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How to use this template

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Presentation on theme: "How to use this template"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to use this template
Purpose: To help you develop an impactful presentation. Please Read: Top tips for successful Knowledge sessions (Slides 2-4) Please use as a template: Introduction: Slides to introduce yourself, company, and topic (Slides 6-10) Main Body: Slides to help you create your presentation (Slides 11-19) Wrap-up & QA : Closing slides (Slides 20-22) Please use components from: Template use guidance, ServiceNow icon library: (Slides For reference, may delete)

2 Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide.
Tell your story! A successful Knowledge presentation generally follows this structure Introduction (5 min) Main Body (30 min) Wrap Up (5 min) & QA (10 min) Agenda Who? you and your company What? Session objectives Why should the audience care? What they will learn Context (set the stage) Your situation, environment, business issues (market, customer trends, goals impacting your company) Challenges Complications/problems discovered Solution The Aha! slide, tangible examples, data, deep dive, timelines Demo (live, video, or screenshots) Value Outcomes Before and after metrics Lessons learned Next Steps slide Inspire the attendees for their next project Top Takeaways Thank You slide Q&A Note: The outline and presentation slides have been provided only as guidelines. Please adapt the content/structure to your own style and storyline.

3 Recommended components
Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide. Recommended components Visuals Images, logos Charts, diagrams Tangible information Metrics, stats Illustrative details Relatable anecdotes Quotes from recognized leaders Situational details (e.g. your thoughts when faced with a challenge) Social media examples Note: The outline and presentation slides have been provided only as guidelines. Please adapt the content/structure to your own style and storyline.

4 What we learned from Knowledge16
The very best of last year’s presentations told unique stories in a memorable way using these elements: Storytelling: Capture your audience’s attention. The best stories are personal, and have a clear story arc. Tangible details: Provide real-world examples and/or demos. Multiple dimensions: Examine multiple angles of a problem or subject area e.g. context/challenge/solution/training, UX/logging/search/alerts/mobile/dynamic-pages, etc. Modular structure: Structure the presentation using modular sections and framework pillars, e.g. people/process/data/technology. Storytelling devices: Employ humor, analogies, a theme of song titles—whatever brings a smile. Visuals: Aim for a mix of layouts, images, animation, numbered cubes, and screenshots. Minimalism and Relevance: Keep text simple, minimal, and relevant to the audience. Show, don’t tell. Rehearsal: Practice makes perfect! High presentation scores correlate with a polished performance.


6 Agenda Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item 2 Agenda Item 3

7 Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide.
Speaker Introduction NAME: Jane/John Doe TITLE: Architect/Manager/Director/VP/CxO FUNCTION: Development/Design/IT/HR/Services COMPANY: My Awesome Firm/ Cool startup EXPERIENCE: X years in function1, Y years in function2 EXPERTISE: DevOps, Compliance, Devices, Analytics, Security ACHIEVEMENTS: Completed first overhaul of deployment process. Reduced customer service response time by x%. Developed ServiceNow app that does … CURRENT PROJECTS: Driving process efficiencies. Automating all procurements/HR work streams Note: (Speaker Introduction slide – option 1): Please use one slide per presenter.

8 Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide.
Speaker Introduction Name: Jane/John Doe Title: Architect/Manager/Director/VP/CxO Function: Development/Design/IT/HR/Services Company: My Awesome Firm/ Cool startup Experience: X years in function1, Y years in function2 Expertise: DevOps, Compliance, Devices, Analytics, Security Achievements: Completed first overhaul of deployment process. Reduced customer service response time by x%. Developed ServiceNow app that does … Current Projects: Driving process efficiencies. Automating all procurements/HR work streams Note: (Speaker Introduction slide – option 2): Please use one slide per presenter.

9 Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide.
My Company NAME: My Awesome Firm/ Cool Startup INDUSTRY: Healthcare, IT Services, Manufacturing, Government, FinTech MARKET FOCUS: My company provides insurance products for auto/home or develops GPS systems for defense COMPANY’S PRIMARY PRODUCTS/SOLUTIONS: Product/Solution 1, Product/Solution 2, Product/Solution 3 COMPANY-WIDE INITIATIVES: Cost efficiency, Speed of development/deployment, Responsiveness to customers/partners/other teams, Quality, Regulatory Compliance Note: (Company Introduction slide – option 1): Please use one slide per company.

10 Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide.
My Company Name: My Awesome Firm/ Cool Startup Industry: Healthcare, IT Services, Manufacturing, Government, FinTech Market Focus: My company provides insurance products for auto/home or develops GPS systems for defense Company’s Primary Products/solutions: Product/Solution 1 Product/Solution 2 Product/Solution 3 Company-wide Initiatives Cost efficiency Speed of development/deployment/Quality Responsiveness to customers/partners/other teams Regulatory Compliance Note: (Company Introduction slide – option 2): Please use one slide per company.

11 Session Objectives Objectives What you will learn
Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide. Session Objectives Objectives (summarized In a few words) What you will learn Understand the environment and challenges facing [your industry/firm/department] Learn about [your ServiceNow-based solution] Gather key lessons related to [area/topic] Discuss how the lessons may apply to you for your initiatives/projects Note: Highlight why the audience should care to sit through your presentation. E.g.: If you want to automate your legacy processes, you’ll learn what we did and how we accomplished it. Our experience with compliance/QA challenges can save your company time and headaches. Please limit to one slide.

12 Context – Setting the stage
Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide. Context – Setting the stage Industry trends Growing customer expectations for…(ease of use, responsiveness, quality) Demand fluctuations (seasonality, unpredictability) Regulatory hurdles, compliance needs (standards, audits) Competitive pressures Increasing competition with specialized products Corporate transformations Legacy processes and infrastructures Push for cloud Push for analytics Departmental/Project/Program drivers and goals Push for Agile mythologies Organizational alignments Note: Provide context with real-life examples of your environment, making it easy for your audience to understand the constraints you operate in. You may want to use several slides. (If the context is already clear to the audience, skip this slide and start with the challenges you are trying to address. Not all categories below may apply to you.)

13 Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide.
Challenges and Goals Note: Challenges: Now that you’ve provided context, describe the challenges you faced (frequent restarts, flood of customer complaints, legal audit failures, privacy breaches, availability issues, reliability failures. etc.) Use images and examples that illustrate the challenges. Use data to quantify the magnitudes of challenges whenever possible (10% drop in customer satisfaction, 5% budget shortfall, requirement to comply with 20 more regulations, etc.) Goals: What would success look like? Quantify with timeline, % improvement, and other metrics if possible. You may want to use several slides for this.

14 Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide.
Solution at a glance A unified process flow in ServiceNow with centralized oversight and global view across company departments Impact achieved: Describe the impact in one sentence. This is what we did: X Y Z Note: This is your AHA! Slide. Summarize as succinctly as possible your solution and how it addressed the challenge. After looking at this slide, the audience should get the crux of your solution. Limit this summary to one slide. Details will follow in additional slides.

15 Solution – Strategy or approach or methodology
Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide. Solution – Strategy or approach or methodology Note: Explain how you framed/planned/white-boarded the solution by highlighting various aspects of your problem/ solution. This may be a strategy diagram, an overall process flow, or multiple dimensions of the solution (e.g. development, testing, compliance etc.). You may want to use several slides for this.

16 Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide.
Solution – Timeline TIMELINE EXAMPLE 2017 | April May June July Aug Sept Oct Kickoff Prototype 1 Web Prototype Exec Review Release System Design Coding Code Improvement Integration Testing Note: Insert any high level plan/timelines you may want to provide before diving into the details. Please limit to one slide.

17 Solution – Details – relevant data
Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide. Solution – Details – relevant data Note: Insert relevant data, metrics measurements, etc. You may want to use several slides for this.

18 Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide.
Solution – Demo Note: When possible and appropriate, include a demo: live, pre-recorded video, or screenshots. To insert a video from a file: From the Insert tab, click the Video drop-down arrow, then select Movie from file… Locate and select the desired video file, then click Insert. The movie will play after you click on the icon when in presentation mode.

19 Value Outcomes Before After Metric1 Metric2 Qualitative Benefit1
Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide. Value Outcomes Before After Metric1 Metric2 Qualitative Benefit1 Qualitative Benefit2 Note: This slide should provide a clear before and after view. Metrics/numbers are the best, but qualitative benefits are fine, too. The ‘before’ data should clearly tie back to the challenges slide.

20 Lessons Learned Lorem Ipsum
Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide. Lessons Learned Lorem Ipsum Note: Specific lessons you learned during this project/initiative. Please limit to one slide.

21 Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide.
Next Steps Lorem Ipsum Note: Lay out future initiatives, timelines, and additional solutions you plan to implement, as you see fit. Please limit to one slide.

22 This gives you an opportunity to reiterate your most important points
Note: Please read the notes section for guidance on using this slide. Top Takeaways 1 2 3 End your deck with a list of the top 3 things you want the audience to remember This gives you an opportunity to reiterate your most important points Keep these points short and simple— more than one line is probably too much Note: Please limit to one slide.

23 Thank You PRESENTER 1 TITLE Company PRESENTER 2 TITLE Company



26 Section Header Note: Please use if you sections within your presentation.

27 4:3 to16:9 Aspect Ratio Conversion
When shifting from 4:3 to 16:9 all text will transition smoothly, but pictures and icons can get skewed. To move slides from a 4:3 presentation to a 16:9 presentation: Copy all the 4:3 slides directly into the new 16:9 presentation. The paste options clipboard icon will appear with two choices: Keep Source Formatting and Use Destination Theme. Select Use Destination Theme. Manually go through each new slide and do the following: Apply the appropriate layout (with the slide selected: Home > Layout > select the layout) Make adjustments to text size and content layout if necessary If a slide has a picture or icon (within the content, or as a background of the slide) it may import and become skewed Delete the photo or icon if it skewed in the transfer from 4:3 to 16:9 Copy the picture or icon from the original 4:3 slide onto the new 16:9 slide Adjust layout in relation to other items already on the 16:9 slide Adjust the animation sequence, if applicable (a pasted-in animated picture or icon will be put at the end of any animation sequence already on the slide)

28 Deleting Old Templates
In order to delete old templates, you must navigate to a folder hidden by Mac OS 10.7 (Lion) and newer Start by opening Finder and under top menu bar pull down the Go tab Hold down the “Alt” (or “Option”) button on your keyboard to reveal and choose Library Once Library is chosen, navigate to: Application Support\ Microsoft\ Office\ User Templates\ My Templates In the My Templates folder drag old template files (.potx) to the trash

29 Saving the Template to Your Computer and Starting a New File
Saving the New Template Starting a New File Choose File, Save As, ServiceNow_K17_Template_2017 Choose the Template file extension (.potx) PowerPoint will automatically navigate to the correct folder; choose Save To start a new file, choose File, New From Template Select My Template, then ServiceNow_K17_Template_2017 File, Save As to rename your presentation

30 Inserting Old Slides into the New Template
Copy and paste old slides into a new presentation The paste options clipboard icon will appear with two choices: Keep Source Formatting Use Destination Theme (Recommended) Keep Source Formatting Use Destination Theme Pros Maintains the colors and style of slides as they were in the original file Uses the masters of the new template file, ensuring correct copyright information, current logo as well as overall visual consistency with other slides in the template Cons Carries over old masters and clutters up new file Carries over wrong logo and copyright information from source masters Potential color shift if the color palettes of the two files vary Some objects need manual updating of colors

31 Applying or Changing Slide Layouts
Be sure to apply the appropriate layout to take full advantage of the template masters provided With a slide selected, click the Layout button from the Home Tab Select the layout that is most appropriate for the content existing on the slide Ex., if your slide has a title and no bullet points, but does use a custom graphic, choose the Title Only layout Note: Do not use any layout after the red ‘Do not use’ layout in the masters. Anything beyond this slide is a “rogue layout.” Choose the Reset button to update layout style details like text size, spacing and color

32 Icon Library

33 New Icons 1 - Black Enterprise Service Management
Legal Service Management Field Service Management Facilities Service Management HR Service Management Marketing Service Management IT Operations Management Service Automation Platform Edge Encryption Application Development Finance Financial Management IT Business Management Alt name: Procure, Travel and Expenses, Calculator IT Service Management Project Portfolio Management Asset Management Cloud Alt name: Cloud Platform Generic, Cloud Management Integrate / Orchestration Automate Security Operations Visibility Simplify/Approvals Accelerate / Speed / Empower Control Reduce Time Align / Provide Deploy/Upgrade Share/Deliver Enable / Life Sciences Efficiency / Consolidate / Test

34 New Icons 2 - Black Reduce Redundancy, Track your Progress
Improve/IT costs Elevate Strategic Customize Problem/Benefit Security / Govern Security 2 Manage Business Management Consolidate Request/Shop Extend Visibility Standardize User Experience/Phone Location Balance / Value Project Service Map SLA Knowledge SDLC Incident Password Reset Discovery Release Demand Management Asset Optimize / Manage Chat

35 New Icons 3 - Black Incident Profile Events/ Change
Server / Manage instances Switch Router Database/CMBD Home Monitor Laptop Alert/Notify Learn Application Logic Application Development / Develop/Build Service Catalog Service Portfolio/ Vendor News Handshake Customer Service Video Case Study Datasheet Ebook/Solution Brief/ Analyst Report Whitepaper Documentation Infographic Webinar/Computer Award Compliance

36 New Icons 4 - Black More App Creator Featured Explore
Featured / Global Single tower building Two tower building Vertical two tower building Two tower building with windows Two tower building empty Chimney building Columned building Three tower building Central tower building Find a partner IT User Thumbs up 1 Person - Man 1 Person - Woman 2 People 3 People

37 New Icons 1 - Grey Enterprise Service Management
Legal Service Management Field Service Management Facilities Service Management HR Service Management Marketing Service Management IT Operations Management Service Automation Platform Edge Encryption Application Development Finance Financial Management IT Business Management Alt name: Procure, Travel and Expenses, Calculator IT Service Management Project Portfolio Management Asset Management Cloud Alt name: Cloud Platform Generic, Cloud Management Integrate / Orchestration Automate Security Operations Visibility Simplify/Approvals Accelerate / Speed / Empower Control Reduce Time Align / Provide Deploy/Upgrade Share/Deliver Enable / Life Sciences Efficiency / Consolidate / Test

38 New Icons 2 - Grey Reduce Redundancy, Track your Progress
Improve/IT costs Elevate Strategic Customize Problem/Benefit Security / Govern Security 2 Manage Business Management Consolidate Request/Shop Extend Visibility Standardize User Experience/Phone Location Balance / Value Project Service Map SLA Knowledge SDLC Incident Password Reset Discovery Release Demand Management Asset Optimize / Manage Chat

39 New Icons 3 - Grey Incident Profile Events/ Change
Server / Manage instances Switch Router Database/CMBD Home Monitor Laptop Alert/Notify Learn Application Logic Application Development / Develop/Build Service Catalog Service Portfolio/ Vendor News Handshake Customer Service Video Case Study Datasheet Ebook/Solution Brief/ Analyst Report Whitepaper Documentation Infographic Webinar/Computer Award Compliance

40 New Icons 4 - Grey More App Creator Featured Explore Featured / Global
Single tower building Two tower building Vertical two tower building Two tower building with windows Two tower building empty Chimney building Columned building Three tower building Central tower building Find a partner IT User Thumbs up 1 Person - Man 1 Person - Woman 2 People 3 People

41 New Icons 1 - Red Enterprise Service Management
Legal Service Management Field Service Management Facilities Service Management HR Service Management Marketing Service Management IT Operations Management Service Automation Platform Edge Encryption Application Development Finance Financial Management IT Business Management Alt name: Procure, Travel and Expenses, Calculator IT Service Management Project Portfolio Management Asset Management Cloud Alt name: Cloud Platform Generic, Cloud Management Integrate / Orchestration Automate Security Operations Visibility Simplify/Approvals Accelerate / Speed / Empower Control Reduce Time Align / Provide Deploy/Upgrade Share/Deliver Enable / Life Sciences Efficiency / Consolidate / Test

42 New Icons 2 - Red Reduce Redundancy, Track your Progress
Improve/IT costs Elevate Strategic Customize Problem/Benefit Security / Govern Security 2 Manage Business Management Consolidate Request/Shop Extend Visibility Standardize User Experience/Phone Location Balance / Value Project Service Map SLA Knowledge SDLC Incident Password Reset Discovery Release Demand Management Asset Optimize / Manage Chat

43 New Icons 3 - Red Incident Profile Events/ Change
Server / Manage instances Switch Router Database/CMBD Home Monitor Laptop Alert/Notify Learn Application Logic Application Development / Develop/Build Service Catalog Service Portfolio/ Vendor News Handshake Customer Service Video Case Study Datasheet Ebook/Solution Brief/ Analyst Report Whitepaper Documentation Infographic Webinar/Computer Award Compliance

44 New Icons 4 - Red More App Creator Featured Explore Featured / Global
Single tower building Two tower building Vertical two tower building Two tower building with windows Two tower building empty Chimney building Columned building Three tower building Central tower building Find a partner IT User Thumbs up 1 Person - Man 1 Person - Woman 2 People 3 People

45 New Icons 1 - White Enterprise Service Management
Legal Service Management Field Service Management Facilities Service Management HR Service Management Marketing Service Management IT Operations Management Service Automation Platform Edge Encryption Application Development Finance Financial Management IT Business Management Alt name: Procure, Travel and Expenses, Calculator IT Service Management Project Portfolio Management Asset Management Cloud Alt name: Cloud Platform Generic, Cloud Management Integrate / Orchestration Automate Security Operations Visibility Simplify/Approvals Accelerate / Speed / Empower Control Reduce Time Align / Provide Deploy/Upgrade Share/Deliver Enable / Life Sciences Efficiency / Consolidate / Test

46 New Icons 2 - White Reduce Redundancy, Track your Progress
Improve/IT costs Elevate Strategic Customize Problem/Benefit Security / Govern Security 2 Manage Business Management Consolidate Request/Shop Extend Visibility Standardize User Experience/Phone Location Balance / Value Project Service Map SLA Knowledge SDLC Incident Password Reset Discovery Release Demand Management Asset Optimize / Manage Chat

47 New Icons 3 - White Incident Profile Events/ Change
Server / Manage instances Switch Router Database/CMBD Home Monitor Laptop Alert/Notify Learn Application Logic Application Development / Develop/Build Service Catalog Service Portfolio/ Vendor News Handshake Customer Service Video Case Study Datasheet Ebook/Solution Brief/ Analyst Report Whitepaper Documentation Infographic Webinar/Computer Award Compliance

48 New Icons 4 - White More App Creator Featured Explore
Featured / Global Single tower building Two tower building Vertical two tower building Two tower building with windows Two tower building empty Chimney building Columned building Three tower building Central tower building Find a partner IT User Thumbs up 1 Person - Man 1 Person - Woman 2 People 3 People

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