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Bacon’s Rebellion (or, “Why is Bacon so Angry?).

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Presentation on theme: "Bacon’s Rebellion (or, “Why is Bacon so Angry?)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacon’s Rebellion (or, “Why is Bacon so Angry?)

2 Background Info Headright System
--Plantation owners were given 50 acres for every indentured servant they sponsored to come to America --Earlier plantation owners got the “good” land near the coast

3 Indentured Servants --Served plantation owner for 7 years (more or less) as a laborer in return for passage to America --Once servant completed his contract, he/she was freed….They were given land, tools, seed and animals. However, they did not receive voting rights --When freed, the former indentured servants received less desirable land farther inland – much less developed land, where Indians live…


5 Governor Berkeley --Had close relations with the Indians --Monopolized the Indian fur trade --Refused to retaliate after Indian attacks on frontier settlers

6 The Rebellion Growing number of unhappy campers in the Chesapeake --Not wanted around Jamestown --They have poor land or were not able to claim their freedom dues land --Few women to marry/settle down the VA Assembly disenfranchises them --Gov. Berkeley won’t help them against the Indians --This can only end badly…

7 Nathaniel Bacon --Represents the disgruntled farmers --Leads over 1,000 of these unhappy campers against Gov. Berkeley

8 Bacon’s Rebellion: 1676

9 Berkeley refuses their demands and is run out of Jamestown -- Jamestown is torched a. plundering b. pillaging c. looting --Bacon gets a fever and dies --and… so does the rebellion Berkeley crushes Bacon’s Rebellion...20 rebels are hung Burning of Jamestown

10 Results of Bacon’s Rebellion

11 Results of Bacon’s Rebellion
The rebellion is put down by Governor Berkeley BUT… --People realized that there was a class/socio-economic problem in America --issues between rural and urban communities --issues between gentry (upper class) and former servants and frontiersmen (lower class) --landowners start replacing indentured servants with slaves, who are less likely to revolt, and easier to handle – i.e.- a better investment with less hassles


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