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Presentation on theme: "The SUTD-MIT IDC Dover Campus SUTD-MIT IDC SPACE"— Presentation transcript:

1 The SUTD-MIT IDC Space @ Dover Campus SUTD-MIT IDC SPACE
The International Design Centre’s showroom Dover Campus) is a space configured for design research and knowledge sharing. The 13m x 16m space hosts an office/desk-space component, a small prototyping lab as well as an exhibition gallery providing a unique environment for showcasing IDC’s design research work. The space features an illuminated-ceiling installation comprised of ca custom designed lighting components. The patent-pending design developed for the project uses low power and heat emission LED elements housed in a special refractive lens enclosure. The expressive three dimensional distributions of fixtures create an ambient spatial experience without shadow suitable for IDC research activities and exhibition functions. The space is reconfigurable by suspending partitions and exhibition objects from the connector sockets integrated in each light fixture. Principal Designer: Sawako Kaijima

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