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1 Information for people with reduced mobility in the field of public transport Barrierefreie ÖV-Information für mobilitätseingeschränkte Menschen Peter.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Information for people with reduced mobility in the field of public transport Barrierefreie ÖV-Information für mobilitätseingeschränkte Menschen Peter."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Information for people with reduced mobility in the field of public transport Barrierefreie ÖV-Information für mobilitätseingeschränkte Menschen Peter Vollmer RMV Head of Communication Alexander Pilz VBB

2 2 Idea of the project BAIM (1) The idea of the project is to develop information services for people with reduced mobility in the field of public transport two different demonstration areas (greater Frankfurt and Berlin) information about the accessibility and usability of public transport systems all journey stages, from planning to travelling analysis of the different requirements of user groups static and dynamic information special data management Source: RMV

3 3 Idea of the project BAIM (2) The idea of the project is to develop information services for people with reduced mobility in the field of public transport already existing route planning solutions and scheduling systems via Internet new services e. g. via mobile phone, smartphone, and conversational systems based on natural language technologies first services base on target scheduling times later real-time information will be given Source: RMV

4 4 Process Analysis of user demands/requirements Data management, data collection Realisation of services (especially static information) Test Evaluation Analysis of user demands/requirements Data management, data collection Realisation of services (especially dynamic information) Test (May – July 2007) Evaluation Analysis of user demands/requirements Data management, data collection Realisation of services Test (September – November 2007) Evaluation Phase 1 (regional services, 2005/2006) Phase 2 (regional services, 2006/2007) Phase 3 (supra-regional/ nationwide services, 2007/2008)

5 5 The partners for the project BAIM are: Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund GmbH (concept, test, coordinator) Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH (concept, test) HaCon Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (route planning solutions, scheduling systems) IVU Traffic Technologies AG (data integration) SemanticEdge (natural language technologies) Forschungsinstitut Technologie-Behindertenhilfe (user demands) funded by Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft un Tecnologie (Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology) Partners

6 6 What have we reached until now? Results of a BAIM project phase I developed and demonstrated customer services internet based travel planer for barrier free route search speech recognition based travel planer for barrier free route search station services (e.g. enhanced dynamic station plans) huge amount of collected data base for phase 2 of the project market research and evaluation of services evaluated customer services market research study for phase 2 services in project

7 7 Market research Results of a BAIM evalution (phase 1) 35 interviews per region in November / December 2006 blind / visual impairment: 6 persons wheel chair users: 10 persons walking impairment (temporary or permanent): 14 persons experts: 5 persons not only organized users were acquired self organized monitored interviews and practices (screen traced) very helpful remarks in usability (concerning BAIM and other features) functionality (different approaches of RMV and VBB) not asked questions (semantics, other pieces of advice) substantial input for improving BAIM services (and for established services too)!

8 8 Market research Results of a BAIM market research study 113 asked person in both regions in December limitation of walking: 55 persons (32 permanent, 23 temporary) limitation of seeing:27 persons limitation of hearing:31 persons carry out by a market research institute time per interview: about 140 minutes interviews based on charts of planed new services

9 9 Vergleich Fahrplanauskunft (Ausgabe verschiedene Detaillierung) Erste Ergebnisse Intention of using services

10 10 Vergleich Fahrplanauskunft (Ausgabe verschiedene Detaillierung) Erste Ergebnisse Intention of using services

11 11 Vergleich Fahrplanauskunft (Ausgabe verschiedene Detaillierung) Erste Ergebnisse Intention of using services

12 12 Vergleich Fahrplanauskunft (Ausgabe verschiedene Detaillierung) Erste Ergebnisse Intention of using services

13 13 Vergleich Fahrplanauskunft (Ausgabe verschiedene Detaillierung) Erste Ergebnisse Intention of using services

14 14 Vergleich Fahrplanauskunft (Ausgabe verschiedene Detaillierung) Erste Ergebnisse Intention of using services

15 15 Market research Summary of a BAIM market research study

16 16 Market research Summary of a BAIM market research study permanent limitation of walking most important: barrier-free travelling chains less important: aspects concerning presentation temporary limitation of walking similar to users with permanent limitation, but lower requirements windfall gains limitation of seeing most important: presentation of information (text, audio) less important: special content (with some exceptions) limitation of hearing most important: presentation of information (icons, plans), real-time less important: special content (with some exceptions)

17 17 New Services in phase 2 Planned prototypes phase 2 integration of real-time-data and disruption information supervised connections based on user personalization push services by E-Mail (forwarding to MMS possible by user) automatic speech recognition services (identifying by personalized telephone numbers) mobile services time table information enhanced station information

18 18 New Services (Realisation in phase 2) Integration of real-time-data delays / cancellations of trains troubles with elevators and escalators data sources: RMV: Deutsche Bahn AG, Verkehrsgesellschaft Frankfurt/Main VBB: BVG, S-Bahn Berlin, Veolia, 85% of regional bus companies Quelle: BLIC

19 19 Supervised connections I Verbindung überwachen Name für die Route Arbeitsweg Supervise route based on smart information (no delays considered)

20 20 Art der Benachrichtigung E-Mail SMS E-Mailadresse / Mobiltelefonnummer 26.10.2006 6:52 Uhr Aufzug S-Bahnsteig Gleis 2 S Treptower Park gestört Route Arbeitsweg nicht mehr barrierefrei, für Alternativen hier klicken Supervised connections II Attention, Elevator on route 3 is out of order, please reroute

21 21 New Services (Realisation in phase 2) Mobile services - Auskunft Einzelauskunft Ankunft/Abfahrt Störungen Impressum - Auskunft Einzelauskunft Von: Nach: Datum: Uhrzeit: Weitere Optionen Barrierefreies Reisen Suchen - Auskunft Störungsmeldungen Linie oder Station Suchen

22 22 New Services (Realisation in phase 2) Dynamic Station plans 2D- and 3D- View

23 23 Conclusion - outlook Presentation time today is to short to get unlimited view of project More ideas than funding in recent project indoor routing at stations 3d modelling of stations (the complicated ones) supervised routes by real time data (scheduling data) barrier free route from address to station train-formation indicator real time push services on automatic speech system Trying to get follow up funding by federal ministry!

24 24 Ideas Reachability search destinations which can be reached by handicaped persons according to the individual requirements

25 25 Ideas train-formation indicator access-points for wheel chair- users orientation on the platform Lokomotive Reisezugwagen 2. Klasse / 1. Klasse 1 1 Steuerwagen mit Mehrzweckabteil Example: Fahrtrichtung Unterführung Aufzug Treppe Bahnsteigdach Stufe: 21 cm, Spalt: 15 cm, Hublift im Steuerwagen vorhanden

26 26 Thank you for your attention! Peter Vollmer RMV Head of Communication Alexander Pilz VBB

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