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Breakthrough! (continued)

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1 Breakthrough! (continued)
Mark _ CCF 25/09/2016




5 Fear to Try – attitude and self-talk How does a Baby learn to walk?
Encouragement – parents – Doesn't try once and give in – persistence No one has told baby it can’t walk Has a positive attitude – self-talk Doesn’t dwell on negative things


7 Fear to Try – attitude and self-talk How does a Baby learn to walk?
Models others around – copies success Motivated by getting somewhere Sittings is okay - so I won’t bother to try Loves without fear of rejection Doesn’t – judge others or pick faults

8 Fear to Try – attitude and self-talk
Doesn't give in Doesn’t compare its progress to others Doesn’t fear what others might say Doesn't expect to fail Doesn’t tell itself it won’t succeed


10 Fear to Try – attitude and self-talk How does a Baby learn to walk?
Tries until it walks- No fear! No Fear of failure! Ignore (FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL)

11 How to get Breakthrough
Encouragement No one has told baby it can’t walk Has a positive attitude – self-talk Doesn’t dwell on negative things Models others around – copies success Motivated by getting somewhere Sittings is okay - so I won’t bother to try Loves without fear of rejection

12 How to get Breakthrough
Doesn’t – judge others or pick faults Doesn't give in Doesn’t compare its progress to others Doesn’t fear what others might say Doesn't expect to fail Doesn’t tell itself it won’t succeed Tries until it walks- No fear! No Fear of failure!

13 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.


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