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1st Session of the Task Team on WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System

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1 1st Session of the Task Team on WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System
Item 1st Session of the Task Team on WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (13-15 December 2016, Geneva, Switzerland) WIGOS PO, 11 January 2017

2 Objectives of TT-WDQMS-1
i) Review the terms of reference of TT-WDQMS ii) Review the WDQMS concept and its main functions iii) Review the WDQMS pilot project with NWP centres iv) Assess the results of the WDQMS demonstration project in RA I v) Update/further elaborate the WDQMS concept and its main functions, including the relation to the Regional WIGOS Centres vi) Discuss approaches to extend the WDQMS to all components of the GOS, as well as to integrate all WIGOS observing components in the system vii) Draft the work programme/action plan of TT-WDQMS

3 Major Outcomes of TT-WDQMS-1 (1)
i) It recognized the need to make the WDQMS interoperable with OSCAR/Surface, but agreed that they are two different systems: - Interoperable meaning that essential information should flow between them to ensure consistency, e.g. both systems should see the same stations ii) Integration of non-GOS observing systems into WDQMS does not mean replacing the existing monitoring systems, e.g. those existing in GAW, rather to make them all working under the same overarching system concept. iii) Agreed to introduce the notion of Global WIGOS Centres (GWC) into the structure of WDQMS, additionally to the notion Regional WIGOS Centres: - GWC should maintain a global portal for the monitoring of specific observing system, and be a reference for the activities of RWCs, e.g. running the global monitoring tool(s). iv) The Monitoring pilot project developed in cooperation with the Global NWP Centres, achieved lots of progress: - monitoring output files agreed in terms of content and format, and made operationally available by ECMWF, JMA and NCEP (recently also DWD, MSC in future) - benefits of bringing together the activities of various NWP centres, enables to identify and understand the differences amongst them regarding the monitoring results

4 Major Outcomes of TT-WDQMS-1 (2)
v) “Business rules” on how to aggregate the monitoring results (Evaluation Function) to be made available to Members, need further development vi) WDQMS global web-tool takes the monitoring files from NWP centres to show 6hourly maps: runs by itself, available at vii) The Incident Management function running at RWCs will not replace any existing national IMS - results from RWCs should be taken for action by NMHS ix) The assessment of results from the WDQMS demonstration project in RA I: - beneficial for both the consolidation of the WDQMS system, and also for the participating Members due to identification of issues of which they had previously not been aware, most of them related to incomplete or incorrect metadata in OSCAR/Surf. - there is a need for more training - the demonstration project didn’t have enough duration to cover all the expected types of quality issues for both surface and upper-air observations - Future RWCs should work on a consolidated list of stations to be monitored - The issue of persistent incidents was recognized as something the system has to deal with – the approach of creating a “log of known issues” was suggested.

5 Major Outcomes of TT-WDQMS-1 (3)
x) Need for WDQMS NFP was recognized, for nomination by PRs; ToR needed xi) Guidance document on WDQMS for RWCs, drafted by T.Kleinert & S.Klink, is applicable to the GOS stations - EUMETNET has been a major contributor! xii) The following order of the systems to be included in the next development steps of WDQMS Demonstrations/Pilot Projects is proposed: - finish the work on Land Surface Pressure observations (GOS) and include timeliness of observations in the reporting; - extend what is already in place for Kenya and Tanzania (RA I demonstration project) to include the radiosonde observations; - GOS Ocean observations of surface pressure and sea surface temperature; - GOS aircraft observations of temperature, wind and humidity; - CLIMAT messages from GSN & RBCN. xiii) Clarification is needed regarding the meaning of (f) of WDQMS roadmap in the PWPP: Mechanisms for routine reporting of monitoring results to EC, regional associations and Members by end of 2017.

6 Major Outcomes of TT-WDQMS-1 (4a)
viii) A set of graphical representations of the WDQMS were developed, starting with simple schemas that can be more and more detailed (Figs this and next slide)

7 Major Outcomes of TT-WDQMS-1 (4b)
viii) A set of graphical representations of the WDQMS were developed, starting with simple schemas that can be more and more detailed (Figs this and next slide)

8 Work Programme/Action Plan of TT-WDQMS (1)
Version Date Comments 15/12/2016 TT-WDQMS-1 No. Task Deliverable/Activity Deadline (if not stated end of month) Lead responsible Status* Comment 1 Continue the demonstration project in RA I Gather sufficient information about the quality of pressure measurements and radiosonde observations May 2017 S.Goldstraw + WIGOS PO + TT-WDQMS + E.Kidebwana 2 Explore the establishment of a pilot project for East Africa Project proposal submitted March 2017 WIGOS PO 3 Support the RA VI pilot project NA Ongoing S.Klink + T.Kleinert 4 Expand the monitoring capabilities of the NWP pilot project Complete the pressure monitoring functionality, including the input and the display, as well as aggregation rules C.Prates + R.Grumbine + Y.Ota + A.Cress Add 2m air temperature to the NWP monitoring files New format agreed Develop the monitoring and evaluation functionalities for the radiosonde observations New version of the Webtool 5 Update the guidance document (Tanja) with the outcomes of TT-WDQMS-1 Review feedback from TT-WDQMS-1 T.Kleinert + WIGOS PO Including the aggregation of monitoring results 6 Produce version 1.0 of the Users Guide of the monitoring Webtool Users Guide available April 2017

9 Work Programme/Action Plan of TT-WDQMS (2)
Task Deliverable/Activity Deadline (if not stated end of month) Lead responsible Status* Comment 7 Define the QM reports for EC, RAs and TCs and mechanisms for delivery Review user needs, generate report template and rules May 2017 S.Goldstraw 8 Describe the benefits of WDQMS Flyer/poster T.Oakley + WIGOS PO 9 Propose the WDQMS outputs that could be recorded in OSCAR/Surface Clarify needs March 2017 E.Grüter and WIGOS PO Make recommendations 10 Undertake the Workshop with GAW, JCOMMOPS, GCOS, GCW and hydrology components of WIGOS Organize the workshop July 2017 WIGOS PO 11 Develop the generic description of WDQMS including the responsibilities at global, regional and national levels with diagrams First draft document S.Goldstraw + C.Pei This will become an annex to the Manual on WIGOS Detailed description November 2017 12 To propose the necessary amendments to the Manual on WIGOS Review the Manual on WIGOS September 2017 TT-WDQMS + WIGOS PO Check the role of the Editorial Board in this context Proposed changes December 2017 13 Produce material to the Guide to WIGOS 1-Q. 2018 This should follow task 9 and will be based on deliverables from tasks 5, 6, 7, 8 14 Extend the monitoring to the aircraft observations Monitoring results available TT-WDQMS in collaboration with ET-ABO 15 Extend the monitoring to the surface marine observations TT-WDQMS 16 Extend the monitoring to the climate observations (CLIMAT)

10 Thank you Merci

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