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GCSE Resistant Material

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1 GCSE Resistant Material
To Do GCSE Resistant Material Theory Examination

2 To Do REVISE!!! If you don’t know what these are, find out!
Exam Revision Topics Q5 Commercial manufacturing processes Question Q5 Commercial manufacturing processes.(10 marks) This question is about commercial manufacturing processes. This question is worth a total of 10 marks It focuses on processes used to create commercial products. Related to wood, metal and plastics. Type of questions you may be asked You could be asked about; Wood commercial manufacturing processes such as Veneering, Laminating, Steam bending. Metal commercial manufacturing processes such as Forging, Extruding, Die casting, welding, Pressing.. Plastic commercial manufacturing processes such as Blow moulding, Injection moulding ,Vacuum forming ,Press moulding ,Compression moulding ,Rotational moulding ,Extrusion. REVISE!!! If you don’t know what these are, find out!

Tips for answering the different types of questions on the paper Type of questions you may be asked 1 mark question – a word or short sentence no need to justify answer. Often naming; e.g. Aluminium 2 mark question – will need a ‘because’ or ‘as’ to justify answer. Eg Aluminium because it is resistant to corrosion 3 mark – describe, explain what you understand could give a number of points, or an extended description about one. 4 mark – Explain a process, needs a series of clear stages can be bulleted or numbered. 4 – 5 mark – ‘Using notes and sketches’ series of annotated sketches can be 2D showing process. REMEMBER! Take your time. Read each question carefully. Read each question at least twice, to ensure you know what to do. As you read the questions highlight important information, to help your understanding. Check all your answers.

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