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Best Practices from Across the World Tuesday, June 7, 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices from Across the World Tuesday, June 7, 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices from Across the World Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Strengthening Sustainable and Inclusive Communities for the 21st Century Best Practices from Across the World Tuesday, June 7, 2011

2 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office for International and Philanthropic Innovation Our Goals: Generate lessons, evidence, and best practices in housing and community development that can be applied to HUD’s work; Advance HUD’s capacity and competence to achieve better results through innovation and multi-sector, multi-national networks; Develop collaborations that align ideas, investments, and resources for transformative and sustainable development with philanthropic and international partners

3 You’re Invited! Sustainable and Inclusive Housing Prize Initiative Learning Summit and Awards Ceremony  July 19, 2011 National Building Museum, Washington, D.C.

4 Winner: Zero Waste, Sustainable Architecture, Renewable Energy
Transforming Waste Into Renewable Construction Materials Curadores da Terra (Earth Curators) Brazil, Sao Paolo

5 Winner: Developing Real Estate for Squatters and Tenants of Buenos Aires
Recycling Urban Homes Habitat for Humanity Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina

6 Winner: Green Development Zone
Green housing, energy, jobs training, and agriculture People United for Sustainable Housing Buffalo, USA

7 Living City Block Comprehensive Development of Sustainable,
Affordable, Economically Viable City Blocks Living City Block Colombia; Denver, USA

8 Social Housing and Energy Efficiency Forum
Low-Income Sustainable Housing Projects Foro de Vivienda Social y Eficiencia Energética Argentina

9 Reducing Social Marginalization through Progressive Housing Solutions
Comprehensive Housing Solutions for the Poor Mejoramiento Integral Asistido Mexico

10 Sume Materiales (‘Incorporate materials')
Reusing Materials to Promote Housing Affordability Fundacion Sagrada Familia Argentina

11 Social Franchising for the Development of Sustainable Housing at the Bottom of the Pyramid
Giving Families the Entrepreneurial Skills To Build Sustainable Housing Ecoblock International Mexico

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