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Northern Illinois University Sport Clubs

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1 Northern Illinois University Sport Clubs 2017-2018
New officer Training Northern Illinois University Sport Clubs

2 Sport Club Administration
Coordinator of Competitive Sports: Laura Kucik (815) Graduate Assistants of Competitive Sports: Logan Wilson (815) Michael Dickinson (815)

3 Current Clubs Powerlifting Archery Roller Hockey Badminton
Rugby (Men’s) Rugby (Women’s) Soccer Softball Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Track & Field Triathlon Ultimate Frisbee Volleyball (Men’s) Volleyball (Women’s) Water Polo Archery Badminton Baseball Bass Fishing Bowling Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Cricket Dodgeball Equestrian Esports Fencing Figure Skating Gymnastics Goalball Ice Hockey Lacrosse

4 Not under your individual clubs page!
Huskie Link Almost everything that is done for Sport Clubs, can be done on Huskie Link: Forms submitted Roster managed Important documents **All sport clubs materials found under Campus Recreation’s Huskie Link page** Not under your individual clubs page!

5 Huskie Link (cont.) If club members are “trying out” club
Must sign a personal assumption of risk & liability agreement BEFORE they begin practicing Agreements can be picked up at the SRC Front desk or with the Sport Club Supervisors (outdoor clubs) Each member must sign one before practicing with the team (Paper or electronically!) Each member of your club must join the roster on Huskie Link Each member must also complete: Emergency contact form (Huskie Link) Liability waiver (Huskie Link) NON-Hazing Agreement (Huskie Link)

6 Forms……

7 Coaches/Instructor forms…
Coach/Instructor Profile & Agreement form A few clubs have coaches Make sure this is filled out once a year and if there is ever a new coach Before a coach becomes part of the club, please run it by the Sport Club Administration first!

8 Requesting Practice Space….
Facility Practice Request Form Submitted twice a year (once each semester) Allows sport club administration to create a practice schedule based on what your club requests and how much space we have. Also submitted when clubs move from indoor practice to outdoor practice

9 All team members mandatory forms…..
Emergency contact form This forms is mostly for traveling. This is who to contact in case of an emergency situation. Members are ineligible to travel until this form is submitted. Waiver of Liability This form is each athletes assumption of liability for the Sports they compete in. NON-Hazing Agreement This form is an anti-hazing statement for all athletes to complete

10 Scheduling events/Competitions
Schedule of Events Form Conference games scheduled by your association Submitted at the beginning of each semester for upcoming conference games, tournaments, scrimmages (that are known) Special Events Request form This form is used in case a tournament or game or scrimmage comes up that was not submitted on your Schedule of Events form. This can also be used to request an event at NIU for your club.

11 Traveling Travel Request form
travel request must be submitted at least 1 week before your club leaves campus!! Traveling roster Traveling roster must be submitted AT LEAST 3 days before your club leaves campus!! Hotel Request If club is requesting hotel to be placed on university’s card, hotel request must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance! All members on the traveling roster must complete (no exceptions): Emergency contact form Liability Waiver Non-Hazing agreement

12 Purchasing Purchase request form Submitted at least 2 weeks in advance
The sooner the better Can be used for tournament fees, club dues, club equipment, referees, etc. Anything purchased with student association funds must stay with the club!

13 Student Reimbursement form
The only thing that can be reimbursed for is gas mileage. .535 cents per mile Must have money in the student association account to be eligible for reimbursement. This form is filled out once your club returns from travel. Filled out by Executive board member (one check per travel preferred)

14 End of semester/Season Forms
Monthly Reports Submitted every month clubs are in season (September-November January-May) Profile and Officer Update information Submitted at the end of each calendar year (after elections) or when executive board officers change within the club. This is so we know who to contact regarding club questions/issues End of season Report Submitted once a year once the clubs season has concluded.

15 Club Resource Forms Emergency Funding Request Form
Available for all clubs in good standing with campus recreation (regardless of if the club was awarded funding from Student Association) Must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance that the funding is needed Must present Emergency funding request to the Sport Club Advisory Council for voting. Funding is not guaranteed! Marketing Request Form Must be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance that marketing is needed. Uploaded images/designs are preferred. Campus Recreation can assist with about black and white copies per year. Can assist with other marketing, but there may be a small fee for color/larger posters

16 Important Date Sheet This is one of the most important resources to important meetings, workshops, due dates, etc. Club executive board will be given this at the 1st meeting of each semester Clubs can also access this on Huskie Link Under Campus Recreation’s Huskie Link page under “Documents” Is subject to change, but most up to date sheet will be on Huskie Link

17 Tier System – Active clubs

18 Tier system purpose Reward clubs who are consistently reliable and high achieving Motivate clubs on the cusp to work toward a higher tier Hold clubs accountable for following policy Provide easy structure and attainable goals for sport clubs Justify funding for clubs based on merit

19 Tier system The higher the tier the greater priority in the following:
Field and facility use event scheduling Annual budget Additional perks

20 Active status eligibility
follow all sport club policies as laid out in manual (currently under revision) Representative at all monthly meetings All forms completed on huskie link by deadline each semester Good standing with the student organization office Any officer, constitution, or club changes must be submitted in timely fashion Attain minimum fundraising contribution

21 Tier 1 - GOLD Tier 2- silver Tier 3 - bronze

22 Probationary “tier” Clubs in their first year of membership
Clubs failing to meet requirements of bronze tier Have 1 year to meet tier Bronze, Silver, or Gold requirements Failure to do so results in removal from sc status

23 Evaluations & tier movement
April – sport club council will review club performance over the academic year SCC & competitive sport staff will then determine placement for the following year If minimum requirements not met or club was inactive, club will be moved to appropriate tier Clubs wishing to advance must provide Huskie Link Application by April 1st for consideration

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