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Restricted Data in the PSID: Availability, Requirements, & Challenges

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1 Restricted Data in the PSID: Availability, Requirements, & Challenges
Survey Research Center Institute for Social Research University of Michigan

2 Overview Overview of the PSID Availability of restricted data
Current requirements to obtain restricted data Issues and challenges Plan for the future

3 PSID Study Design National sample of 5,000 families in 1968
Now consists of more than 9,000 families “Split-offs” are followed 1968 family members are followed as they grow-up and establish own economic family units Therefore, multiple generations of family members are surveyed Post-1968 immigrants added in 1997  21% Asian, 52% Latino Key design elements Mode: Telephone – CATI since 1993 Frequency: Every year, ; biennial since 1997 One interview per family unit 96-98% wave-to-wave core response rate Attritors recontacted for 1 wave following wave of non-response 3

4 Unique Design Features of PSID
National sample People of all ages, entire life course Long panel Genealogical design Point-in-time: Parent-Child / Grandparent-Child / Sibs (e.g., BMI) Specific life course point: Parent-Child / Sibs (e.g., earnings at age 40; birthweight) Broad and deep content Economic: income, wealth, pensions, consumption Demographic: fertility, mortality, migration, marriage Health: health status, health behaviors, health insurance Child development: health, cognition, psychosocial wellbeing 4

5 Availability of PSID Restricted Data
Geospatial data Links to National Death Index School identifiers Hurricane Katrina module Medicare claims Miscellaneous datasets: birthdate; vehicle models; assisted housing data

6 Restricted Data Contracts by Year

7 Geospatial Data Link PSID to data from decennial census 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 Tract, block-group, block data may be linked to PSID public data Research Uses Study distances between family members at a point in time and over time, as well as for individuals over time Examine distances from various facilities, such as health services Effects of neighborhood characteristics on a variety of life course outcomes

8 Links to National Death Index
Study effects of health and SES over the life course on mortality, including cause of death ICD cause of death since 1979, date and location of death, match quality indicators PSID uses SSN from the SSDI to obtain high-quality match for known decedents and attritors Match rate in most recent file of 95% More than 6,000 decedents

9 School Identifiers For children & adolescents in PSID-CDS:
Links to the NCES Common Core of Data and Private School Survey data on elementary & secondary schools, including: size, location, pupil-teacher ratio, % free lunch, special education information, racial/ethnic distribution, and more For young adults in PSID-TA: Links to the NCES Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System on universities, colleges, vocational training, including: size, location, enrollment, tuition, graduate rates, financial aid, and more

10 PSID Hurricane Katrina Module 2007
555 families interviewed after PSID 2007 Content on Extent of exposure & effect of Katrina, including personal property & business damage, whether anyone they knew was injured/killed, evacuation, rescue/recovery efforts Detailed information on mental health, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance use/dependence/abuse, health service utilization, social support & social networks Why restricted? Combination of geographic information & sensitive content

11 Medicare Claims Nearly 20 yrs of links to claims and benefits data for eligible PSID respondents Links made , and again starting in 2005 through 2009 About 950 respondents are linked so far, or about 65% of those who have been asked for permission Refusers are reasked each wave Data include diagnoses, procedures, service dates Examine predictors of health insurance status, service utilization and cost

12 Requirements for Obtaining Data
Research plan describing appropriate use of the data Approved data protection plan Evidence of IRB review using same standard as for live human subjects Non-refundable processing fee Special requirements for Medicare claims

13 Data Protection Plan Requirements
Standalone, non-networked PC, no automated backups of data, no laptops Locked office, password-protected PC Secured storage of removable data devices No publication or presentation of small cell sizes (i.e., at tract-level or below), including maps

14 Requirements for Medicare Claims
Same requirements as described above, plus: Must be a permanent, full-time, doctoral-level faculty member, and, PI of federal grant OR affiliated with a federally funded Center whose Director and PI agrees to be Co-PI Must enter into a Data Use Agreement with the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare (CMS) Must agree to be subject to random, in-person audits

15 Challenges & Issues Ensuring data protection with new technologies
Increasing access to restricted data while maintaining security Obtaining IRB (or other) guidance for disseminating restricted data

16 Plans for the Future Technological developments in restricted data distribution Centralized system through DSDR/ICPSR with electronic application materials and automated processing Collection of new administrative data Social Security earnings and benefit data? Medicaid data? Development of tools to facilitate analysis Software to provide information about distances between related family members in all waves

17 Sponsors National Science Foundation National Institute on Aging
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development U.S. Department of Agriculture – Economic Research Service Indiana University – Purdue University Center on Philanthropic Studies


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