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Commonwealth of Virginia

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1 Commonwealth of Virginia
Logistics and Resource Management Program

2 Virginia’s Logistics Program
“the Mission”

3 “Our Mission” “Provide Virginia’s Stakeholders with Logistics / Resource Coordination and Support both “day to day” and in times of emergency”

4 Mission by “Action” Facilitate acquisition of “in-state and out of state resources” Request management/resource management Resource Database and Inventory (Resource Manager 2.0)* Statewide Mutual Aid Program (SMA) Emergency Management Assistance Compact Program (EMAC) Federal Requests for Resources (Action Request Form – ARF)

5 Mission by “Action” Emergency Procurement Support
Emergency Procurement of resources Emergency Procurement process education Emergency / Disaster Contract Services Private Partnership Relationships

6 Mission by “Action” Logistics Planning Assistance
Resource Management Training Logistics Management Training Local and Regional Planning Review as requested Resource GAP Analysis Data Collection NIMS Typing Assistance (in conjunction with VDEM NIMS Staff) Forecasting and “Anticipation of Need” modeling

7 Mission by “Action” Staging Areas Predetermined staging areas
Pre-identified “re-entry” credentialing process (in development) Incident dependent and locality dependent

8 Mission by “Action” Distribution Sites
Coordinated with Localities/State Agencies Virginia Distribution Center Incident dependent and locality dependent Private Partnership Distribution Processes

9 Mission by “Action” Prepositioned Resources
Communications Cache resources Special Needs Equipment Sheltering Supplies (Dept of Corrections and VDEM PPDS – Sandston, Va) Home Repair Kits (VDEM PPDS – Sandston, Va)

10 Mission by “Action” Procedural Process Guidance
Logistics Management Plan Request for Assistance / Request Management Standard Operating Procedures Logistics Section Standard Operating Procedures Section Specific Standard Operating Procedures Statewide Mutual Aid Emergency Management Assistance Compact Emergency Procurement

11 Virginia’s Logistics Program
“the Structure”


13 Virginia Logistics “Hybrid system” of Operational Logistics and Logistical Operations based on the “all-hazards” concept Designed as a “coordination and support network” for state agencies and localities Utilizes local, state, federal, private sector, and volunteer resources and capabilities

14 Useful Resource Tools State agencies (Virginia Emergency Response Team) Voluntary based organizations and donations received Private Partnerships Contract Partnerships Statewide Mutual Aid (SMA) Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) Federal Partnerships

15 Logistics Section / ESF 7 Partners
Department of Corrections (DOC) Virginia Information Technology Agency (VITA) Virginia Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (VaVOAD) Private Industry Partnerships Department of General Services (DGS) Department of Fire Programs (VDFP) Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) FEMA

16 Virginia’s Logistics Program
Requests for Assistance and Resource Management “How It All Gets Done”

17 VDEM Processes VDEM uses a continuously evaluated process model for request management based on a “Cradle to Grave” concept Incorporates all facets of request management Locality requests / assistance and support State Agency requests / assistance and support Statewide Mutual Aid – locality to locality mutual aid Volunteer Organizations – VaVOAD EMAC (State to State) Action Request Forms (State to Federal)

18 “Requestor / Provider” Consideration Factors
SALTT (Size, Amount, Location, Type, Time) – capability based requesting concepts Resource availability – seasonal, 24hrs,etc Pricing – reasonable and fair concepts Capable and reputable

19 Virginia’s Thoughts “the process model should follow the business model” See Virginia Request for Assistance Process Model Handout

20 Virginia Emergency Response Team
Title 44 of the Code of Virginia and the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Operations Plan (COVEOP) Comprised of more than 400 members Over 30 primary state agencies (ESF’s) Non-profit organizations Private partners Federal partners Coordinates response operations to disasters and emergencies throughout the Commonwealth Requires authorization by the Governor but can be done daily through other agreements – VSP, VDEM, VDOT, etc

21 Volunteer Programs Support
Volunteer organizations have extensive capabilities at the local and state level Coordinated by ESF 17 – Volunteers and Donations at the state EOC – handled locally otherwise Extensive local, state, federal, and private volunteer groups and resources

22 Mutual Aid Coordination Programs
Statewide Mutual Aid Program “Agreements/contracts” between localities for resource support – SMA SMA – can be initiated by Locality or VDEM Logistics Chief – responsibility is locality (See program advantages handout) EMAC Program Agreements between Virginia and other states for resource support (requesting and assisting) Coordinated by VDEM Logistics Section Staff

23 Private Sector Interaction
Private Sector receives and can respond to IFB’s, RFP’s, and Quick Quotes Companies can receive purchase orders directly from the Commonwealth Logistics Section Staff will seek out resources on the internet, eVA, and other sources and may contact suppliers directly Vendors communication with Logistics Section staff PRIOR to event/occurrence

24 Pre-Event Disaster Services Contracts
Virginia has a robust DGS Contract Database as well as disaster services contracts “pre-negotiated” Can be used by localities and state agencies Competitively bid to facilitate cost recovery through FEMA

25 Virginia’s Logistics Program
“Putting it all together”

26 Challenges Prepositioning of Resources vs Cost
Warehousing or Request as needed Diversity of “needs” across Virginia Budgetary impact due to associated costs Commodity needs in large events Localities and State Agencies Understanding of Logistics – when to ask, what to ask for, how to ask

27 Logistics Program Development Matrix
Continue Development of Local and State Logistics Programs through Training Implementation of the State Logistics Management Plan to include Points of Distribution, Logistical Staging Areas, and Movement Coordination and Management Continued development of Virginia’s Disaster Services Contracts Increase use of Grants by the Commonwealth of Virginia and localities for resource management and logistics programs Continue support to locality partners, state agencies, and other states as they develop Logistics Programs (based on lessons learned, processes, etc. ) Continue Logistics Program SOP development – This goal is part of a 5 year Logistics Program Development Plan outlined by the Section Chief. This “Plan” would need implementation and integration of these concepts to the local level as a benchmark of the program’s success. Continue Site Facility Program – Several concepts of our VEOC Site Facility Management Plan need fully developed from concepts currently in place. This will ensure that the VEOC has the necessary equipment to respond to events across the Commonwealth. One recent noted item of importance is a Site Facility Lifecycle Management Plan for equipment. Continue Development of Local and State Logistics Staff through Training Programs – The Section Chief is currently developing a “Logistics 101” Training Course that will be offered to local and state agency partners. This will increase knowledge of key Logistical Concepts and will advance the response capabilities of Virginia. Implementation of the State Logistics Staging Area Programs to include Points of Distribution, Logistical Staging Areas, and Movement Coordination and Management – Each of these concepts need developed as part of the Logistics Management Plan. Once developed, training will need conducted on these concepts at the local and state agency level. Full Implementation and Integration of the Logistics Components of the COVEOP; specifically the Hurricane Evacuation Plan – We took the initial step in obtaining this item with the signing of the evacuation bus contract. At this time implementation of this idea is awaiting responses from local partners. Once received further interaction, training, exercising, and evaluation will be required to ensure program goals have been reached.

28 Best Practices Use of pre-established contract service providers by localities and state agencies Train partners in logistics management processes and practices Use of VOAD partnerships Pre-certify vendors in Virginia Coordination with FEMA Logistics Personnel

29 Virginia’s Logistics Program
“What we would like Logisticians to Know about Virginia” the tough part to say but the truth must be told

30 Perspectives (Localities and the State)
The local perspective has the most merit with VDEM Logistics as we work in support of their response. The State will not overwhelm our localities capabilities; otherwise we just made the emergency larger for our localities Virginia asks what their (local) setup is and what it can accommodate before deployment of resources

31 “About the Localities/Jurisdictions”
All events are LOCAL – not State, not Federal – our role is to SUPPORT the localities Citizens will call their local Emergency Managers asking why their expectations are not being met Many local EM’s are “multi-hatted”

32 About State Logistical Operations
Virginia Supports and Coordinates the state’s emergency response operations with its Localities or Jurisdictions 1 person Logistics Program day to day and staff increases as applicable. 90+ percent of Virginia’s localities and state agencies do not have a formal Logistics Program We use traditional Logistics Principles (Staging, Burn Rates, PODS, Forecast Modeling, etc) but we work with our localities as each event and impacted locality is unique

33 About the State We use a defined process to ensure that we are good stewards of Resources We will exhaust all of our capabilities (State Agencies, SMA, EMAC, Procurement) prior to coming to the federal partners We will ask FEMA Region III for a CAPABILITY – we will not ask for a specific Federal Partner resource

34 Federal Partners Involvement
The Federal Partners Support and Coordinate their operations through the State EOC to Virginia localities and jurisdictions Our Chain of Command goes through FEMA Region III for resource support from the Federal Partners via the ARF Process

35 Final Thoughts for Virginia
- we are all in this together - disasters are “all inclusive” - superman and wonder woman don’t exist so it is up to us to be prepared

36 For More Information about Virginia’s Logistics Programs
Jason Eaton, PEM Chief, Logistics Section or (cell)

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