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Session 3 Breakout Session GCI/DMP/DSP GEO Work Program Symposium Osamu Ochiai GEO Secretariat May 12-13 2017 Tshwane, SA.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 3 Breakout Session GCI/DMP/DSP GEO Work Program Symposium Osamu Ochiai GEO Secretariat May 12-13 2017 Tshwane, SA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 3 Breakout Session GCI/DMP/DSP GEO Work Program Symposium Osamu Ochiai GEO Secretariat May Tshwane, SA

2 Agenda : 11.00-12.30 Introduction of session - GEO Secretariat
Current status of GCI - Joost van Bemmellen GEOSS Evolutional Architecture (as GEOSS EVOLVE WP1 work) – Ivan Deloatch/Rich Frazier GEOSS EVOLVE Vision document – Ivan DeLoatch/Max Craglia Discussion and Summarise for WPS Plenary report - All

3 Session 3 Breakout Strengthen alignment of Work Programme (WP) activities with “3+1” priority areas (SDGs, Climate, Disaster Risk Reduction) + AfriGEOSS. Promote and enable collaborative interactions (“clustering”) among WP activities to achieve priorities of the Strategic Plan and/or reorient activities to respond to gaps and avoid overlaps. Identify and set out approaches to address gaps in areas such as data, user engagement, and capacity building, and suggest new analytic approaches, and demonstrate current and evolving tools for deployment in the SBAs. Serve as “capacity building effort” on major policy initiatives (including governments, UN agencies, private sector, NGOs). Showcase GEO’s evolution to being more demand-driven through the visibility of Flagships and key Initiatives, and thus more clearly demonstrate the added value of GEO.

4 Session 3 Breakout GCI/DSP/DMP: strategies to support 3 priority areas through GEOSS Common Infrastructure and Data Sharing/Management Principles (and GEOSS-EVOLVE Initiative). Expected outcomes: inputs and recommendations to Programme Board for: consolidation of WP activities in support of 3 priority areas; new/realigned WP activities to address EO data and information, and user gaps identified in support of global policy initiatives; improved monitoring of WP implementation to better inform PB, ExCom, and Plenary; applications from relevant ISRSE-37 Sessions (GEO User Needs, SDGs, Innovative Infrastructures 4 EO.]

5 Some information on current status
Radio-frequency coordination DSP/DMP Recent GEO Data Providers Workshop held in Florence GCI and User Interaction

6 Radio-frequency Coordination
“Identify and coordinate the necessary action for the protection of the radiofrequency bands necessary to ensure proper operation of EO instruments”: to support , as appropriate, activity WMO Steering Group on Radio Frequency Coordination on preparation to ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC); to increase awareness of GEO membership on importance of promote of GEO and WMO positions for WRC on national level in order to protect radiofrequency bands used by earth observation system; to report harmful interference cases to ITU by means of national administrations or space agencies.

7 GEOSS Data Sharing Principles 2016-2025
data, metadata and products will be shared as Open Data by default, by making them available as part of the GEOSS Data Collection of Open Resources for Everyone (Data-CORE) without charge or restrictions on reuse, subject to the conditions of registration and attribution when the data are reused; where international instruments, national policies or legislation preclude the sharing of data as Open Data, data should be made available with minimal restrictions on use and at no more than the cost of reproduction and distribution; and all shared data, products and metadata will be made available with minimum time delay. Changes from the Data Sharing Principles of last decade: Sharing EO as open data by default = the GEO norm Sharing with restrictions : perceived as an exception Alignment with the International Open Data Charter Refrains from imposing charges that exceed the cost of reproduction and distribution For any purpose by anyone (last DSPs promote data sharing for non-commercial use)

8 GEOSS Data Sharing Principles Implementation Guidelines 2016-2025
Will be released for review in June!

9 Build cases on value of open EO data policies with socio-economic arguments
The trigger for policy change is in the hand of high level policy makers (minister, cabinet, parliament) We need to build evidences to convince them. We have strong cases from North America, Europe and Oceania. (Elaborate a bit on the Landsat case.) We have a report on the this topic But lack cases from Africa, South America and Asia. Ask for help from the audience Your Cases! Please find full report here

10 Monitor status and changes in EO data policies
Annual Information Request to National Contact Points for Data Sharing Basic information about the primary providers of EO data Data policy relating to EO data Details of national or agency EO data portals Summary of EO data sharing activities in relation to GEO National coordination mechanism for EO data sharing Information on applications and use of shared EO data Main barriers facing your country to achieve full open data sharing Left figure: what is GEO curently doing Right figure: a similar approach, but mang EO sectors are not included This is the result of a survey on 14 national government agencies (quite a few EO agencies, metservice, hydrolgy, remote sensing, are not included) in 92 countries. The general picture is that there still quite a few holes in Africa. But this is also the potential for big changes We will build a similar map for EO data. Change throughout years and accross the global is convincing. Help us with information. Credit: Open Data Barometer,

11 Data Management in the GCI
? The Secretariat is working with the DMP team on an operational DMP compliance checking process (parallel to administrative registration and technical registration by the data providers) in GCI. Meaningful information for users on data trustworthiness Data Management Principles

12 Data Management in GEO Flagships/Initiatives
Transparency, scalability & reliability in products and services An intial analysis of data sharing and management in GEO Flagships and Initiatives has been done by the Secretariat. Only15% Flagships and Initiatives have sound data sharing and management plans Sound data sharing and management plans in Flagships & Initiatives

13 GEO Data Providers Workshop
132 Registered from 93 different organizations 95 actual participants Approx 40 New Organizations to GCI Thanks to sponsors

14 Brief summary of Key outcomes of the workshop
Share more about GCI operations and success stories Strong encouragement on use the GEOSS Common Infrastructure to secure data discoverability and accessibility across the world Showcase of enhancement of the GEOSS Portal and GEO DAB and future of the GCI Encouragement and examples on using GCI components such GEODAB APIs and GEOSS Portal widgets for GEO community portals. Dialogue on key elements: Standards, Data Quality, GEOSS Data Management Principles Agreement with data providers to implement Data Management Principles, towards better quality of the resources provided in a step approach Enhanced communication on statistics to Data providers, through the establishment of dashboards Learn about brokering process, how to contribute data and resources to the GCI Data providers have applauded the simplification of the registration and brokering process with the inclusion of the Yellow pages Data providers recognized that the process of being brokered provides a valuable service to the organization it self, improving quality as well visibility and recognizion

15 Brief summary of Key outcomes of the workshop
Break out session: discuss benefits and issues related to GCI Benefits Constraints and issues Role of the private sector in GCI Communication with the GCI Operations team Enhance the use and applications of the GCI and resources Launch of the call for applications to the Plenary in 2017 in Washington Continue to develop the GEO Data Providers community 2018 GCI week meeting Data providers, Developers and users in ESA – Frascati, Italy.

16 Break Out sessions Group Photo And many more available on the web soon

17 How GCI is making a difference in Decision Making: GEO in Action
Call for Applications using GCI components to discover and access GEOSS Resources focusing on: Sustainable Development Goals Climate Disaster Presentation of applications at the GEO-XIV Plenary, Washington DC, October, 2017 Organizing a «GEO In Action» side event


19 Interaction with User Communities
GCI and SBA communities Virtual Meetings One SBA per month Interact with Flagships, Initiatives and Community Activities Demonstrate GEOSS Portal Feedback from SBAs

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