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On a new page, miss the top two lines and…

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1 On a new page, miss the top two lines and…
List as many different facts you know about Judaism as you can.

2 The Synagogue To know what the synagogue is and what it is for
To know the layout of a synagogue To know which artefacts you would find in a synagogue and what they are for.

3 The Synagogue Originally most Jews would have lived in Israel and the Temple in Jerusalem was their main place of worship. This was the only place that they would offer sacrifices to God and was the place that contained the Ark of the Covenant and so the presence of God on earth. Because not everyone could go to the temple regularly, they made synagogues which were places to worship regularly when you could not go to the temple. There were synagogues at the time of Jesus.

4 The Synagogue There are no rules about how a synagogue should look on the outside although it will often be marked with a star of David. It will usually be rectangular in shape and one wall will face Jerusalem. Windows may be stained glass or plain but there will be no images of God as this is forbidden by Jewish law. Usually there will be a downstairs and a balcony.

5 Inside the Synagogue The layout of the inside will be based on the ancient temple. It has the following features: The Ark A cabinet behind a curtain at the front The Torah Scrolls Everlasting Light Bimah Stone Tablets Menorah Seating Pews Ner Tamid Yad You can use the virtual synagogue ( in: start menu, all programs, rs, judaism) instead of the next 7 slides.

6 The Bimah The scrolls are taken from the Ark to the Bimah, a centrally positioned reading platform (dais) with a reading desk. There they are undressed, unrolled and read to the congregation in Hebrew.

7 The Ark The focal point of any synagogue is the Ark, this is like a big cupboard covered by a curtain, in which the Torah scrolls are kept.

8 The Pews

9 Torah Scrolls The scrolls of the Torah are always beautifully 'dressed'. They are the most precious item in the synagogue and contain God's words. The silver ornaments on the top of the rollers jingle as the scrolls are taken out and call the congregation to listen to what God says

10 Ner Tamid Above the ark a lamp called Ner Tamid (eternal light) burns as a symbol of God's constant presence. The writing across the top of the ark is in Hebrew, the language traditionally used by Jews in prayer. What’s the design on the Ner Tamid?

11 Yad A silver yad (hand) is used as a pointer so that the scrolls are not damaged.

12 Menorah (not in the synogogue)
The Menorah or seven branched candlestick was the one in the temple in Jerusalem the Ner Tamid symbolises the menorah in the synagogue

13 The Synagogue Copy the list below and explain what each one is. Use the clues in the blue box. The Ark Stone Tablets TheTorah Scrolls Pews Ner Tamid Bimah Yad Everlasting light The cupboard for the Torah Seats The holy scriptures Ten commandments A pointer for reading A raised platform to read the Torah from Put these in order of importance (in your opinion). Be ready to explain your reasoning What is the mikveh? What is it for? (virtual synagogue) What is the Mizuzah? Why is it important? (virtual synagogue)

14 “Men and women sitting separately is sexist”
Do you think the synagogue is important? Give two reasons for your answer (4) Why do you think the men and women sit separately in the synagogue? (8) “Men and women sitting separately is sexist” Do you agree? Explain your answer Why would some disagree with you ?


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