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EYTS Mentor Training Welcome
By the end of this session you should be able to …
Understand the context in which the EYTS programme is situated, nationally. Understand the role and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved with an Early Years Trainee’s Professional Practice Support and develop our Edge Hill University Early Years Teacher trainees to fulfil their true potential Work together effectively in partnership with the EYTS team
The Session will cover…
Training Programme Overview for all routes to EYTS Key Contacts The Partnership Wiki and observation guidance Guidance for Mentors Learning Evaluations Forms to complete Grading Feedback and forms/Target setting Final Report Forms Roles and Responsibilities Trainee ‘at risk’ procedure Safeguarding/DBS
Training Routes to EYTS
Professional Practice 1a babies/toddlers Professional Practice 1b School Professional Practice 2 based on training needs Employment is first PP 10 days engaging with KS1/2 30 days in placement to support training needs (10 days in a block w/c ) Trainees already meeting Teachers’ Standards Early Years 2013 September/January/April start Graduate Entry Route (GE) Full time programme over 12 months Graduate Employment Entry Route Part time programme over 12 months Assessment Only Part time programme over 3 months
Wider Context of the Mentor Role
Initial Teacher Education Inspection Handbook (June 2014) Inspectors are likely to request ‘ evidence of the experience and expertise of mentors and trainers’ and conduct meetings with mentors. Mentor Standards (Carter Review) “A mentor is a suitably-experienced teacher who has formal responsibility to work collaboratively with trainees” Standard 1 - Personal qualities Establish trusting relationships, modelling high standards of practice, and empathising with the challenges a trainee faces. Standard 2 – Teaching Support trainees to develop their teaching practice in order to set high expectations and to meet the needs of all pupils. Standard 3 – Professionalism Induct the trainee into professional norms and values, helping them to understand the importance of the role and responsibilities of teachers in society. Standard 4 – Self-development and working in partnership Continue to develop their own professional knowledge, skills and understanding and invest time in developing a good working relationship within relevant ITT partnerships.
Standard 1 - Personal qualities
Establish trusting relationships, modelling high standards of practice, and understand how to support a trainee through initial teacher training The mentor should: • Be approachable, make time for the trainee, and prioritise meetings and discussions with them; • use a range of effective interpersonal skills to respond to the needs of the trainee; • offer support with integrity, honesty and respect; • use appropriate challenge to encourage the trainee to reflect on their practice; and • support the improvement of a trainee’s teaching by modelling exemplary practice in planning, teaching and assessment.
Standard 2 – Teaching Support trainees to develop their teaching practice in order to set high expectations of all pupils and to meet their needs The mentor should: • support the trainee in forming good relationships with pupils, and in developing effective behaviour and classroom management strategies; • support the trainee in developing effective approaches to planning, teaching and assessment; • support the trainee with marking and assessment of pupil work through moderation or double marking; • give constructive, clear and timely feedback on lesson observations; • broker opportunities to observe best practice; • support the trainee in accessing expert subject and pedagogical knowledge; • resolve in-school issues on the trainee’s behalf where they lack the confidence or experience to do so themselves; • enable and encourage the trainee to evaluate and improve their teaching; and • enable the trainee to access, utilise and interpret robust educational research to inform their teaching.
Standard 3 – Professionalism
Set high expectations and induct the trainee to understand their role and responsibilities as a teacher The mentor should: • encourage the trainee to participate in the life of the school and understand its role within the wider community; • support the trainee in developing the highest standards of professional and personal conduct; • support the trainee in promoting equality and diversity; • ensure the trainee understands and complies with relevant legislation, including that related to the safeguarding of children; and • support the trainee to develop skills to manage time effectively.
Standard 4 – Self-development and working in partnership
Continue to develop their own professional knowledge, skills and understanding and invest time in developing a good working relationship within relevant ITT partnerships. The mentor should: • ensure consistency by working with other mentors and partners to moderate judgements; and • continue to develop their own mentoring practice and subject and pedagogical expertise by accessing appropriate professional development and engaging with robust research.
Key Contact Details Title Contact Email Address Telephone Number
Professional Support Team Angela Atherton Head of Early Years Area Karen Boardman Assistant Head of Early Years Area Liana Beattie Course Leader for GE Route Julie Goodman Programme Lead for Graduate Routes to EYTS Patricia Burgess
Early Years Partnership Wiki
All the documents referenced here are available via the Partnership Wiki – To access the wiki go to: Edge Hill website Learning and Teaching Information for Partners Early Years Education Look for information specifically related to EYTS
Edge Hill University Assessment and Grading Criteria Booklet
This document will allow the Mentor to track the progress of their trainee. This booklet should be used to inform: Each Session Observation Form. The FAIR End of Professional Practice Report Form. Mentors should decide how best to use this document. Some for example, will use it as an ongoing record for each trainee based on everything they have achieved throughout the Professional Practice, making it easier to set targets.
All trainee graded judgements will be made using the four-point scale:
Grade 1 - Outstanding Grade 2 - Good Grade 3 – Meeting Expectations Grade 4 – Inadequate This four-point scale indicates the quality of Early Years Teachers in training and is based on what can be reasonably expected of a trainee early years teacher at that point in their training. A trainee identified as Good or Outstanding is demonstrating the potential to become a good or outstanding Early Years teacher by the end of their Former Trainee year. The grading criteria grid and advice in reaching an assessment judgement can be accessed on the partnership wiki.
Session Observation The observation form has been developed alongside colleagues within the Early Years and Primary Partnership. Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) are provided down the side of the document. When observing the session, ‘the Key strengths’ and ‘Areas for Improvement’ should be linked to the standards for example: S4.2 Plan balanced and flexible activities and educational programmes that can take into account the stage of development, circumstances and interests of children. S4.4 Use a variety of teaching approaches to lead group activities to the age range and ability of children These are examples of comments you could write in the ‘Key Strengths’ box. Such comments allow the trainees to identify the Teachers’ Standards they are achieving as well as which standards ‘Require Improvement’. Because the trainee made the animal sounds playfully as she picked up the toys, the babies copied and tried to replicate the sounds, which supported their auditory discrimination Can we turn the folder into a link for the lesson observation form?
Guide for Mentors and other observers (Before the Session)
Plan for observing a ‘breadth’ of the EYFS curriculum Plan to observe different parts of a session e.g. indoors/outdoors/continuous provision Agree times of observations well in advance where possible Request a preview of the lesson/session plan and resources as necessary Your valuable role as a mentor is to improve the practice of the trainee overall.
Guide for Mentors and other observers (During the Session)
Try to position yourself where you will not distract the trainee or the children. Respect professionalism if it becomes necessary to challenge the teaching. Do not hesitate to intervene if there is a health and safety issue. Identify key points during the session; log what you see and hear Look at how ‘other adults’ are used, the indoor and outdoor provision; enhancements; continuous provision; routines that are set up. Always refer to the Grading Criteria It is the Mentor’s role to develop the practice of the trainee.
Guide for Mentors and other observers (After the Session)
Agree an adequate amount of time and a private place for debriefing Give brief informal feedback at the end of the observation, keeping comments as positive as possible. Debrief formally as soon s possible after the observation basing feedback on the written script, linked to the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) Use the Grading Criteria consistently and celebrate trainee achievement. In consultation with the trainee set SMART targets for future development, linking this to the Teaching Standards (Early Years) Plan the focus together for the next observation. Your valuable role as a mentor is to improve the practice of the trainee overall.
Feedback When giving feedback ensure that the feedback is analytical and developmental ensuring that the trainee has specific targets for progression. Feedback should be focused on progress: what impact did the trainee’s teaching have on the progress of Individuals or groups, as the whole? Focus on behaviour that can be changed. Base your feedback on the observations you have made and ensure the feedback is objective. Focus on what the trainee did well, and what they could do better. and set targets related to Q14 subject knowledge N, EAL, Behaviour Management and where appropriate the teaching of phonics . Look at observation sheets, blank and annotated. Discuss sections clarify queries.
Feedback is key in the mentoring relationship
Feedback should be focused so that it is both supportive and developmental. Targets should be negotiated with trainees and be specific to individual needs. Disucuss briefly their present roles and experience in relation to this
Key points to use when feeding back....
The structure adopted for best practice is... Quality time Empathy Positive opening Opportunity for self-reflection Session evaluation Honest feedback (leading into target-setting) Positive conclusion Encourage trainees to reflect upon their teaching both verbally and in written form. Ensure they discuss their teaching strategies and how these impact on the children’s learning. Linked to skills of mentor
End of Professional Practice Report Form Graduate Entry Route
Please use the Assessment and Grading Criteria booklets when completing this form. EHU Visiting Tutor Support Phase 1a 3 joint observations/professional discussions I triangulation meeting Phase 1b 1 triangulation meeting Phase 2 4 joint observations/professional discussions
End of Professional Practice Report Form Graduate Employment Route
Please use the Assessment and Grading Criteria booklets when completing this form. EHU Visiting Tutor Support Term 1 3 joint observations/professional discussions Term 2 Term 3 2 joint observations/professional discussions 1 triangulation meeting Complete End of PP form
The End of Professional Practice Report Form
Note: to ensure the form is completed in a timely manner, we suggest that the trainee hands the form to the Mentor 1 week before the triangulation meeting. This will allow the mentor time to complete their section. If both sections are completed prior to the triangulation meeting, the meeting will be more focused. Each section is linked to the Teachers’ Standards. Encourage your trainee to complete their section, one week before the triangulation meeting. This way the dialogue can be more focused. Targets should be directly linked to the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) using the Assessment and Grading Criteria booklet to aid the process.
Target setting It is important that targets are linked to the Teachers’ Standards Early Years (2013) using the Assessment and Grading Criteria booklet to support you. Targets should be shared with all concerned in the trainee's progress. Targets should always follow the SMART principle
Tracking Trainee Evidence using the FAIR document
The trainee is required to use the following sources of evidence Teaching File – Documentary Evidence for each aspect of each Standard Reflective written account of how they are meeting each Standard LERs Any extra mentor evidence The Formative Assessment and Impact Record (FAIR) provides an overview of where the trainees have evidence and from what source. Please use the language from the Grading Criteria to inform comments. Standard Written Tasks (To be completed by VT) Teaching File (to be completed by VT) Observations (to be updated by trainee from LERs) Mentor Evidence (To be inputted by the mentor following regular meetings) S1 Outstanding practice evidenced in the example you provided about how the changes you made to the environment impacted on Child A Outstanding practice demonstrated by trainee’s review of the mark making area and its impact on boy’s learning LER – Outstanding practice demonstrated. Trainee recently reviewed mark making area and discussed how this could be developed in toddler room. S2 S3
“At Risk” “At Risk” The Procedure
A trainee could be deemed to be “At Risk” at any point during the Professional Practice. If the Mentor has concerns that the trainee is unlikely to meet the minimum standard required for the Professional Practice, it is critical that the Programme/Course Leader is contacted immediately. Failure to achieve the minimum expectation will result in the trainee either extending their Professional Practice, or the trainee will be required to repeat the Professional Practice. We do however, aim to give our trainees the maximum support to enable them to be successful in completing their Professional Practice. Therefore Intervention measures will be put into place. “At Risk”
Employer Incentive Guidance
Taught sessions funded by NCTL £7000 Employer Incentive – paid in monthly payments Employers must submit the following documents by 30th October 2017 Employer Incentive Agreement form Initial Breakdown of proposed costs. Bank details if you wish to receive the payment straight into the bank (otherwise a cheque) The £7,000 which you will receive is to be used to support the trainee studying towards achieving Early Years Teacher Status, for example, it may be used for: Supply cover costs in order to release the trainee and/or mentor to attend teaching sessions, undertake additional experience within other settings or for home study days to complete assignments Books/resources which will support the trainee in her/his studies or to lead the development of an area within the setting Salary enhancement Attendance at relevant conferences or other professional development activities
Safeguarding for Edge Hill University Trainees.
The Faculty of Education safeguarding policy is intended to guide the actions of students/trainees who may have concerns for the safeguarding and welfare of children during the professional practice elements of their programme. Trainee early years teachers in your setting will follow the safeguarding procedures that your setting has and will report any concerns to you as appropriate. Members of staff from our partnership need to be aware that any safeguarding concerns reported to your setting will also be reported to the designated senior manager with safeguarding responsibilities in Faculty of Education at Edge Hill University. You will be contacted by this member of staff with regards to the concern raised. This is to ensure children are protected and students/trainees are well supported throughout any process of enquiry. Please ensure as a school the trainee is aware of the schools safeguarding and child protection policy. Click on the resources tab to read this document.
DBS Any trainee enrolled on an ITT programme has satisfied our robust and rigorous DBS clearance processes and has been found to be suitable to undertake a course of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) leading to the recommendation of the award of Teacher Status (QTS) Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS), and in Further Education and Training, Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS). The ITT Criteria also sets out that “where the accredited ITT provider [Edge Hill University] has obtained a DBS check, the trainee should not be subjected to any further DBS checks, such as by a partner school/setting… Persons guilty of breaching the DBS Code of Practice are liable to deregistration, a fine and imprisonment.”
Partnership Development Group (PDG) and Employer Group Early Years and Primary Education
The purpose of the PDG is to meet half-termly to discuss the development of the Edge Hill University Early Years and Primary Partnership. The group review policies, procedures and enhancements to inform future developments within the Partnership. The Employer Group is future facing and meet termly to consider new developments. If you want to have an input on how the Early Years and Primary Partnership can develop and evolve in the future and you are interested in volunteering for the group please contact Liana Beattie or Karen Boardman
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