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Event-B and Rodin Overview

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1 Event-B and Rodin Overview
Michael Butler School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton, UK

2 Part 1 Motivation Event-B overview Rational design with Event-B:
abstraction refinement proof and mechanical analysis Proof and use of Rodin tools

3 What’s wrong with the V model?
Specification Validation testing Preliminary design Integration testing Unit testing Detailed design Coding Many errors are introduced early but detected late – such errors are expensive to fix.

4 Why is it difficult to detect errors?
Lack of precision ambiguities inconsistencies Too much complexity: complexity of requirements complexity of operating environment complexity of designs

5 Precise models (blueprints)
Precision from early stages with models Amenable to analysis by tools Identify and fix ambiguities and inconsistencies as early as possible Mastering complexity Encourage abstraction Incremental analysis and design through refinement and decomposition

6 Formal Methods Clear specifications (contract)
Mathematical techniques for formulation and analysis of systems Formal methods facilitate: Clear specifications (contract) Rigorous validation and verification Validation: does the contract specify the right system? answered informally Verification: does the finished product satisfy the contract? can be answered formally

7 Early stage analysis Unit testing Coding Validation Validation testing
Integration testing Specification Validation Verification Architectural design Validation Verification Detailed design Verification Coding

8 Rapid prototying versus modelling
Rapid prototying: provides early stage feedback on system functionality Plays an important role in getting user feedback and in understanding some design constraints But we will see that formal modelling and proof provide a deep understanding that is hard to achieve with rapid prototyping Advice: use any approach that improves design process!

9 Event-B (Abrial) State-transition model (like ASM, B, VDM, Z)
set theory as mathematical language Refinement (based on action systems by Back) data refinement one-to-many event refinement new events (stuttering steps) Proof method Refinement proof obligations (POs) generated from models Automated and interactive provers for POs

10 System level Examples of systems: System level reasoning:
Train signalling system Mechanical press system Access control system Air traffic information system Electronic purse system Distributed database system Cruise control system System level reasoning: Involves abstractions of overall system not just software components

11 Rational design, by example
Example: access control system Example intended to give a feeling for: modelling language abstraction and refinement role of verification and Rodin tool

12 Access control system Users are authorised to engage in activities
User authorisation may be added or revoked Activities take place in rooms Users gain access to a room using a one-time token provided they have authority to engage in the room activities Tokens are issued by a central authority Tokens are time stamped A room gateway allows access with a token provided the token is valid

13 Extracting the essence
Access Control Policy: Users may be in a room only if they are authorised to engage in all activities that may take place in that room To express this we only require Users, Rooms, Activities and relationships between them Abstraction: focus on key entities in the problem domain

14 Diagrammatic representation of an abstract model
USER ACTIVITY authorised location takeplace ROOM

15 Variables and invariants of Event-B model
Variables of Event-B model @inv1 authorised ∈ User ↔ Activity // relation @inv2 takeplace ∈ Room ↔ Activity // relation @inv3 location ∈ User ⇸ Room // partial function Access control invariant: if user u is in room r, then u must be authorised to engaged in all activities that can take place in r @inv4 ∀u,r . u∈dom(location) ∧ location( u ) = r ⇒ takeplace[ r ] ⊆ authorised[ u ]

16 State snapshot as tables
User Activity u1 a1 a2 u2 Room Activity r1 a1 a2 r2 authorised takeplace User Room u1 r1 u2 r2 u3 location

17 Event for entering a room
when grd1   :    u ∈ User grd2   :    r ∈ Room grd3   :    takeplace[ r ] ⊆ authorised[ u ] then act1   :    location(u)  :=  r end Does this event maintain the security invariant?

18 Role of invariants and guards
Invariants: specify properties of model variables that should also remain true violation of invariant is undesirable use (automated) proof to verify invariant preservation Guards: specify conditions under which events may occur should be strong enough to ensure invariants are maintained but not so strong that they prevent desirable behaviour

19 Remove authorisation RemoveAuth(u,a) ≙ when grd1 : u ∈ User grd2 : a ∈ Activity grd3 : u ↦ a ∈ authorised then act1 : authorised := authorised ∖ { u ↦ a } end Does this event maintain the security invariant?

20 Counterexample from model checking with ProB plug-in for Rodin

21 Failing proof with Rodin

22 Strengthen guard of RemAuth

23 Now we construct a new model (refinement)
USER ACTIVITY authorised location holder takeplace ROOM TOKEN room Abstract guard on a user and room for entering grd3: takeplace[ r ] ⊆ authorised[ u ] is replaced by a guard on a token grd3b: t ∈ valid ∧ room(t) = r ∧ holder(t) = u

24 Failing refinement proof

25 Gluing invariant USER ACTIVITY authorised location holder takeplace ROOM TOKEN room To ensure consistency of the refinement we need invariant:   inv 6: t ∈ valid   ⇒     takeplace [ room(t) ]  ⊆  authorised[ holder(t) ]

26 Invariant enables PO discharge

27 But get new failing PO

28 Source of failing PO

29 Strengthen guard of refined RemAuth

30 Rational design – what, how, why
What does it achieve? if user u is in room r, then u must be authorised to engaged in all activities that can take place in r How does it work? Check that a user has a valid token Why does it work?   For any valid token t, the holder of t must be authorised to engage in all activities that can take place in that room

31 What, how, why written in B
What does it achieve? inv4: u∈dom(location) ∧ location( u ) = r takeplace[ r ] ⊆ authorised[ u ] How does it work? grd3b: t ∈ valid ∧ r = room(t) ∧ u = holder(t) Why does it work?   inv5: t ∈ valid   ⇒     takeplace [ room(t) ]  ⊆  authorised[ holder(t) ]

32 Abstraction Abstraction can be viewed as a process of simplifying our understanding of a system. The simplification should focus on the intended purpose of the system ignore details of how that purpose is achieved. The modeller should make judgements about what they believe to be the key features of the system.

33 Abstraction (continued)
If the purpose is to provide some service, then model what a system does from the perspective of the service users ‘users’ might be computing agents as well as humans. If the purpose is to control, monitor or protect some phenomenon, then the abstraction should focus on those phenomenon in what way should they be controlled or protected? why should they be monitored?

34 Refinement Refinement is a process of enriching or modifying a model in order to augment the functionality being modelled, or explain how some purpose is achieved In a refinement step we refine one model M1 to another model M2: M2 is a refinement of M1 M1 is an abstraction of M2 Don’t throw M1 away

35 Refinement (contined)
We can perform a series of refinement steps to produce a series of models M1, M2, M3, ... Facilitates abstraction: we can postpone treatment of some system features to later refinement steps Event-B provides a notion of consistency of a refinement: We use proof to verify the consistency of a refinement step Failing proof can help us identify inconsistencies in a refinement step

36 Proof obligations in Event-B
Well-definedness e.g, avoid division by zero, out of bounds access Invariant preservation each event maintains invariants Guard strengthening Refined event only possible when abstract event possible Simulation update of abstract variable correctly simulated by update of concrete variable

37 Proof and model checking
Model checking: force the model to be finite state and explore state space looking for invariant violations completely automatic powerful debugging tool (counter-example) (Semi-)automated proof: based on logical deduction rules no restrictions on state space leads to discovery of invariants that deepen understanding not completely automatic

38 Event-B is not the full solution
Event-B is a general purpose formalism Particular domains/paradigms require additional guidelines, patterns and language extensions some results on this in Deploy Not tied to any specific requirements engineering approach possible to link with approaches, e.g., Problem Frames Can use alternative syntax such as UML UML-B (class diagrams, state machine diagrams) Integration with SAP UML-like language and tool Not tied to any specific programming language Classical B has automatic generation of Ada and C In Deploy working on code generation from Event-B (Ada and C) No support for continuous or stochastic reasoning in Event-B some on-going work

39 Important Messages Formal modelling can be applied to systems
Role of formal modelling: increase understanding decrease errors Role of refinement: manage complexity through multiple levels of abstraction Role of verification: improve quality of models (consistency, invariants) Role of tools: make verification as automatic as possible, pin-pointing errors and even suggesting improvements Event-B can and should be linked with complementary methods

40 Break

41 Part 2 Decomposition Rodin tool overview Provers ProB UML-B
Code generation (under development)

42 Decomposition Beneficial to model systems abstractly with little architectural structure and large atomic steps e.g., file transfer, replicated database transaction Refinement and decomposition are used to add structure and then separate elements of the structure Atomicity decomposition: Decomposing large atomic steps to more fine-grained steps Model decomposition: Decomposing refined models to for (semi-)independent refinement of sub-models

43 Atomicity decomposition example
Write(f) all(p) StartWrite(f) PageWrite(f,p) EndWrite(f) Refine atomic write of a file into a process that writes individual file pages atomically Events for different files are interleaved

44 Event refinement diagrams
Based on diagrammatic notation of Jackson System Development Graphical representation of how abstract atomic events are decomposed in refinement Useful for sketching designs before committing to models Provide additional traceability information over and above that provided by Event-B refinement We can exploit the hierarchical nature of diagrams to represent event refinement

45 Hierarchical refinement
Write(f) all(p) StartWrite(f) PageWrite(f,p) EndWrite(f) all(b) StartPage(f,p) ByteWrite(f,p,b) EndPage(f,p)

46 Machine Decomposition styles
Shared Event Components interact by synchronising over shared events – no shared variables Shared events may have common parameters (message-passing synchronisation) Shared Variable Components interact through shared variables Both are forms of Jigsaw decomposition (Jackson)

47 Shared Event Decomposition
Partition the variables E2b v2 E3 E1 E2a v1

48 Shared Variable Decomposition
E1, E2 E3, E4 Partition the events E1 E2 E3’ v1 v2 E2’ E3 v2 v3 E4

49 Refinement after decomposition
Shared event: can refine sub-model provided Common parameters of shared events are maintained Shared variable: can refine sub-model provided External events are not refined (rely condition) Invariants used in refinement are preserved by external events

50 Railway System Decomposition for Railway
3 refinement levels: Railway_M0 to Railway_M2 Decompose Railway_M2 Context decomposition

51 Rodin Open Tool Platform
Extension of Eclipse IDE Repository of structured modelling elements Rodin Eclipse Builder manages: Well-formedness + type checker Consistency/refinement Proof Obligation generator Proof manager Propagation of changes Extension points

52 Differential proving in Rodin
Models are constantly being changed When a model changes, proof impact of changes should be minimised as much as possible: Sufficiency comparison of POs In case of success, provers return list of used hypotheses Proof valid provided the used hypothesis are in the new version of a PO Model refactoring: Identifier renaming applied to models (avoiding name clash) Corresponding POs and proofs automatically renamed

53 Rodin Proof Manager (PM)
PM constructs proof tree for each PO Automatic and interactive modes PM manages used hypotheses PM calls reasoners to discharge goal, or split goal into subgoals Collection of reasoners: simplifier, rule-based, decision procedures, … Basic tactic language to define PM and reasoners

54 Statistics from Flash-based file development in Event-B

55 Rodin Plug-ins Linking UML and Event-B
ProB model checker: animation, consistency and refinement checking Graphical model animation Requirements management Team-based development Decomposition Code generation

56 ProB Animator and model checker
searches for invariant violations searches for proof obligation violations (under development) Implementation uses constraint logic programming makes all types finite exploits symmetries in B types

57 UML-B UML-like language Package, Class, State diagrams
Package used to structure a refinement chain Class represents a set Attributes and associations represent relations State machine diagrams determine event execution Event-B as constraint and action language Guards, invariants, actions UML-B plug-in for Rodin Generates Event-B from UML-B

58 Abstract Class Diagram
Refined Class Diagram REDO this diagram

59 Abstract State Machine
Nested State Machine Refined State Machine

60 Code generation (on-going)
Extending Event-B with process syntax Add structured control flow to machine: ; / If / While Multiple parallel processes, sharing data Data types: Support for basic types (integers, arrays) Additional data types defined in theory components (math extension) Generation: Intermediate language based on Ada subset (IL1) Translation rules from extended Event-B to IL1 Back-end to textual Ada/C via simple rules Deploy 2nd Review, 24/25 March 2010, Newcastle

61 Contributors to Rodin Jean-Raymond Abrial Laurent Voisin Stefan Hallerstede Thai Son Hoang Farhad Mehta Christophe Metayer Thierry Lecomte Michael Leuschel Mathieu Clabaut Colin Snook Alexei Iliasov Nicolas Beauger Jens Bendisposto Kriangsak Damchoom Dominique Cansell Cliff Jones Renato Silva Francois Terrier Michael Jastram Fabian Fritz Issam Maamria Andy Edmunds Abdolbaghi Rezazadeh Mar Yah Said Carine Pascal Andreas Furst Vitaly Savicks Thomas Muller . . .

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