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Ancient Greece.

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1 Ancient Greece

2 Vocabulary Aristocracy Metic Tenant farmer Acropolis Phalanx Tyranny
Ephor Helots

3 Geography of Greece 2000 BCE Greeks moved to present day Greece located as a peninsula around the Mediterranean Sea The land is divided by mountain ranges which contains valleys. The land was good for farming but good for raising sheep


5 Geography of Greece The climate brought by the Mediterranean Sea provided mild and wet winters and hot and dry summers The climate was also good for growing deep root plants which provided Olive oil and Wine

6 Early Greeks Greeks were descendants of Minoan and Mycenaean. Both civilizations excelled in writing, building, and government between about1600 BCE-1100 BCE

7 Dark Ages Between about 1100 BCE to 750 BCE Greece experience the Dark Ages after being conquered by the Dorians Very little reading, writing, and education took place during this time accept in the Asian Minor (Ionia) which kept the Greek civilization alive

8 Greek City States City-States also known as polis were the cities and their surrounding areas. Each city-state contained a marker place and a government where each free male Greek was able to vote on issues.

9 Greek City-States Most cities had 2 levels, top level was at the top of the hill where public buildings and temples were found. The bottom level was where homes and marketplaces were located.

10 Greek Government Most Greek City-State governments were ran 2 ways. Some city-states contained aristocracies and others were self governed by the free male Greek citizens.

11 Women in Greece Women were usually very restricted in the Greek civilization. Athens women usually took care of the household and the children. Spartan women had more rights than other city-states, they were educated, sold property, and trained in sports.

12 Greek Society Greek social class consisted of Rich land owners (Aristocracy), small landowners, merchants & artisans, landless poor, and slaves.

13 Greek Economy Since Greek land was limited in farm land Greeks obtained resources through conquest (Sparta), colonization, and trade ( lead to using money).


15 Greek Expansion Greek used conquest, colonization, and trade to expand their culture and it also lead to a change such as in military with the creation of phalanx.

16 Greek Change in Government
Most Greek city-states used oligarchies (aristocracy) but as the Greeks expanded more citizens wanted power. This didn’t sit well with the aristocracy and lead to tyranny.

17 Greek Change in Government
Not all city-states turned to tyrannies some gave citizens more rights such as Athens. In 594 BCE under the leadership of Solon they stop selling poor people who owed debt into slavery and gave some citizens outside the aristocracy to vote and by about 450 BCE they became a democracy.

18 Democracy in Athens Athens divided the duties of the city-states into different categories, assembly (boule, and council subcommittees), juries, and archons.

19 Two Types of Democracy Direct democracy- people vote directly on issues Representative democracy- people vote for a person to represent to vote on issues

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