumpet 2nd WOE = 6th Trumpet 3rd WOE = 7th Trumpet 5th Trumpet: Locusts on the earth from BP/Abyss. Only allowed to harm men with no seal. (The 144,000 from Israel are protected 7:3). Allowed to torment for five months. King: Abaddon/Apollyon 6th Trumpet: 1/3 mankind killed by fire, smoke and brimstone by 4 angels and army of 200 million horsemen. 2/3rds did not repent
Revelation 10 7 peals of thunder SPEAK.
John is NOT allowed to write down what they say In the days of the 7th Trumpet, the wrath of God is finished. No more delay (vs. 6) John given a little book and told to eat it. He was to prophesy one more time.
Revelation 11 John is NOT allowed to measure the outer court of temple. It is trampled by the nations for 42 months. God’s 2 witnesses will prophesy for 1,260 days. On the chart: this is the line under the bold line close to the top. It goes from the end of the 6th trumpet back to the “?” on the 5th seal. End of the 2nd WOE/6th Trumpet. Earthquake, 1/10 of city falls, 7,000 people killed and rest are terrified; give glory to God of heaven. 7th Trumpet/3rd WOE World’s kingdom becomes God and Christ’s kingdom and Christ begins to reign.
Revelation 11 Vs. 17-19 God Almighty begins to reign
Nations are enraged God’s wrath HAS come Time for the dead to be judged and saints rewarded Time to destroy those who destroy the earth. Temple in heaven opened, ARK appears Lightning, thunder, earthquake, great hailstorm Pivotal point in Israel’s history: The time of Jacob’s Distress in Jeremiah 30. This IS the 7th trumpet
Revelation 12 and 13 Woman fled and is nourished for 1,260 days
Woman IS Israel The devil and his angels are thrown to the earth Salvation, power, God’s kingdom and Christ’s authority HAVE come. Rev. 13 The beast, empowered by the devil, is given authority to act for 42 months
Revelation 14 and 15 144,000 of Israel in HEAVEN with the Lamb
They are purchased/redeemed from the earth as first fruits to God Eternal gospel preached, by an angel, to everyone on the earth Rev. 15 The 7 plagues/bowls are the last; in them the wrath of God is finished. These bowls are given to the angels by one of the 4 Living Creatures No one enters the Temple in heaven until the bowls are finished/completed.
Revelation 16 Seven Bowls
1st Bowl: Sores on the people who took the mark and worshipped the beast’s image 2nd Bowl: Sea become blood and all in it die 3rd Bowl: Rivers and springs become blood People on earth, who killed the prophets and saints deserve blood to drink. 4th Bowl: Sun scorched men/people with fire, fierce heat. People curse God and do not repent. 5th Bowl: Beast’s kingdom becomes dark. They still curse God and don’t repent. The people are still suffering from sores. (Vs. 11)
Revelation 16 6th Bowl: The Euphrates River dries up; It becomes blood at the 3rd bowl. Unclean spirits that come out of the unholy trinity, perform signs and gather the kings of the earth to Armageddon for war against God. 7th Bowl: Poured into the air and voice from heaven says, “It is done”. Lightning, thunder, earthquake (unlike any other), all islands and mountains removed, 100 pound hailstones fall to earth, great city split into 3 parts, cities of the nations fall, Babylon remembered in God’s fierce wrath.
Revelation 17-19 Rev Babylon is judged and falls. Details of the 7th Bowl. Rev. 19 Vs. 2 God judged great harlot/prostitute who was corrupting the earth Vs. 11 Heaven opens and a rider on a white horse is called Faithful and True: Jesus judges and wages war in righteousness. Vs. 19 Beast and kings of the earth assemble with their armies to war against Jesus and His army Vs. 20 Beast and False Prophet thrown into the Lake of Fire FOREVER!!!!!
Revelation 20 Vs. 2-3 Devil is bound and thrown in the BP/Abyss for 1,000 years and cannot deceive the nations Vs. 4-6 Those with authority to judge are seated on thrones. Those beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and the Word of God and for not taking the mark come to life and reign with Christ for 1,000 years Vs. 7 Satan is released at end of 1,000 years Vs. 8 Satan deceives nations to gather them again for a battle against God Vs. 10 Devil is thrown into the Lake of Fire at the end of the 1,000 years FOREVER!!! Vs Great White Throne judgment. Earth and heaven flee. Dead are judged from the books and thrown into Lake of Fire with Death and Hades, along with anyone not found written in the Book of Life.
Revelation 21-22 John was shown the new heaven, new earth and the new Jerusalem. 21:6 IT IS DONE
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