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Demographic situation in Europe

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1 Demographic situation in Europe
Marek Kupiszewski and Dorota Kupiszewska Central European Forum for Migration and Population Research, IOM Warsaw

2 Diverse European demographies

3 Migration = the key to population change
Complex patterns Extra-European migration (colonial links – now bidirectional!) Intra EU East to West flows Internal migration: a complex mosaic of urbanization, suburbanization , counterurbanization, further modified by life cycle preferences 3

4 Percentage change in the Old Age Dependency Ratio (pop65+/pop(15-64)
Limited Social Europe Scenario (DEMIFER)

5 Fertility drivers: Mortality drivers:
Second demographic transition: from traditional (family value led) to modern (individualistic) patterns Low fertility trap Postponement effect Pronatalistic, family support and labour market policies as a modifying factors Mortality drivers: Steady improvement since 1840s (increase in e(0) of around 2.5 year per decade) Wealth reduces mortality (but to a limit: obesity as a wealth trap) What are the limits? 100? …120?...140?...more? 5

6 - Family unification (but see above) - Migration policies
Migration drivers - It’s the economy - Family unification (but see above) - Migration policies Population – limits to growth - Malthus: access to food is the limit Club of Rome report: access to resources is the limit Today: pollution and environment depletion is the limit 6

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