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Women in Government San Diego, CA Sept. 28, 2017

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1 Women in Government San Diego, CA Sept. 28, 2017
Kelly and Trish give introductions

2 Association Overview Strengthen state-based leadership & expertise
Lead & influence to shape health landscape Member-based, member-driven, member-led Thought leaders Capacity building, professional development & advocacy Kelly Founded in 1988 in partnership with CDC to strengthen state-based leadership & expertise in chronic disease prevention and control Vision: Lead and influence the ways that chronic disease prevention and health promotion shapes the health landscape. Member-based, Member-driven, Member-led Nationally recognized thought leaders Capacity building, professional development and advocacy on behalf of and in collaboration with state programs

3 ABOUT US Strategic leadership Coordinate action Expand & sustain proven strategies Kelly Our diabetes team works with state health departments and their partners to plan and implement evidence-based strategies to help prevent and manage diabetes.

4 Spectrum of Prevention

5 Spectrum of Prevention

6 Progression of Diabetes
9.5 million have their disease CONTROLLED 84 million Americans have PRE-DIABETES 30 million Americans have DIABETES 23 million of those are DIAGNOSED 19 million of those are TREATED 74 million are UNAWARE 7 million are UNDIAGNOSED 4 million are diagnosed but NOT TREATED 9.5 million are treated but NOT SUCCESSFULLY CONTROLLED 20.5 million have Diabetes that is NOT CONTROLLED Kelly - link to prevention, identification, management PREVENT and IDENTIFY to Reduce Risk Factors and Avert Disease IDENTIFY and MANAGE Disease in Its Earliest Stages MANAGE Disease to Avoid Complications MANAGE Disease to Avoid Complications Avert Onset of Diabetes or Costs of Untreated Diabetes Sources: NIH, CDC, American Diabetes Association

7 Framework What? Prevention Identification Management Who? Individual
Priority Focus Areas Prevention Ensuring those at high risk or with prediabetes are able to prevent type 2 Identification Finding those with undiagnosed prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes Management Ensuring those with type 1 and type 2 diabetes avoid complications Who? Social Ecological Model Levels Individual Organizational Community Policy Who to involve? What State Action Plan Strategies?

8 National Diabetes Prevention Program State Engagement Meetings
Trish Six state teams at WIG include: AZ, CA, FL, IL, MS, OK

9 Action Plan Priorities Examples
Increase WHAT WHO Awareness of prediabetes By 2018, develop a statewide public awareness campaign to increase by 10% the number of X state residents who know they have prediabetes. Public health Community Education/academia Media Legislatures Availability of programs By June 30, 2018, Increase the number of sustainable CDC-Recognized Diabetes Prevention Programs (DPPs) by X. At least 2 of these sites will be in counties that do not have access to a CDC-recognized DPP Organizations Involved implementing the National Diabetes Prevention Programs Philanthropy

10 Action Plan Priorities Examples
Increase WHAT WHO Screening, testing, and referrals By 2018, at least 3 health systems will implement a process for screening, testing and referring people at high risk for prediabetes to CDC- recognized lifestyle change programs in their communities. Health care providers/Health systems/ACOs Community Coverage for programs October 2019, two to four State X-based self-insured (large) employers will provide coverage for CDC-recognized diabetes prevention programs Employers Payors

Jasmine D. Gonzalvo, PharmD, BCPS, BC-ADM, CDE, LDE Clinical Associate Professor College of Pharmacy, Purdue University Clinical Pharmacy Specialist Eskenazi Health

12 History of Diabetes Action Plan Legislation

13 Proposed DAP Legislation
Two DAP bills: 1 House, 1 Senate Large fiscal note attached Stakeholder Meeting 2015 House Health Committee Chair sponsored Stakeholder meeting 2016 Democratic House sponsor Interim study committee 2017

14 Made up of 18 members 7 Senators 7 Representatives 4 lay members
Interim Study Committee on Public Health, Behavioral Health, and Human Services Made up of 18 members 7 Senators 7 Representatives 4 lay members

15 Committee assigned to study
Shortage of Healthcare providers Goals, benchmarks, and plans to reduce the incidence of diabetes in Indiana, improving diabetes care, and controlling complications associated with diabetes Potential improvements to the INSPECT program Changes needed in state law and policy to respond to changes in federal law on health care


17 Annual Diabetes-attributable Medical Costs in Indiana
Estimated Cost per person Estimated Total Cost Medicaid $4,898 484.1 Million Private insurers $3,944 1.3 Billion Employers $9,182 2.2 Billion

18 2012 Prevalence of Diabetes for Committee Legislators’ Districts
Prevalence for Indiana Prevalence for United States

19 Cost per patient for Diabetes for Committee Legislators’ Districts


Create a Resolution in support of pilot projects with strategies to increase access to DPP/DSME in targeted counties Make DSME a wellness benefit that does not require cost-sharing (eliminate copay and deductibles) Increase the collection of data related to diabetes and diabetes-related complications Support legislation to form a Statewide Diabetes Action Plan to ensure continued attention to diabetes

22 Support from State Department of Health critical
Challenges Support from State Department of Health critical Minority party sponsors Hot topic priorities may overshadow diabetes Successes Strong representation from national and local stakeholders from diverse organizations Stakeholders all supportive of similar ideas, no opposition Several years of momentum to move DAP legislation Surrounding States have all passed DAP legislation


24 September – October 2017 Meeting with Governor’s office Finding a sponsor from the majority party Final interim study committee meeting on October 26

Jasmine D. Gonzalvo, PharmD, BCPS, BC-ADM, CDE, LDE Clinical Associate Professor College of Pharmacy, Purdue University Clinical Pharmacy Specialist Eskenazi Health

26 Framework What? Prevention Identification Management Who? Individual
Priority Focus Areas Prevention Ensuring those at high risk or with prediabetes are able to prevent type 2 Identification Finding those with undiagnosed prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes Management Ensuring those with type 1 and type 2 diabetes avoid complications Who? Social Ecological Model Levels Individual Organizational Community Policy Who to involve? What State Action Plan Strategies?

27 State Team Report Out Arizona California Florida Illinois Mississippi

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